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NKR agriculture: Achievements, problems, prospects

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  • NKR agriculture: Achievements, problems, prospects

    Azat Artsakh - Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
    April 27, 2004


    Declaring its independence and winning the war, the Republic of
    Nagorni Karabakh faced another difficult problem: restoration of the
    economy of the country adjusting it to the rules of the market
    relationships and achieving tangible results in improving the quality
    of life of the population. DATA ON NEAR PAST: in the Soviet years the
    autonomous region of Nagorni Karabakh was a rather developed agrarian
    region, which supplied raw material. It was developed to such a level
    that was the main supplier of grapes, meat and dairy products to
    Azerbaijan, naturally with a large net of factories of fabrication of
    wine, meat and dairy products. The following are data provided by the
    NKR Ministry of Agriculture. The highest rate of productivity of
    vineyards was reported in 1980 and 1984: 123.2 and 121.2 centners per
    hectare (total volume of harvest was 137 981 tons from 10 954
    hectares; 164 227 tons from 13 600 hectares). The harvest was good in
    1981-1982 as well (116.4 and 113.8 centners per hectare); in 1976,
    1977, 1979 respectively 104.1, 104.8 and 103.4 centners per hectare.
    In the postwar years the highest rate of productivity was reported in
    2000: 42.4 centners per hectare. According to the data of the NKR
    Ministry of Agriculture, in 1985 only through artificial insemination
    97 500 head livestock, 282 100 sheep, 93 600 pigs, 575 000 poultry
    were bred. Against 1985 in 1993 the number of cattle livestock reduced
    by 72 percent, sheep 92 percent, pigs 92 percent; the amount of
    poultry and beehives also reduced steeply. In the same period the
    production of meat dropped 6.7 times, milk 6.4 times, eggs 83 times.
    The situation was comparatively better in the sphere of grain
    production. The success of the past two years are almost close to the
    highest rates of the last years of the Soviet Union; in 2003 about
    85.2 thousand tons of grain was produced in the republic (the
    productivity per hectare was 21.2 centners), and in 1988 107.8
    thousand tons was produced (productivity per hectare was 27.3
    centners). For the government of the newly established republic it was
    clear that the development of the country's economy should be related
    to the development of agriculture. The ministry of agriculture was
    established on the very first days and was meant to work out strategic
    and tactical programs of development of agriculture. LAND FOR THE
    FARMERS: The privatization of land was the first strategic
    agricultural problem in NKR. And again the same problem occurred: is
    the farmer able to work the land alone or is it better to do it
    cooperatively? The problems, which occurred in the process of
    privatization, were and are discussed in the newspapers. In this
    article we wish to speak about the success achieved in the past ten
    years. To know what the possibilities the agricultural ministry are to
    support the farmer and which branches of agriculture will become
    priority, we talked to the NKR minister of agriculture Benik
    According to the NKR minister of agriculture Benik Bakhshiyan,
    privatization of land in Artsakh without the consideration of the
    level of development of the region has become an obstacle for the
    development of the country's agriculture. The situation is that land
    privatization in Artsakh, as well as in entire Armenia, according to
    the minister, was carried out according to the model of Ararat
    valley. This region noted for developed viticulture, vegetable
    orcharding, with a large irrigation system (confer irrigated land of
    Karabakh total 5 percent of the farming land), and what is more
    important, the large consumption market of agricultural products
    capital city Yerevan is near. In Artsakh there is no efficient system
    of irrigation channels, processing factories, in other words
    conditions for formation of stable market. According to the minister,
    it will take Karabakh time to reach the level of Ararat valley. "It
    was not sufficiently studied whether this model of privatization could
    be used in Karabakh. In Soviet years we had well-developed complex
    cattle breeding. During the war and in the postwar years the situation
    changed. If in those times 90 and more percent of products of cattle
    breeding was put to market, now despite the absence of statistical
    data, production of cattle-breeding products does not exceed 50
    percent. Today there are 50 thousand head of cattle. However, almost
