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Youth advances leave strong impact on cultural environment

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  • Youth advances leave strong impact on cultural environment


    Public Relations Department
    Haigazian University
    Beiru, Lebanon

    Contact: Loucia Isaac Seropian
    Tel: 961-3-647237
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Youth advances leave strong impact on cultural environment, summer, 2004 yet...

    The country, Lebanon, in its summer 2004 cultural events and festivals has
    witnessed a great rise and awakening consolidating youth's role in
    organizing local and regional cultural events from inception to

    Credit goes to enthusiasm of the young and the extra- curricular role of
    universities in Lebanon, which have made seeking to cultivate its efforts
    for the sake of cultural development and motivation through student
    development programs and full-pledged support to academic activities and
    life on campuses.

    Over the past six years, I have worked closely with 2 distinguished
    institutions of higher learning in Lebanon, with eyes wide open on print
    and broadcast media. Both the media and academic institutions in Lebanon
    hold cultural oriented events all (all- year- long) tinged with youth's
    stamina and effectively explore youth's valuable talents in cultural
    alteration and cultural exchange.

    This leaves Lebanon on a high pedestal in terms of a supportive audience,
    public support and, at times a, devoted audience of all generations
    attending various cultural events. However, an audience of mixed
    generations, is not the norm.

    Mixed generations, are sometimes found thanks to advances in technology,
    and find mixed generations using the same brand or commodity. This should
    persuade us, as the older generation, to provide the young with a
    challenging, culturally advanced society.

    The next phase, if not well considered, might take us by surprise in the
    future. If youth festivals, theatricals, dance, art and music concerts on
    Lebanese premises outside University campuses, not only go un-rewarded or
    un-awarded but also unevaluated, then those current efforts may become
    redundant and will soon loose appeal in terms of sponsorship and audience

    Here is our role and the role of the Lebanese Ministry of Youth and Sports,
    which over the past few years has gone into sports and forgotten about the
    'other' part of its mission 'Youth'.

    Moreover, it would be rewarding to have the ministry, within the coming
    years, organize a cultural youth festival with awards at the end of every
    summer and keep the fire burning. This would be in addition to the many
    sports tournaments. (Life among youth is not only sports, nor is this
    limited to the younger generation).....

    At the end of the day, we are all striving not to fall short in the eyes of
    our ountry, but if we were ever to neglect the young with their energy,
    dedication and efforts we would be impoverishing our own future.

    Who should do what? What should be done next?

    As a mother, I always turn to the younger generation for acquired learning.
    Let's think of schools that give summer work for their students. Upon
    their return, teachers evaluate the amount of work accomplished and assign
    recognition accordingly. Children take pride that during their summer they
    accomplished school recognition. They come home bragging. This gives them
    motivation for the next step ahead.

    In the same way provide an incentive by recognizing and rewarding Youth's
    cultural activities at the end of the summer. This would lead to positive
    impact and feedback for the organizers and those who attended, let alone
    those considering resuming their efforts the next summer with fresh new
    ideas with a sense of positive competition leading to impact creativity
    avoiding monotonous and repetitive events.

    Academic institutions tend to recognize efforts and it's rewarding. On a
    yearly basis universities invite their alumni, honor a few well-known in
    society generating many positive purposes. So too do a few Lebanese high
    officials; when traveling abroad, they meet with key Lebanese businessmen
    in the diaspora and build bridges, which also has a positive impact on
    Lebanon as a whole. Also, we often read in the news about certain
    individuals being honored or rewarded for purely academic achievements.

    Households or big names should go the extra mile and evaluate Youths'
    superlative work to Lebanon's multicultural environment this summer and
    every other summer. This would favor renewed cultural activities
    future-attempts, as well as reform and change, challenging the youth and
    attracting different audiences while gaining national and regional
    recognition? This would lead to positive outcomes on many levels. And you
    name one.
