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ASBAREZ Online [04-30-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [04-30-2004]


    1) ANC Capitol Hill Observance Honors Balakian, Canadian Legislator
    2) Elected Officials Express Dismay at US Apathy on Genocide
    3) Chirac: Turkey Not Fit for EU Entry
    4) The Passing of Archbishop Zareh Aznavourian
    5) Genocide Acknowledgement--Bushwhacked Again!

    1) ANC Capitol Hill Observance Honors Balakian, Canadian Legislator


    WASHINGTON, DC--Over 40 Members of Congress joined with several hundred
    Armenian Americans from across the country this week to honor victims and
    survivors of the Armenian Genocide, at the 10th annual ANCA Observance on
    Capitol Hill. Special guests at the Observance included New York Times Best
    Selling author Peter Balakian, who received the ANCA Freedom Award for his
    tireless efforts to document the US humanitarian response to the Armenian
    Genocide in his landmark book, "The Burning Tigris."
    Longtime Canadian Armenian community supporter and champion of the recently
    adopted Armenian Genocide resolution, the Honorable Madeleine Dalphond-Guiral,
    spoke poignantly of worldwide efforts to recognize this crime against
    Senators and Representatives, as well as Congressional staff representing
    100 Congressional offices, were greeted by over 400 community members, many of
    whom travel annually to Washington, DC to attend the Capitol Hill Observance
    and discuss Armenian American concerns with their elected representatives. The
    program was held in the historic Cannon Caucus Room.

    2) Elected Officials Express Dismay at US Apathy on Genocide


    MONTEBELLO--Once again, the Armenian-American community of Montebello and
    surrounding communities observed the anniversary of the 1915 Armenian Genocide
    with an April 23 rally and vigil candlelight at the foot of the Armenian
    Martyrs' Monument, organized by the Armenian National Committee (ANC) of San
    Gabriel Valley (ANC-SGV). This year's message was a collective call to
    political action by the Armenian community. The rally opened with introductory
    remarks by Tamar Sadorian, who then invited the evening's master of
    Serge Samoniantz, to conduct the event.
    Special guest speaker Congresswoman Grace Napolitano (D-34th District)
    one of many public officials who expressed dismay at the US government's
    failure to recognize the Armenian Genocide.
    Napolitano, a staunch supporter of Armenian-American concerns,
    presented a
    keen view of the community's obstacles in having the genocide recognized by
    Bush Administration and the backers of the Turkish deniers. She noted that her
    efforts and those of her colleagues in the Congress would, nevertheless,
    continue until justice is served to the Armenian people.
    Introduced by San Gabriel Valley ANC member Jack Hadjinian, Montebello
    Mayor Norma Reid-Lopez presented a proclamation from the City of Montebello
    unanimously declaring April 24 a Day of Remembrances for the Victims of the
    Armenian Genocide.
    Special assistant to Sheriff Lee, Baca Captain Gary A. Nalbandian,
    representing Baca, presented plaque from the LA County Sheriff's Department.
    Nalbandian closed his remarks with a rousing Armenian remark: "Struggle until
    Speaking on behalf of the youth, Mesrobian Armenian School Associated
    Body officer and Montebello AYF member Angie Achikian, conveyed willingness to
    take on the torch from the older generation and continue until final success.
    Emcee Serge Samoniantz recognized the public officials present, including
    Montebello City Council members Bob Bagwell, and Bill Molinari, as well as
    Police Chief Gary Couso-Vasquez, Gil Cedillo Jr., from Assemblyman Ron
    Calderon's (D-58th) office, and Greg Martayan, a former LA City Commissioner,
    who is running for a Los Angeles City Council seat in the San Fernando Valley.
    Also attending were ARF Western Region Central Committee chairman Hovig
    ARF Dro Gomideh chairman Sako Sassounian, and Armenian Mesrobian School
    principal Hilda Saliba.
    Before introducing the final speaker, Samoniantz announced the arrival of
    the Homenetmen Western Region Scouts who had marched from Pasadena, a distance
    of about eight miles, to pay their respects to the genocide victims, with a
    candlelight procession.
    San Gabriel Valley ANC Chairman Seto Boyajian, delivered the keynote
    address recounting steps taken by the Armenian community to advance
    of the Armenian Genocide in the United States. He assailed Pres. Bush's
    inability to come to terms with the Armenian Genocide and his unwillingness to
    properly characterize the 1915 events as Genocide in his annual April 24
    statement, emphasizing Democratic Presidential hopeful Sen. Kohn Kerry's
    lengthy and meaningful message calling for the international recognition of
    The program concluded with the traditional distribution of candles to the
    audience, the candlelit gathering around the monument plaque, and the solemn
    Requiem Service conducted by the clergy of the Holy Cross Cathedral.

    3) Chirac: Turkey Not Fit for EU Entry

    PARIS (AP/Zaman)--Turkey's aspirations to be the first Muslim-majority member
    of the European Union took a hit Thursday when French President Jacques Chirac
    said Ankara most likely will not meet the bloc's conditions for another 10-15
    Speaking at his first full-fledged news conference in six years, Chirac also
    said the upcoming transfer of power in Iraq must be "unambiguous" and the
    US-led occupation authorities must cede complete control to an Iraqi
    The French president said Turkey needed to improve its human rights record
    reform its justice system before being considered for EU membership.
    "Is Turkey's entry possible today? I say 'No,'" he said.
    But Turkey could become a member "in the perspective of 10-to-15 years,"
    Chirac said. "My conviction is that it is in the long term."
    Asked whether the recognition of the Armenian genocide would be taken as a
    precondition for Turkey's EU membership, Chirac said it was an issue between
    Turkey and Armenia.
    Turkey, located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia and a part of NATO since
    1952, is hoping to begin talks next year on joining the EU. Ten new members
    joining the 15-nation union on Saturday.
    A Turkish Foreign Ministry official said on condition of anonymity that
    accepted Chirac's comments but still hoped the EU would open membership talks
    in 2005.
    "Negotiations are one thing, and membership is another," the official said.
    "Chirac was speaking about the long term. There's nothing new about what he
    Chirac's news conference came weeks after Foreign Minister Michel Barnier
    parliament that France would oppose Turkey's entry.
    The European Commission in November noted Turkey's "significant progress" in
    meeting the EU's conditions, but said more needed to be done.

