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European economic summit discusses effects of EU enlargement

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  • European economic summit discusses effects of EU enlargement

    ITAR-TASS, Russia
    April 28 2004

    European economic summit discusses effects of EU enlargement

    WARSAW, April 28 (Itar-Tass) - The European economic summit 2004,
    organized in Davos by the World Economic Forum as its regional
    gathering, has opened in Warsaw.

    The summit with the motto `Europe - Enlargement and Beyond' is
    devoted to the current challenges that the European Union faces:
    economic, political, constitutional and cultural that will result
    from the enlargement of the Union on May 1, when ten Central and East
    European countries are to become its members.

    Around 700 participants, representing the economic and political
    elites of 45 nations, including the presidents, premiers and
    ministers from 31 countries, are to hold 40 roundtable discussions,
    plenary sessions and workshops that will center around the impact of
    an expanded union on the European business and its competitiveness,
    enlargement of Europe's single currency zone, new demands of European
    consumers, the development of financial markets and transatlantic

    The Wednesday plenary session is dealing with `Europe: Hopes and
    Concerns'. As regards the roundtable discussions, they will focus on
    relations between Europe and Russia, the developments in the
    Caucasus, South-East Europe and Turkey.

    Russia has delegated to the summit President Vladimir Putin's special
    spokesman on the development of relations with the European Union
    Sergey Yastrzhembsky and a group of politicians and business leaders.

    President Aleksander Kwasniewski, Premier Leszek Miller, Foreign
    Minister Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz and Minister of the economy, labor
    and social policy Jerzy Hausner represent Poland.

    Some other high-rank participants are Azerbaijani President Ilham
    Aliyev, Malta's Prime Minister Tonio Berg, Lithuanian Prime Minister
    Algirdas Brazauskas, Romanian President Ion Iliescu, Armenian
    President Robert Kocharian, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma,
    President Svetozar Marovic of Serbia and Montenegro, German President
    Johannes Rau, Georgian President Mikhai Saakashvili, Slovak President
    Rudolf Schuster, and Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin.

    An alternative economic forum is planned at the time of the European
    Economic Summit to discuss the negative impact of transnational
    corporations on the world community, global environment and national
    cultures. Polish anarchists, green movement activists and radical
    youth organizations are expected to take part in the alternative
    events along with Polish alterglobalists who will criticize current
    economic trends and propose radical alternatives to them.

    The protesters are acting beyond the boundaries of the security zone
    around the building in which the European Economic Summit is working.
    Their main demonstration calling for an end to globalization of
    exploitation, poverty and war is scheduled for Thursday, April 29,
    and although its organizers declare that the action will be peaceful,
    police prepares tough security measures. Armored vehicle-mounted
    water canons have already been placed at the Sofitel Victoria Hotel.

    No excesses have been registered so far, a Warsaw police source said.
    But the center of Warsaw is unusually quiet and empty. The shutters
    are down in the windows of shops and cafes, as well as of ground
    floor and first-floor apartments, in central Warsaw.