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Analysis: Where does Europe end?

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  • Analysis: Where does Europe end?

    United Press International
    August 10, 2004 Tuesday 12:28 PM Eastern Time

    Analysis: Where does Europe end?


    BRUSSELS, Aug. 10 (UPI)

    In the second century A.D. the historian Tacitus reported on a heated
    discussion in the Senate about how far east the Roman Empire should
    expand. Two thousand years later, a similar debate about where the
    European Union's eastern borders lie is raging in Brussels.

    The soul-searching has been prompted by the EU's biggest ever
    enlargement on May 1, when Cyprus, Malta and eight central and east
    European countries joined the world's biggest trading bloc.
    Overnight, the Union's members jumped from 15 to 25 and its
    population from 375 million to 450 million. But more important, it
    altered the geographical make-up of the "old continent." States that
    were previously considered on Europe's eastern fringes, like Poland
    and Estonia, returned to their rightful place at the heart of the

    The Brussels-based club, which started out with just six members
    almost a half-century ago, also found itself with a clutch of new
    neighbors on May 1. The EU-25 now shares frontiers with Croatia,
    Serbia and Montenegro, Romania, Ukraine and Belarus and its borders
    with Russia have been lengthened by the accession of Latvia and

    The EU's boundaries will continue to move east in the near future.
    Bulgaria and Romania are due to join in 2007, and Croatia is expected
    to become the 28th member of the bloc shortly afterward. In addition,
    Albania and the former Yugoslav Republics of Bosnia-Herzegovina,
    Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro have all been promised EU
    membership once ethnic tensions subside and democracy takes root.

    But it is Turkey's membership application that raises the biggest
    questions about the European Union's eastern limits. If Ankara joins
    -- a decision on whether to start accession talks is due to be taken
    by EU leaders in December -- the predominantly Muslim state will
    become the EU's most populous nation by 2020 and will expand the
    club's borders to the fringes of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Armenia.

    Then what? If Turkey, a country with over 90 percent of its landmass
    in Asia, is allowed to join the Union, it will be difficult for EU
    leaders to refuse the candidacies of the Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova
    once the three former Soviet republics become fully-fledged
    democracies with free-market economies. It will also make it hard for
    Brussels to turn down any possible advance from Russia, a country
    with a sizeable chunk of its population in Europe.

    The EU treaty is clear about which countries can and cannot join the
    bloc. "Any European state" which respects the basic principles of the
    Union may apply for membership, it says. But this begs the question
    of where the continent starts and ends.

    There is general agreement, among cartographers at least, that the
    Arctic and Atlantic Oceans represent the northern and western limits
    of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea marks a natural divide with
    Africa in the south. But when it comes to defining the continent's
    eastern edges, it seems there has been little progress since Tacitus'

    The Ural mountain range in western Russia is widely seen as Europe's
    northeastern border, firmly placing Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova
    within the EU's orbit. But what about the continent's southeastern
    frontiers? The Caucasus mountain range stretching from the Black Sea
    to the Caspian Sea would seem to be the natural dividing line between
    Europe and the Middle East, but this would bar Georgia, Armenia and
    Azerbaijan from future membership.

    Asked whether it was time to settle Europe's frontiers once and for
    all, EU Enlargement Commissioner Gunther Verheugen told reporters in
    June: "I do not foresee a debate about the borders of Europe. It
    makes no sense."

    Given European leaders disastrous attempts at marking down boundaries
    in the past, notably at Versailles in 1919 and Yalta in 1945, it is
    easy to see why some politicians are reluctant about setting the EU's
    eastern frontier in stone. But not doing so is only likely to cause
    confusion and sow the seeds of frustration among those queuing up for
    EU entry.

    In an interview with United Press International earlier this year,
    Verheugen said: "In theory, all members of the Council of Europe (the
    45-nation human rights body stretching from Vigo to Vladivostock) can
    join. But practically, the western border of the former Soviet Union
    will be the eastern border of the EU for a very long time, with the
    exception of the three Baltic states."

    The EU's "Neighborhood Strategy," a kind of EU-lite for nations on
    the bloc's eastern and southern confines, may be politically
    expedient given the task of absorbing up to 15 new or future members
    over the next decade, but it reeks of double standards. Bosnia and
    Herzegovina -- a hopelessly divided country run almost as a United
    Nations fiefdom -- will be allowed to enter, but Ukraine, which could
    become a healthy democracy if it dispensed with autocratic president
    Leonid Kuchma, will not. Turkey will probably join within the next 15
    years, but Russia -- which has an equal claim to be part of Europe --
    would almost certainly be blocked if it ever applied for EU

    Supporters of the EU's unlimited expansion claim Europe is not a
    geographical entity but a union of values. Only last week, Belgium's
    new Europe Minister Didier Donfut told La Libre Belgique newspaper:
    "The Union, as a community of values, should also turn towards the
    Mediterranean countries, especially Morocco, even if this goes beyond
    the historical European geographical limits." If one accepts this
    reasoning, what is to stop the United States or Australia -- two
    countries that share common values with European states -- from
    joining the EU? And if all states are potential members, what is to
    prevent the EU from becoming a "regional organization of Europe and
    the near east," in the words of former French President Valery
    Giscard d'Estaing?

    Despite the fact that Turkey is predominantly an Asian country, it is
    now almost impossible to deny it EU membership 40 years after it
    first applied to join the club and almost half a century after it
    entered the Council of Europe. But the way to avoid such confusion in
    the future is to set the boundaries of Europe first and then see
    whether applicant countries within those limits have met the EU's
    political and economic criteria for entry. Only when the
    cartographers have finished their work should the politicians be
    allowed back into the room.