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BAKU: US co-chair calls on Baku to compromise

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  • BAKU: US co-chair calls on Baku to compromise

    AzerNews, Azerbaijan
    April 29 2004

    US co-chair calls on Baku to compromise

    The Azerbaijani public was disappointed by the results of the
    meetings of Steven Mann, the newly-appointed US co-chair of the OSCE
    Minsk Group, who paid a visit to Baku on April 22-23, with President
    Ilham Aliyev and the foreign and defense ministers.The public can't
    understand why

    Mann called on Baku to compromise with Yerevan. What should
    Azerbaijan compromise amidst Armenia's intention to annex Upper
    Garabagh? Such feelings and the demands for President Robert
    Kocharian's resignation in Armenia on the eve of a meeting between
    Aliyev and Kocharian - scheduled to be held on Wednesday are unlikely
    to facilitate positive results.

    Defense Minister rejects Mann's proposal
    In a meeting with Azerbaijani Defense Minister Safar Abiyev, Mann
    said it is necessary that Azerbaijan make concessions with regard to
    the peaceful settlement of the Upper Garabagh conflict. "If the
    conflict settlement takes many years, Azerbaijan and Armenia will
    face new problems. The parties therefore should start a dialogue and
    stand by it", Mann said. Abiyev, in turn, said a double standard
    approach on the issue is unacceptable, that Armenia is an aggressor
    and must be held accountable. Referring to Yugoslavia and Iraq, two
    countries that faced military action, Abiyev said that military
    action has not been launched against Armenia even though there is
    proper legal framework for this. Mann mentioned that Armenia and
    Azerbaijan have made a commitment to settle the Upper Garabagh
    conflict peacefully and the US supports mutually-acceptable
    concessions by both parties to the conf lict. Abiyev replied that
    Azerbaijan will make no concessions, the Defense Ministry reported on

    Presidential meeting
    During a Thursday meeting between the President and the US diplomat,
    Aliyev said that Mann is well-known in Azerbaijan as he had
    participated in a number of large-scale projects in Azerbaijan and
    wished him success in his new position. Touching upon the conflict
    over Upper Garabagh, Aliyev stressed that Upper Garabagh and seven
    Azerbaijani districts had been under the Armenian occupation for many
    years and that Azerbaijan demanded that Armenian aggression be
    stopped and its territorial integrity restored. He added that the
    OSCE Minsk Group should step up its efforts to resolve the conflict.

    US for fair settlement of Garabagh conflict?
    Mann, in his turn, said he was pleased to have the opportunity to
    visit Baku and meet with the Azerbaijani leader and mentioned the
    opening ceremony of the East-West corridor foundation, which gave an
    incentive to a number of energy projects. With regard to the Upper
    Garabagh conflict, Mann said the U.S. government had put new tasks
    before him and that he was keen to accomplish them. He mentioned that
    this was his first visit to the region in his new capacity. The US
    diplomat stated that the goal of his government was to work with the
    parties in the conflict on a fair settlement and that it would
    support an agreement reached by the two sides.

    At a media briefing, Mann confirmed that he has discussed in Yerevan
    and Baku the possibility of a meeting between the Armenian and
    Azerbaijani Presidents. He dodged the question about possible
    compromises to be made by both sides and said the negotiations "have
    not reached this stage yet". He also confirmed that besides his
    position as OSCE Minsk Group co-chair, he will remain the special
    envoy on Caspian energy issues. Before arriving in Baku, Mann visited
    Yerevan to discuss with the Armenian President, Ministers of Foreign
    Affairs and Defense prospects for the conflict settlement. In his
    meetings Mann said, "the peaceful settlement of the Upper Garabagh
    conflict within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group is based on US
    national interests". Mann stated that he intends to visit Upper
    Garabagh but did not specify the date for his visit. At the same time
    he said he had a "planned" meeting in Garabagh with the so-called
    "Garabagh Foreign Minister" Ashot Gulian. The US diplomat visited
    Armenia for the first time in 1978 as a representative of the US
    embassy in the USSR. In 1992, he opened the first US diplomatic
    representation in Armenia and held the position of the first US
    charge d'affairs in Yerevan. In May 2001, Mann was appointed the US
    President's special envoy on Caspian energy issues.

    Can Mann break the deadlock?
    It appears that Mann's new mandate as an OSCE MG co-chair is not
    limited to Upper Garabagh. He also holds the position of US
    President's special envoy on Eurasia conflicts. It is not by mere
    chance that he traveled from Yerevan to Baku through Tbilisi. Mann's
    mission targets settlement of conflicts in the entire South Caucasus
    region which impede speedy US political and military deployment in
    the region, notably, the Garabagh conflict and the Abkhaz conflict in
    Georgia. Also, the US diplomat is probably also responsible for
    keeping the situation in Ajaria under control. Therefore, unlike his
    predecessors whose mission was limited to the OSCE MG, Mann has vast
    credentials enabling him to swiftly respond to the situation. This
    means that he is authorized to act according to his mandate just like
    Strobe Talbott, who nearly convinced the Presidents of Azerbaijan and
    Armenia to sign a peace accord, without consulting other OSCE MG
    co-chairs. Therefore, Mann will not be required to coordinate his
    visits to the region with the French or the Russian MG co-chairs.
    Nonetheless, Mann should keep in mind the failure of Talbott's
    "shuttle mission" on the conflict settlement. Before leaving Yerevan,
    Talbott, after discussing the terms for the upcoming peace accord,
    reportedly joined the Armenian government officials in a toast for a
    successful completion of the talks. It turned out it was too early to
    celebrate. The American diplomacy failed to outwit Russian secret
    service agents, who acted fast, without waiting for the conflict to
    be settled. Before Talbott left Yerevan, a terrorist act was
    committed in the Armenian parliament building, killing prime minister
    Vazgen Sarkissian, speaker Karen Demirchian and several cabinet
    ministers. After the incident, it was nearly impossible to expect
    Kocharian to sign a peace accord, even if it was most suitable for

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress