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Aliyev calls for gradual settlement of conflict with Armenia

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  • Aliyev calls for gradual settlement of conflict with Armenia

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    April 29, 2004 Thursday

    Aliyev calls for gradual settlement of conflict with Armenia

    By Yuri Ulyanovsky


    Azerbaijani President Ilkham Aliyev favoured the settlement of the
    conflict with Armenia on a gradual basis.

    The first step is "to withdraw Armenian troops from the seven
    districts of Azerbaijan" that are not part of Nagorno-Karabakh,
    Aliyev said.

    Speaking at the PACE spring session on Thursday, the Azerbaijani
    president said this initiative has become an important step towards
    strengthening trust. This idea has been discussed by Europarliament
    and other European structures and supported by them, he added.

    "It is inadmissible when one of the Council of Europe countries is
    occupying part of another country, which is also a CE member. Armenia
    will win nothing neither in an economic nor moral aspect. This only
    can infringe upon Armenia's prestige at the international arena. I
    believe that Armenian leaders are beginning to understand this," the
    Azerbaijani leader stressed.

    At the same time, Aliyev pointed out that Azerbaijan will never agree
    to develop economic cooperation with Armenia till Armenian troops are
    not withdrawn from these districts. "Azerbaijan cannot cooperate with
    a country that occupies part of its territories," Aliyev emphasised.