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Consolidation is the alternative

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  • Consolidation is the alternative

    Azat Artsakh - Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
    April 28, 2004


    According to the minister of agriculture B. Bakhshiyan, the progress
    in the sphere of agriculture is rather quantitative than qualitative.
    Then why is the progress so slow despite the fact that there are no
    problems in the legislative sphere, and everything is done to promote
    the development of agriculture? The actuality, however, arouses
    anxiety. To find out the opinion and approach of the legislators in
    reference to the problems and development rates of the sphere of
    agriculture we talked to the chairman of the permanent committee of
    industry and industrial infrastructures of NKR National Assembly Kamo
    Barseghian. - Mr. Barseghian, what is your evaluation of the situation
    in the sphere of agriculture? What is, in your opinion, the reason for
    slow rates of development of NKR agriculture? - Of course, the
    collapse of the Union was followed by inevitable consequences,
    moreover, it was necessary to adjust to the new production
    relationships, which by the way, went on through great difficulties.
    Naturally we could not have advanced by the former rates of
    production, especially after the war. The rates of reproduction also
    had dropped. Being separated from the Soviet Union, then Russia,
    adopting the line of independence, we were to access the international
    market where our products were inferior in quality. According to the
    new economic relationships privatization was to become the strategic
    issue. However, the implementation of privatization was carried out,
    in my opinion, from a wrong standpoint. Privatization should be
    started with shops and then only proceed to the sphere of
    agriculture. What is more, the agricultural machinery should not have
    been included in the process. In other words, privatization should
    have been implemented stage by stage. And what happened in reality?
    Mistakes were made in the very beginning, and those were rather
    serious mistakes. - Could you enumerate them? Not could but I should
    enumerate them. Starting with consumption cooperatives. I want to
    emphasize that the consumption cooperatives had been established even
    before the revolution. In the Soviet years these cooperatives were not
    modified and remained as cooperative property. In our times it is only
    in NKR (in Armenia HayCoop still operates) that the consumption
    cooperatives, on a vague basis, were announced as state property, then
    privatized and the receipts were directed at filling the budget
    gap. The next mistake was that the whole population of Karabakh
    profited from privatization except for the inhabitants of
    Stepanakert. The whole population of the villages and regional centers
    received farming land 6000 square meter or 0.6 hectare. The
    inhabitants of Stepanakert who worked all their lives in factories
    received only living area. The general dissolution of collective farms
    should have been prevented. The agricultural machinery should not have
    been dissolved as neither Armenia, nor Karabakh produce
    machines. Living in blockade for a long time we were to use the
    machines which we inherited from the Soviet rule. And we took and
    privatized the machinery. There were very few owners who could afford
    to repair the machines. These are used intensively, and the new ones
    are not available for the ordinary land farmer. Therefore machines
    are dispersed and in a bad condition. And it is impossible to consider
    seriously the development of agriculture without agricultural machines
    and modern ones. - During this session the National Assembly adopted
    land, forest and water codes, the laws "On Seed Farming" (which has
    not been passed in Armenia yet), "On Tax on Land", "On Nature
    Preservation", "On Flora", "On Fauna" etc. there is an intention to
    present to the National Assembly the bill "On Hypothec". There are
    laws, now it is the turn of the executive to bring them in effect. -
    Certain progress was achieved in agriculture in the recent years,
    especially in the sphere of production of grain. - Yes, there is
    certain success. But only with the large landowners. It is a fact
    that without consolidation agriculture does not have serious
    possibilities for development. The only way out from the situation is
    consolidation of private farms and cooperation. Otherwise the
    government will have to aid farmers permanently by granting low
    interest long-term loans and sell the new acquired agricultural
    machines though hypothec. In recent years Armenia has started the
    import of new machines, naturally at the current high prices. Is an
    ordinary farmer (supporting a family of five members) who has in
    average 3 hectares of land, able to buy any new machine? And such
    farmers are very many in our country. Either the government should aid
    them to buy machines through the hypothec method, or as I mentioned,
    they have to join efforts and means. If we have successful farmers, we
    will be a developing country. And being an agrarian country we must
    have a state strategic program of development of agriculture.
