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CR: Observing the Armenian Genocide - Rep. Holt

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  • CR: Observing the Armenian Genocide - Rep. Holt




    of new jersey

    in the house of representatives

    Wednesday, April 28, 2004

    Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, April 24, 2004 marked the 89th anniversary of
    one of the most harrowing events in modern day history--the beginning
    of the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian community is too familiar with
    the details of this tragedy. They know well the accounts of Armenian
    leaders, writers and professionals in Constantinople that were rounded
    up, deported and killed; the accounts of men, women and children were
    driven into the desert between Terablus and Derzor to die of
    starvation, disease and exposure; and the accounts of families that
    were burned alive in wooden houses or chained together and drowned in
    Lake Van.
    Unfortunately, few outside of the Armenian community know of the
    Armenian Genocide--

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    one of the most awful events in modern history. Many are not aware that
    Ottoman officials expelled millions of Armenians from the homelands
    they had inhabited for over 2,500 years. They are not aware that
    Ottoman officials attempted to exterminate the Armenian race and the
    precedent this event set for the genocides that followed. It is
    distressing that horrors of this magnitude have largely been forgotten.
    Even more disturbing are the governments, institutions, scholars, and
    individuals who deny the enormity of these crimes against humanity. It
    is inconceivable that individuals and governments continue to ignore
    the substantial evidence--including numerous survivor accounts,
    photodocumentaries, and official documents in the archives of the
    United States, Britain, France, Austria, and the Vatican--that prove
    these atrocities took place. It is also frustrating that some
    rationalize these crimes or refuse to recognize this premeditated
    ethnic cleansing as genocide.
    The international community must deal honestly with this senseless
    genocide. World leaders must rise above indifference and the political
    considerations that they have cowered behind. They must unequivocally
    acknowledge the murders of one and a half million Armenians that began
    in 1915 for what it is--genocide. They must use their position to
    reveal the truth and bring attention to this tragedy that has been
    overlooked and brushed aside for too long.
    We all want to forget these horrific tragedies in our history and
    bury them in the past. However, understanding the immeasurable wrongs
    the Armenian people endured--and the mass scale on which they
    occurred--is vital to grasping the impact these events continue to have
    on the stability of the region. It is only through the painful process
    of acknowledging and discussing these horrific events that we can
    prevent similar iniquity in the future.
    We owe full recognition and acceptance of these crimes to the one and
    half million victims of the Armenian Genocide. Anything less is an
    insult to their memory.