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CR: Remembering the Armenian Genocide - Rep. Sherman

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  • CR: Remembering the Armenian Genocide - Rep. Sherman




    of california

    in the house of representatives

    Wednesday, April 28, 2004

    Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I join with my colleagues tonight in somber
    remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. Early in the 20th Century, during
    World War I and its aftermath, the Ottoman Empire attempted the
    complete liquidation of the Armenian population of Eastern Anatolia.
    We must come down to the House floor tonight not only to remember
    this tragic event, but we must also proclaim that the Armenian Genocide
    is an historical fact. There are many who deny that this first genocide
    of the 20th Century actually took place.
    The American ambassador to the Ottoman Empire in 1919 was an
    eyewitness. In his memoirs, he said, ``When the Turkish authorities
    gave the order for these deportations they were merely giving the death
    warrant to an entire race. They understood this well and in their
    conversations with me made no particular attempt to conceal this
    He went on to describe what he saw at the Euphrates River. He said,
    as our eyes and ears in the Ottoman Empire, ``I have by no means told
    the most terrible details, for a complete narration of the sadistic
    orgies of which they, the Armenian men and women, are victims can never
    be printed in an American publication. Whatever crimes the most
    perverted instincts of the human mind can devise, whatever refinements
    of persecution and injustice the most debased imagination can conceive,
    became the daily misfortune of the Armenian people.''
    We can never forget that 8 days before he invaded Poland, Adolf
    Hitler turned to his inner circle and said, ``Who today remembers the
    extermination of the Armenians?'' The impunity with which the Turkish
    government acted in annihilating the Armenian people emboldened Adolf
    Hitler and his inner circle to carry out the Holocaust of the Jewish
    It is time for Turkey to acknowledge this genocide, because only in
    that way can the Turkish government and its people rise above it. The
    German government has been quite forthcoming in acknowledging the
    Holocaust, and in doing so it has at least been respected by the
    peoples of the world for its honesty. Turkey should follow that example
    rather than trying to deny history.
    It is also time--indeed it is far overdue--for our Congress to
    recognize the Armenian Genocide.
    Mr. Speaker, I again call on my colleagues to recognize the Armenian
    Genocide and to urge my fellow Americans to remember this tragic event.