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UCLA: Visitors bureau rolls out red carpet

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  • UCLA: Visitors bureau rolls out red carpet

    UCLA Today
    APRIL 28, 2004

    Welcoming 800 international guests annually
    Visitors bureau rolls out red carpet

    UCLA Today Staff

    Gohar Grigorian stands at the ready as a charter bus rolls to a stop
    at UCLA's Westholme entrance. She is straight-backed, dark-suited and
    nicely coiffed, with a cell phone clipped to her waist and a stack of
    documents in the crook of her arm.

    The bus is carrying a delegation of 11 Europeans who are meeting with
    UCLA administrators and academics as part of a U.S. State
    Department-sponsored visit to America. The passengers alight, among
    them a police officer from Norway, a German politician and a
    journalist from Bosnia-Herzegovina. Grigorian welcomes each with a
    wide, warm smile and a `Hello, I'm Gohar, so nice to meet you.'

    Grigorian knows better than most that you don't get a second chance to
    make a first impression. For the past decade, she has worked for
    UCLA's International Visitors Bureau, which each year brings more than
    800 international guests to campus, eager to forge bonds with
    professional counterparts and to learn about America from the vantage
    point of one of its most storied academic institutions.

    Recent visitors have spanned the globe, ranging from Afghan judges
    learning about U.S. jurisprudence and Tunisian opposition politicians
    studying grassroots democracy to Italian Ambassador Sergio Vento, who
    took in the Young Research Library's collection of works by the
    Italian Renaissance book printer Aldus Manuzio.

    `If they're in Los Angeles, they usually want to come to UCLA,' said
    Grigorian, the program officer for the visitors bureau since 2002. The
    bureau traces its history to 1966, when it was part of the
    now-disbanded UCLA Visitors Center. The bureau later moved to Special
    Events and Protocol and in 2001 became part of the International

    As UCLA's unofficial hostess, Grigorian makes sure that visitors get
    face time with a faculty member or administrator in their area of
    specialization. The European delegation, for example, was interested
    in diversity, so Grigorian arranged a meeting with a leading campus
    expert on that subject, Assistant Vice Chancellor Thomas
    E. Lifka. From a small office on the 11th floor of Bunche Hall, she
    works the phones, arranging the tiniest details, down to side dishes
    on the lunch menu. Her only staff is a part-time student assistant.

    `Gohar does an excellent job,' said Napah Phyakul Quach, director of
    exchange programs for the International Visitors Council of Los
    Angeles, with which Grigorian works closely.

    The protocol business is laden with land mines, but Grigorian has so
    far managed to sidestep them. She keeps a book on multicultural
    manners nearby and is a keen reader of body language who can `tell if
    someone is going to shake my hand or not.' For Muslim visitors who are
    so inclined, she sets aside prayer time. When picking a menu, she
    usually bypasses meat and poultry in favor of salmon.

    Snafus are inevitable, though. When a professor couldn't meet with a
    delegation at the last minute, she frantically knocked on faculty
    doors until she found someone who agreed to substitute. `The visitors
    didn't even notice what happened,' she said.

    But Grigorian's hard work hasn't gone unnoticed. In February, UCLA's
    work promoting citizen diplomacy won the bureau a commendation from
    the State Department, which each year brings thousands of
    international visitors to the United States for professional exchanges
    and study.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress