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'Long, Emotional Battle' Over for Local Descendant of Genocide

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  • 'Long, Emotional Battle' Over for Local Descendant of Genocide

    'Long, Emotional Battle' Over for Local Descendant of Genocide
    La Caņada Valley Sun
    August 5, 2004
    By Jane Napier Neely

    La Caņada resident Martin Marootian, principal plaintiff in a class
    action suit against New York Life Insurance Company, says he's tired
    but pleased the case has been settled, forcing the insurance giant to
    pay death benefits owed descendants of those killed by the Turkish
    Ottoman Empire during the Armenian Genocide.

    The judgment was handed down on July 30 by federal court judge
    Christina Snyder. Marootian will receive $250,000. About $11 million
    will be set aside for potential claims by heirs of 2,400 policy
    holders. Some $3 million will be spread out among nine Armenian
    charitable organizations, including the Armenian Educational
    Foundation in Glendale. The remaining payout will be used for
    attorneys' fees and administrative costs.

    "This has been a long and emotional battle for my family with New York
    Life Insurance Company, Marootian said Wednesday. "My mother, who
    actually had in hand the original policy bought by her brother in
    1910, first inquired about payment of death benefits in 1923, but her
    request was ignored by New York Life Insurance Company personnel."

    Since 1999, Marootian has carried the standard for all Armenian people
    who had not received death benefits from New York Life. Twelve other
    plaintiffs joined him later in the class action suit.

    "I'm glad that this is finally over. My prime object was to seek a
    fair settlement for Armenian policy holders with New York Life and
    secondly I wanted this to bring exposure to the Armenian Genocide,
    which occurred between 1915 to 1923, which has so long been ignored by
    the American government as wellas the Turkish government," Marootian

    Marootian said that his mother continued to request death benefits
    from New York Life throughout the remainder of her life and the
    company continually refused to make payment. Her daughter then took up
    the fight and she, too,was refused payment.

    "I'm glad that Marty lived to see this settlement made. Over all
    these years, since his mother began to seek death payments from New
    York Life, he felt like it was his responsibility to bring the issue
    to a head," said Marootian's wife, Seda. "I was really hoping the case
    would go to trial by a jury, but I'm sure that it would have taken
    many years before decision was made."

    According to Marootian, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Glendale) recently pushed
    a bill through the House that acknowledged the Armenian Genocide for
    the first time. He said the Bush administration is fighting it because
    they are afraid of offending the Turkish government, which continues
    to deny the genocide. Between the years of 1915 to 1923, 1.5 million
    Armenians were systematically killed by the government of the Ottoman

    "I wish our government would have the courage to stand up and
    acknowledge the genocide," Marootian said. "My uncle was taken out
    into the woods and shot and the women and children in the family were
    sent into the desert to die because they were not given provisions or

    Marootian was the only one of the 12 people in the class action suit
    to be in possession of an original New York Life policy. The policy,
    about the size of a small bath towel, was issued to his uncle in
    1910. He said his uncle had a premonition that things might not be
    going well for the Armenian people in Turkey and, in order to
    safeguard the policy, sent it with his sister when she left the
    country for New York in 1914 - one year before the killings began.

    The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) stated, "We applaud
    the efforts of Martin and the plaintiffs for leading the campaign to
    hold New York Life accountable - even if only in small measure - for
    failing to meet its obligations toward policy holders who perished in
    the Armenian genocide. This case marks a significant milestone for the
    Armenian nation in that the lawsuit was the first of its kind to seek
    the return of genocide-era assets long thought lost, denied, and

    Additionally, the ANCA statement said, "To place this settlement in
    its proper context, it is important to note that, while the heirs and
    grandchildren of genocide-era policy holders will now receive some
    portion of those funds, we should remember that those monies were not
    available when these orphansof genocide needed them the most. Instead
    they were collecting interest in New York Life's coffers and remained
    there for some 89 years until this actionwas taken. It is truly
    unfortunate that a company that Armenian policy holders trusted was
    only compelled to do the right thing after special laws were enacted
    in California and a group of tenacious Armenians were able to wrestle
    those funds free."

    A team of four law firms worked this case for the plaintiffs,
    including Shelley Kaufman, from the law firm of Geragos & Geragos. The
    law firm was founded by Paul Geragos, a longtime La Caņada Flintridge
    resident whose heritageis Armenian. Also working on the case from the
    Geragos firm was Mark Geragos and Mark Kassabian.

    Marootian said that Kaufman was with him for five straight days while
    the local man was grilled by attorneys representing New York Life in a
    deposition held in their Los Angeles office. "I think I told them my
    entire life story." He said that each day he would come home from the
    offices where the deposition was being taken, exhausted.

    "What bothers me the most about the case," said his wife, "is that the
    United States government has never recognized that this genocide ever
    happened even though the countries of France and Russia have done
    so. When Marty and I began this process we never dreamed that the
    efforts we have expended would be such a strain."

    Her husband added, "After the many years my mother and her sister's
    pleas went unheard and were dismissed by New York Life personnel, it
    wasn't until I stepped in with legal backing that the company would
    even talk with us."

    Vartkes Yeghiayan, a Glendal-based attorney who first worked with
    Marootian said, "This case proves anew that the past is not dead and
    not even past. I know that this settlement will not bring back the
    life of even one Armenian child, but this settlement is important
    because it symbolizes our resolve to achieve justice for our ancestors
    who were massacred in the Armenian genocide. We are hopeful that the
    case will encourage more entities and states, which have wrongfully
    withheld genocide-era assets to act appropriately."

    Harut Sassounian, publisher of the weekly California Courier, said,
    "There is no question every Armenian is outraged at New York Life's
    behavior overthe past 90 years. For $20 million they are buying
    silence and goodwill."

    Martin and Seda Marootian are at last feeling some peace from the
    stress they have been through. "I just want to call it a day, this is
    a good settlement," Martin said.

    Marootian's says his most fervent wish is that this single case will
    bring awareness to all people, especially the United State government,
    to the fact that indeed there was a genocide.