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Crimes rose 4.5% in First half of 2004

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  • Crimes rose 4.5% in First half of 2004


    YEREVAN, August 5 (Noyan Tapan). In the first half of this year the RA
    Police fulfilled the problems put before it: stable public order and
    rule was preserved, the operative situation was completely controlled
    in the republic owing to the arrangements undertaken within the
    framework of the authorities reserved by the law. It is reported in
    the document on the results of the operative and official activities
    of the RA Police Services and Territorial Bodies during the first half
    of 2004. According to the document, 5,351 cases of crimes were
    registered in the republic in the first half of 2004 as against 5,120
    cases of the same period of last year, growth made 4.5%, or 231
    cases. The number of crimes fallen on 10,000 residents made 16.7% in
    the republic. It should be mentioned for comparison that this index
    made 148% in Moldova, 98% in Russia, 80% in Belorussia, 57% in
    Ukraine, 48% in Kazakhstan. In the general structure of crimes the
    number of crimes committed against the people considerably increased
    (13.8%-14%), as well as crimes committed against the public order and
    security, health of people (14.2%-16%), property (39.1%-40.7%), crimes
    committed against the economic activities (1.4%-2.8%). The share of
    crimes committed against the state power, service and government order
    decreased (26.2%-25.6%). According to the document, the process of
    the disclosure of weapon and armament illegally kept by the population
    and the process of voluntary yield became more active: 160 cases of
    preparation of weapon and armament and illegal circulation were
    disclosed during the period under review, which exceeds by 11.9%, or
    17 cases, the index of the same period of last year. The indices of
    struggle against illegal circulation of drugs also considerably
    improved: 229 cases of crimes connected with drugs were disclosed in
    the first half of 2004 as against 137 cases of the same period of last
    year. As of the end of the first half of 2004, 2,585 transport means
    imported to Armenia were checked-up in the issue of struggle against
    the illegal circulation of transport means illegally obtained and
    stolen in the foreign countries. 24 cars which are under international
    investigation and seven cars (with re-pasted numbers of separate
    aggregates) were disclosed as a result of these check-ups. 513
    motor-transport accidents were registered in the territory of the
    republic during the period under review, 97 people died and 672 people
    received bodily injuries as a result of these accidents. The number of
    cases increased by 151, or 41.7%, in comparison with the same period
    of last year, and the number of victims increased by 9, the number of
    casualties increased by 210 people. In the first half of 2004 the
    number of people called to criminal account increased by 1.9% as
    against 3,098 of the same period of last year and made 3,158. 665, or
    21.1%, of people called to criminal account had previous
    convictions. Stable share fell on women (6.8%, or 216) among the
    people who were called to criminal account. In the first half of 2004
    the number of minors among the people called to criminal account made
    6.1% as against 6.3% of the same period of last year. The number of
    crimes committed by minors also decreased by 15.9% and made 296 cases
    as against 352 of the same period of last year. According to the
    document of the RA Police, a 83.5% and 82.6% growth of the indices of
    the disclosing of crimes registered on the line of general, as well as
    criminal investigation was considered, respectively, during the period
    under review (as against 83% and 80.8% of the same period of last
    year). In the first half of 2004, 80.4% of especially grave crimes and
    79.6% of grave crimes registered in the republic was dislosed. During
    the indicated period material damage of 520.3 mln drams (about 946,000
    dollars) was caused to the state by the completed criminal cases in
    the staff of the police, as well as public organizations. 76.8% of
    this sum was restored as against 51% of the same period of last year.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress