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BAKU: Azeri, Armenia sociologists conduct jt. opinion poll on peace

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  • BAKU: Azeri, Armenia sociologists conduct jt. opinion poll on peace

    Azeri, Armenian sociologists conduct joint opinion poll on peace

    Ekho, Baku
    30 Jul 04

    Text of E. Huseynzada report by Azerbaijani newspaper Ekho on 30 July
    headlined "95 per cent of Azerbaijani and Armenian citizens want
    peace" and subheaded "This is the result of joint opinion poll
    conducted in two countries":

    The citizens of Azerbaijan and Armenia are ready for inter-ethnic
    peace. The results of the opinion poll that was conducted in the two
    conflicting countries testify to this. The absolute majority of
    respondents on both sides, 95 per cent, said that they were for peace
    when answering the questions.

    A press conference was held in Tbilisi to announce the results of the
    opinion poll that was conducted by the Millennium Association for
    Education and Research from Armenia and the Azerbaijani Sociological
    Association. It was said at the press conference that the opinion poll
    was conducted in the two countries for two months, and 2,400
    respondents took part in the survey. In each country, 1,000
    respondents from different towns participated. In addition, there were
    200 Armenians who reside on the occupied territories in Karabakh and
    200 Azeri internally displaced people from Karabakh among the

    The project was funded by the US-based American University Centre for
    Global Peace. University of Texas Department of Sociology Professor
    Jeffrey Halley, representative of the university, noted that he was
    very surprised by the fact that the both sides of the conflict have so
    many things in common. "When asked whether the re-establishment of
    relations between the Azeris and the Armenians was desirable, 97 per
    cent of Armenian respondents and 93.2 per cent of Azerbaijani
    respondents replied in the affirmative," Halley said. Meanwhile, the
    representative of the American university pointed out the fact that 60
    per cent of Armenians stipulate the so-called "independence" of
    Nagornyy Karabakh as the main condition for "peace". The release of
    the occupied territory was cited as a top condition for 38 per cent of
    the respondents from Azerbaijan, and 31.8 per cent deem the return of
    the refugees to their land the main condition as published; in actual
    report, 31.8 per cent of the respondents from the internally displaced
    persons' group listed the release of the occupied territory as the
    condition for re-establishing relations .

    According to Sevil Asadova from the Azerbaijani Sociological
    Association, the sum of these two indicators (69.8 per cent) means
    that the Azeris support the idea of the liberation of the occupied
    Azerbaijani territories as published; the 69.8 per cent figure is not
    encountered in the survey .

    "The survey showed that 23 per cent of the respondents blame the
    conflict on a third party, and 28.2 per cent - on the political elite
    of Armenia," Asadova said. President of the Millennium Rubina
    Ter-Martirosyan also confirmed that the majority of the respondents
    from Armenia blame the conflict on the "internal" forces, and only 14
    per cent - on "external" ones. "In Armenia, 70.2 per cent of the
    population obtain information about Azerbaijan mainly from TV, which
    presents one-sided information. This situation has to be changed."
    figures in the preceding paragraph not present in the survey results
    According to her, the idea of the joint study was conceived in 2000,
    when she visited Baku and Sevil Asadova visited Yerevan under the
    framework of a conference on problems of women. The researchers were
    allocated 40,000 US dollars, which was split equally between the two
    countries. The organizers intend to translate their reports into
    Armenian and Azeri. Similar events will be held in Baku and Yerevan.
    The full version of the reports can be read at