    4) The Passing of Archbishop Zareh Aznavourian

    His Eminence Archbishop Zareh Aznavourian died on Friday, in Lebanon, at 57
    years of age.
    Archbishop Zareh faithfully served the Armenian Apostolic Church as an
    ordained celibate priest for 38 years, most of which was spent at the
    Catholicosate of the Holy See of Cilicia in Antelias, Lebanon; he spent two
    years in Rome pursuing a higher education, and three years as the Prelate of
    Archbishop Zareh was an eminent teacher at the Cilician See's Theological
    Seminary. He was a noted composer of both religious and secular music, a
    scholar, a Biblical translator, and an author of textbooks and
    commentaries. He
    was considered one of the most noted Biblical scholars within the Armenian
    The Extreme Unction will take place during the Divine Liturgy service at the
    Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator in Antelias, on Monday, May 3.
    Interment will follow in the Mausoleum of the Holy See of Cilicia.
    Requiem Services will take place in all Prelacy churches on Sunday, May 2.

    5) Genocide Acknowledgement--Bushwacked Again!

    "There's an old saying in TennesseeI know it's in Texas, probably in
    Tennesseethat says, fool me once, shame onshame on you. Fool meyou can't get
    fooled again."
    --George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002.

    Another anniversary of the Armenian Genocide passed last week, and Armenians
    were presented another impotent statement by the Bush administration omitting
    the word "genocide." After reading the recent articles on all Genocide
    reaffirmation-related news this last week, I remembered the above quote from
    President Bush which pretty much sums up how I feel. Come November, when I
    my vote for the candidate opposing President Bush, I'm going to write the
    House a letter referencing this "old saying in Tennessee."
    It's been four years since President Bush promised to properly acknowledge
    Armenian Genocide in a statement as candidate for the nation's highest office
    and after being elected, became afflicted with severe selective memory loss
    (Weapons of Mass Destruction, Service in the Air National Guard, the Armenian
    Genocide, etc). I didn't expect much from someone who had a "C" average
    throughout college, but I also expected that four years would be enough
    time to
    cram for the Genocide final. It seems as though he still doesn't get it. But
    what's worse is that some Armenian-Americans still don't get it either. And
    even worse than that? There's one group out there, the Armenian Assembly of
    America (AAA) who not only is supposed to get it, but is also supposed to go
    after it and pursue it. ("Supposed to" is the operative term here).
    My favorite article was the one issued by the AAA which stated that the AAA
    "…expressed surprise and disappointment in President Bush's statement…which
    used language to clearly define the events but once again stopped short of
    using the word genocide." In 2001, when President Bush didn't use the word
    "genocide," the AAA expressed "regret and disappointment." In 2002, the AAA
    praised the President for his toothless statement by saying that by using the
    word "murder" he invoked the same words as US Ambassador to the Ottoman
    Henry Morgenthau, Sr. I guess since I use the words "the" and "and" I'm
    invoking such greats as Shakespeare and Hemingway in my writing.
    I tried to find out what the AAA reaction was to the President's statement in
    2003, but there were no press releases posted on their website for April 24 of
    that year ( Fortunately, the Armenian National Committee of
    America had a press release and the statement posted on their site
    ( I had forgotten what a doozy the 2003 statement was. The
    President referred to the genocide as the "great calamity" and get this…
    saluted "our wise and bold friends from Armenia and Turkey who are coming
    together in a spirit of reconciliation to consider these events and their
    significance." (Skeptik looks pensive and rubs chin--MAJOR SARCASM ALERT IN
    5…4…3…2…) So, that's where our friend's at the AAA were in 2003? They were
    coming together to reconcile our "differences" with the murdering, lying,
    sneaky, fraudulent government of Turkey who is responsible for murdering my
    ancestors and then denying the crime. And I thought they were up to no good.
    Well, I guess it's fine that they didn't issue a press release in 2003 and we
    can all rest better knowing these guys are looking out for us.
    Am I going to only pick on the AAA, you ask? How about we make a deal? When
    you have your own column, you can do whatever you want! As far as the AAA is
    concerned, I can't honestly believe that in 2004, after being used and abused
    for four years, after they praised the President's 2002 statement and didn't
    issue one in 2003, that they were genuinely "surprised." They must think that
    either we're idiots or that we will understand and have pity on them for being
    idiots. I have some advice for the AAA that may console them seeing as to how
    shocked and surprised they must be by Bush's statement--There's an old saying
    in that state of Tennessee which recently acknowledged the Armenian Genocide
    for the first time. Yup, there's a saying there--I don't think they have the
    same saying in Turkey or in Texas--but it says "Fool me once, shame on you.
    Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on me for sticking
    around, and fool me four times, its no surprise!"

    Skeptik Sinikian is not a psychiatrist nor a licensed therapist but offers
    clinics to help Armenian organizations cope with dikephobia (fear of justice)
    and ideophobia (fear of ideas). If you would like to "surprise" Skeptik, write
    to him at [email protected].

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