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BAKU: Rumsfeld: Iran's nuclear programme threat to world

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  • BAKU: Rumsfeld: Iran's nuclear programme threat to world

    Iran's nuclear programme threat to world, Rumsfeld says in Azeri capital

    Azad Azarbaycan TV, Baku
    12 Aug 04

    Presenter Namiq Aliyev Before leaving Azerbaijan, US Secretary of
    Defence Donald Rumsfeld has held a news conference at Heydar Aliyev
    airport. Speaking about the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict, Rumsfeld said
    he viewed the settlement of the problem only within the framework of
    Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.

    Correspondent, over video of Rumsfeld and Azerbaijani Defence Minister
    Safar Abiyev at news conference Rumsfeld said that the USA appreciated
    Azerbaijan's involvement in the antiterror coalition. Speaking highly
    about the Azerbaijani peacekeepers in Afghanistan and Iraq, Rumsfeld
    spoke about the topics discussed at his meetings with Azerbaijani
    President Ilham Aliyev and Safar Abiyev. He said that cooperation
    within the framework of NATO's Partnership for Peace Programme,
    bilateral military cooperation, combating international terrorism,
    smuggling, drugs trafficking and proliferation of weapons of mass
    destruction in the Caspian region had been the main subject of the

    Rumsfeld said that the expansion of the Azerbaijani military
    contingents in Afghanistan and Iraq had not been discussed.

    Rumsfeld in English, with Azeri voice-over The UN wants to organize
    the upcoming elections in Iraq. There is a need for assistance in
    organizing and holding these elections. We hope that the coalition
    countries will render this assistance.

    Correspondent Azerbaijan is the only Muslim country in the coalition
    that has sent troops to Iraq and supports the USA in this as given
    . Asked when Azerbaijan will witness the USA's support in the Nagornyy
    Karabakh problem, Rumsfeld said:

    Rumsfeld A settlement to the Nagornyy Karabakh problem is being
    discussed within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group. The USA and
    the Minsk Group co-chairmen want to resolve this issue. Washington has
    appointed a new co-chairman. I would like to say that the USA supports
    Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.

    Correspondent Asked about how he could explain the fact that USA,
    which supports Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, had allocated 5m
    dollars to the separatist Karabakh regime, Rumsfeld said that one
    should view this as part of general humanitarian aid to Azerbaijan and
    the entire region. This is quite a large sum, he added. Another
    question to Rumsfeld was why the USA did not demand that Armenia
    fulfil the UN's four resolutions on Nagornyy Karabakh .

    Rumsfeld The international community supports the OSCE Minsk Group
    which is dealing with this issue. I believe that the OSCE Minsk Group
    will find a solution to this problem and Azerbaijan's territorial
    integrity will be protected.

    Corespondent Rumsfeld said that Iranian President Mohammad Khatami's
    visit to Azerbaijan on 5-7 August had been discussed as well. He added
    that Iran has been developing its nuclear programmes and, in doing so,
    poses a threat to the whole world, including the neighbouring

    In turn, Safar Abiyev spoke about the issues that the Azerbaijani
    government wanted the USA to help it with in the first place.

    Safar Abiyev in Russian, with Azeri voice-over First, we would like
    the USA to demand that Armenia urgently withdraw its occupying troops
    from Azerbaijani territories. We also want the USA's support to
    guarantee security in the Caspian because there are some disagreements
    there, and the USA's assistance is very important.

    Correspondent Safar Abiyev said that Washington-Baku military ties
    have been speedily developing and the sides plan to develop
    cooperation in the future to strengthen their relations.

    Etibar Mammadov, Mirtofiq Miralioglu, for "Son Xabar" programme.