    there is no production of fodder. And to develop cattle breeding it is
    necessary to establish production of at least 30 percent at
    home. Mountain sides with growing perennial plants supplied fodder at
    the same time preventing erosion of land. Now these lands are
    seriously endangered as every year these lands are put under crop. And
    all this is the consequence of wrong privatization plan." "KARABAKH
    that the people of Karabakh are lazy. Therefore, there is an opinion
    that there is no local production in the market. According to the
    minister, this opinion is wrong. "Simply our market has not been
    accomplished yet because of the lack of processing factories. The
    farmers in Armenia sell 90 percent of their production at a low price
    to the food factories and the remaining 10 percent sell at higher
    prices in the market. As the Karabakh farmer does not have the
    opportunity of large consumer market, he is compelled to produce as
    much as there is demand in the market. And investing labour for a
    small amount of production is not profitable. As soon as we do not
    have production of tomato paste, local tomatoes will not be cheaper
    from the tomatoes imported from Armenia. This year 7000 tons of grapes
    was produced. This cannot be consumed by the population, but as there
    is already production of vodka and wine, almost the entire harvest is
    sold to the factory." In reference to the question of opening food
    factories the minister said, "The government is not to take such steps
    but through legislation, finance, loaning and tax policies it favours
    development of such productions. There are already facts: factories of
    wine, vodka, dairy products, canned food, flour operate in the
    republic. Although the volumes are not big." CONSOLIDATION OF FARMS
    WILL SOON OR LATE START IN KARABAKH: This is the opinion of the
    minister of agriculture. According to him, production of grain has
    moved to vast territories of liberated regions. This was not done in a
    regulated manner. According to the minister, it would be better for
    the landowners to unite in partnerships and become
    shareholders. Although, on the other hand, the possibilities of each
    of them should not be restricted. In this self-organization of private
    farms the minister ascribes a core function to the local
    governments. According to him, a guarantee for development of
    agriculture is, in his opinion, cooperation of small farmers in larger
    organizations with the principle of common interests. PROGRESS IS
    RATHER QUANTITATIVE THAN QUALITATIVE: People are often heard saying
    that there are no few small and big rivers in Karabakh but the harvest
    of grain suffered from drought. According to the data of the NKR
    Ministry of Agriculture the irrigated land totals 5 percent of farming
    land in the republic. What does the government undertake to expand
    irrigated farming land, to aid the farmer and generally to promote the
    development of agriculture? In answer the minister of agriculture
    said, "for developing the irrigation system of channels large
    investments are required. The financial situation of our country does
    not enable us to solve such problems. Nevertheless, the authorities
    do everything possible to have as much land irrigated as possible. In
    the past ten years the government funded the construction of the
    channels Khachen-Martakert and Khachen -Khramort, repaired old
    channels and artesian springs. Certain privileges were granted to
    those who use land irrigated with artesian waters (14 drams for
    electric power instead 25 drams). Investments are made in the sphere
    of cattle breeding and protection of plants. Loans are granted in
    almost all the branches of agriculture, especially for the development
    of wine-growing. In the past two years the Foundation for Small and
    Medium-size Business attached to the government was established which
    allows to regulate the procedure of loaning. As distinct from the
    previous years the foundation (for subjective and objective reasons
    from 1998-2000 there remains 1.2 US dollars of loans to be repaid)
    provides the loans through the bank, which allows controlling the
    procedure of their repayment. By the way, the bank gives preference to
    those who have the opportunity of mortgaging. It should be mentioned
    that all these actions favoured the growth of gross agricultural
    output. Nevertheless, the progress in the sphere of agriculture is
    rather quantitative than qualitative. Although in the last years
    there was also qualitative progress. I mean in the sphere of
    consolidation of agricultural product producers, development of
    wine-growing, acquirement of new agricultural machinery without which
    it is not possible to expect serious progress in agriculture."
