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Dallakian: Power Change is Inevitable

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  • Dallakian: Power Change is Inevitable

    A1 Plus | 16:37:10 | 30-04-2004 | Politics |


    "Justice" Bloc Secretary Viktor Dallaqyan called the formula PACE
    approved on the political situation in Armenia as a slap in the face
    of the Armenian Authorities.

    He in details introduced the formula and the wordings there, which
    were exceptionally criticism to the behavior of Authorities and called
    upon Opposition "to achieve its goals through Constitutional way". It
    is the demand of both PACE and Opposition

    Viktor Dallaqyan drew the attention to the fact that Constitutional
    Court decisions are beyond discussion and must be implemented
    irrespective of Coalition assertion that the suggestion for Trust
    Referendum is anti-constitutional.

    "To lessen the social resistance Constitutional Court has made a
    decision to bring the Law on Referendum in correspondence with the 2nd
    article of Constitution and to conduct a Trust Referendum. No matter
    when but it must be held", Dallaqyan says.

    We asked Dallaqyan if he was sure that the Trust Referendum would be
    conducted fairly under the conditions of the present Authorities and
    the key factors they possessed. Dallaqyan said if the Authorities
    hoped to be able to falsify the results they would discuss it in
    Parliament. He said Authorities know as soon as the bill is passed at
    the first stage, their time is over.

    Dallaqyan referred to the scripts for power change:

    1/ Through Trust Referendum 2/Through launching the impeachment
    process in Parliament 3/ Through holding meetings, rallies and marches
    4/ Through the Armenian version