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CR: Rep Maloney memorializes The Armenian Genocide

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  • CR: Rep Maloney memorializes The Armenian Genocide

    [Congressional Record: April 27, 2004 (Extensions)]
    [Page E667-E668]
    >From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access []




    of new york

    in the house of representatives

    Tuesday, April 27, 2004

    Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, as a proud member of the Congressional
    Caucus on Armenian Issues, and the representative of a large and
    vibrant community of Armenian Americans, I rise today to join my
    colleagues in the sad commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.
    Today, we continue the crusade to ensure that this tragedy is never
    forgotten. This 89th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide is an
    emotional time. The loss of life experienced by so many families is
    devastating. But, in the face of the systematic slaughter of 1.5
    million people, the Armenian community has persevered with a vision of
    life and freedom.
    Armenian Americans are representative of the resolve, bravery, and
    strength of spirit that is so characteristic of Armenians around the
    world. That strength carried them through humanity's worst: Upheaval
    from a homeland of 3,000 years, massacre of kin, and deportation to
    foreign lands. That same strength gathers Armenians around the world to
    make certain that this tragedy is never forgotten.
    Without recognition and remembrance, this atrocity remains a threat
    to nations around the world. I've often quoted philosopher George
    Santayana who said: ``Those who do not remember the past are condemned
    to repeat it.'' And to remember, we must first acknowledge what it is--
    Tragically, more than 1.5 million Armenians were systematically
    murdered at the hands of the Young Turks. More than 500,000 were
    deported. It was brutal. It was deliberate. It was an organized
    campaign and it lasted more than 8 years. We must make certain that we
    Now, we must ensure that the world recognizes that Armenian people
    have remembered, and they have survived and thrived.
    Out of the crumbling Soviet Union, the Republic of Armenia was born,
    and independence was gained. But, independence has not ended the
    To this day, the Turkish government denies that genocide of the
    Armenian people occurred and denies its own responsibility for the
    deaths of 1.5 million people.
    In response to this revisionist history, the Republic of France
    passed legislation that set the moral standard for the international
    community. The French National Assembly unanimously passed a bill that
    officially recognizes the massacre of 1.5 million Armenians in Turkey
    during and after WWI as genocide.
    Several nations have since joined in the belief that history should
    beset straight. Canada, Argentina, Belgium, Lebanon, The Vatican,
    Uruguay, the European parliament, Russia, Greece, Sweden and France,
    have authored declarations or decisions confirming that the genocide
    occurred. As a country, we must join these nations in recognition of
    this atrocity.

    [[Page E668]]

    I am proud to join more than 100 of my colleagues in cosponsoring H.
    Res. 193, which emphasizes the importance of remembering and learning
    from past crimes against humanity. We must demand that the United
    States officially acknowledge the forced exile and annihilation of 1.5
    million people as genocide.
    Denying the horrors of those years merely condones the behavior in
    other places as was evidenced in Rwanda, Indonesia, Burundi, Sri Lanka,
    Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Iraq. Silence may have been the
    signal to perpetrators of these atrocities that they could commit
    genocide, deny it, and get away with it.
    As Americans, the reminder of targeted violence and mass slaughter is
    still raw. We lost nearly 3,000 people on September 11. I cannot
    imagine the world trying to say that this did not occur. The loss of
    1.5 million people is a global tragedy.
    A peaceful and stable South Caucasus region is clearly in the U.S.
    national interest. Recognizing the genocide must be a strategy for this
    goal in an increasingly uncertain region. One of the most important
    ways in which we an honor the memory of the Armenian victims of the
    past is to help modern Armenia build a secure and prosperous future.
    The United States has a unique history of aid to Armenia, being among
    the first to recognize that need, and the first to help. I am pleased
    with the U.S. involvement in the emphasis of private sector
    development, regionally focused programs, people-to-people linkages and
    the development of a civil society.
    I recently joined many of my colleagues in requesting funding for
    Armenia including for Foreign Military Financing, for Economic Support
    Funds, and for assistance to Nagorno-Karabakh.
    Armenia has made impressive progress in rebuilding a society and a
    nation in the face of dramatic obstacles. I will continue to take a
    strong stand in support of Armenia's commitment to democracy, the rule
    of law, and a market economy--I am proud to stand with Armenia in doing
    so. But there is more to be done. Conflict persists in the Nagorno-
    Karabakh region.
    Congress has provided funding for confidence building in that region,
    and I will continue my support of that funding and the move toward a
    brighter future for Armenia. But in building our future, we must not
    forget our past. That is why I strongly support the efforts of the
    Armenian community in the construction of the Armenian Genocide
    Memorial and Museum. Because so many Armenians have spoken of the
    destruction, they have made certain that we remember.
    Nothing we can do or say will bring those who perished back to life,
    but we can imbue their memories with everlasting meaning by teaching
    the lessons of the Armenian genocide to the next generation and help
    Armenia build its future.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress