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AGBU Sofia Chapter in Bulgaria Hosts XVII AGBU World Games

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  • AGBU Sofia Chapter in Bulgaria Hosts XVII AGBU World Games

    55 East 59th Street, New York, NY 10022-1112
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    Thursday, August 5, 2004


    >From five continents around the world, 350 young Armenian athletes,
    future leaders and supporters of AGBU journeyed to the sparkling
    shores of the Black Sea in Albena, Bulgaria to represent their
    respective countries at the XVII AGBU World Games and cohesively form
    one united, global AGBU family.

    During the week of July 3rd, attendees from Argentina, Austria,
    Canada, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Italy, Lebanon, Spain, Syria
    and the United States passed their days competing in sports while
    others participated in the first overseas AGBU Young Professionals


    AGBU, a staunch advocate for the development of Armenian youth, once
    again succeeded in its ongoing mission to empower the young leaders of
    tomorrow. The organization achieves this mission through active youth
    programs, such as the longstanding summer camps in Bulgaria, France,
    Syria and the United States; the New York Summer Intern Program,
    established in 1987; Generation Next Mentorship Program, now in its
    seventh year; and FOCUS, a biennial event designed to unite global
    young Armenian professionals with alumni of AGBU youth programs. In
    the same spirit, the AGBU World Games mobilize its youth on the
    international stage.

    "The Games are not the end product. The purpose of the program is to
    propagate and promote an AGBU spirit within our youth so that they may
    later take on responsibilities within the Union. The hope of AGBU is
    that the youth will assume influential positions in their local
    communities and ultimately make an impact on the Armenian community at
    large, "commented Hrant Bardakjian, Chairman of the AGBU Central
    Sports Committee.

    The inaugural AGBU World Games took place in 1955 in Beirut, Lebanon
    and since then, the event has been held worldwide, in cities including
    Los Angeles, Sydney and Paris. In fact, the positive outcome of these
    Games has proved so popular that AGBU Regional Games are now held
    regularly in Europe, the Middle East and South America. After hosting
    the XI AGBU European Games in 2002, AGBU's Sofia Chapter
    enthusiastically proposed that Bulgaria host the next AGBU World
    Games. Led by Chapter Chairperson Sonia Avakian-Bedrosian and working
    closely with the AGBU Central Sports Committee, AGBU Sofia, leveraging
    all their community resources, delivered to AGBU's international youth
    community an enriching week of athletic competitions and camaraderie.


    Bulgaria, a small country with a population of eight million,
    approximately 25,000 to 35,000 of which are Armenian, is situated on
    the Balkan Peninsula. The Armenian-Bulgarian community flourished for
    centuries economically and culturally, until 1934, when an
    authoritarian regime stifled all ethnic expression, triggering the ban
    of Armenian political, religious, social, athletic, academic, and
    benevolent organizations, including AGBU.

    With the fall of communism and rise of democracy in 1989, the
    Bulgarian climate improved, prompting significant change in the lives
    of local Armenians. However, 45 years of communism had taken its toll
    and the AGBU leaders of the community confronted challenges in
    reacquainting its community to the organization. Through hard work and
    dedication, AGBU reappeared in most major cities (Sofia, Plovdiv,
    Rousse, and Haskovo) with a new, fresh emphasis on Armenian culture
    and education. To applaud Bulgaria's commitment to revitalization, the
    Union supported its Sofia Chapter's bid to host the World Games, thus
    providing them the important exposure and ties they sought to those
    outside their region.

    For the AGBU youth of Bulgaria, the opportunity to witness the XVII
    AGBU World Games in their home country provided a unique occasion for
    them to meet their Armenian contemporaries. "This is really something
    exciting. I have never had this feeling before of seeing so many
    Armenians in one place. I have made such great friendships and am very
    proud to be Armenian," said Lusine Daduryan, a student from Plovdiv,


    Spreading goodwill and welcoming all athletes, AGBU leaders, Bulgarian
    dignitaries, clergy, and supporters, the Sofia Chapter kicked off the
    Games ceremoniously. Competitors participated in a range of games,
    including football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, table
    tennis, chess and swimming.

    After a full week of competition, the results were in, the winners
    triumphant, and the trophies awarded. Sofia captured the Overall Cup
    for winning the most medals at the Games. For respectful conduct and
    unrivaled sportsmanship, Karekin Costanian returned home to Cyprus
    bearing the Fair Play Cup. In the men's football division, Cairo
    proved victorious in overtime with a final penalty kick to defeat
    Nicosia's renowned Ararat team. Impressing the crowds with their fancy
    footwork, the Egyptians participated in the World Games with 41
    individuals from both Cairo and Alexandria, the largest
    delegation. Beirut's Antranik basketball team ruled the court by
    beating Aleppo's Al Ouroube team in a professional quality game in
    order to win the men's title, and in women's basketball Egypt
    prevailed, nabbing the gold. The Paris volleyball team captured first
    place by winning the finals over Plovdiv. Competitions were also
    strong in the singles/doubles sports. For a full listing of the
    results, visit


    Complementing the athletic competitions, this year's World Games
    introduced the first overseas AGBU Young Professionals (YP)
    Conference. Even though the Union's YPs have convened in the past,
    this conference was the first invitation of its kind to the
    international young Armenian professional community outside of North

    Conducted over the course of three days in English with simultaneous
    Bulgarian and Armenian summary translations, the YP Conference
    informed its 40 participants of the current Young Professional
    movement within AGBU and how AGBU YPs influence and lead their local
    communities through volunteerism, commitment, innovation, expertise,
    and above all, professionalism. To date, current YP groups exist in
    Beirut, Los Angeles, Geneva, Montreal, New York City, Northern
    California, Orange County, and Philadelphia.

    "A key goal of the conference was to educate and raise awareness to
    young Armenian professionals everywhere that volunteering for the
    organization adds new dimensions to their lives and prepares them to
    become AGBU leaders of the future," said Lana Kazangian, AGBU YP
    Liaison and conference organizer.

    The mission of AGBU YPs, which is to provide an environment for young
    Armenians to network, outreach, and give a sense of community through
    programs and events created under the auspices of AGBU, converges with
    the organization's mission to preserve and promote the Armenian
    identity and heritage. To reinforce YP goals and objectives, two AGBU
    YPs from Los Angeles and New York City were present to share best
    practices and their personal experiences with volunteerism.

    "This international Young Professionals conference was a tremendous
    experience and opened my eyes to how Armenians around the world in
    similar age ranges thrive in their native countries. The discussion
    group I mediated brought to the table the different challenges facing
    young Armenians. It is events like this that make our people a nation
    despite dispersion and I am thrilled that AGBU has kept vigil to
    ensure that Armenians stay connected and make progress," said Cynthia
    Simonian, Chairperson of the YPLA group.

    In Europe, where the YP movement still has much opportunity for
    growth, Nicolas Tavitian, Director of AGBU European Programs,
    confirmed that the demand for YP chapters in Europe is enormous but
    untapped. The conference addressed many challenges and through the
    open exchange of ideas in workshops and roundtable discussions, the
    meetings explored options available to members seeking to initiate YP
    groups in their communities. Ms. Kazangian found the results of the
    conference encouraging, with YP growth potential cited in Sofia and
    Plovdiv, alongside other cities in Europe, the Middle East and South
    America. For more information on AGBU YPs, visit the AGBU web site at or e-mail [email protected].


    Since the close of the Games, AGBU Sofia Chairwoman Sonia
    Avakian-Bedrosian has been contacted by multiple AGBU Chapters and
    members from around the world to express their appreciation for a
    superbly executed event. In acknowledgment, Mrs. Bedrosian said that
    much of the success of the Games is attributed to the hard work,
    commitment and dedication of her Organizing Committee, key sponsors
    and supporters within Sofia. She thanked the international members of
    the XVII World Games Committee in Canada, France and the United States
    for their diligence, as well. "All Committee members experienced
    great satisfaction while preparing for the XVII World Games as we feel
    that uniting our youth is a very important element in our mission.
    Moreover, witnessing our young members forge strong friendships during
    the athletic competitions and YP Conferences was a wonderful
    reward. We were grateful for the opportunity to host the AGBU family
    in Albena and look forward to participating in more global
    activities," Mrs. Bedrosian expressed, reflecting on the Games.

    Discussions and bids for the next AGBU World Games in 2006 have
    already commenced and since the XVIII World Games is to coincide with
    AGBU's Centennial, all expectations are that it will be a showstopper
    not to be missed. To look at more photos or to learn more about the
    AGBU World Games, please visit:

    AGBU ( is the largest international, non-profit Armenian
    organization in the world, and is dedicated to preserving and
    promoting the Armenian heritage and culture through humanitarian,
    educational, cultural and social programs that serve some 400,000
    Armenians annually.