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How Reverends Enable Church Bombers in Iraq

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  • How Reverends Enable Church Bombers in Iraq

    Al-Jazeerah, USA
    August 12, 2004
    Aug 12 2004

    How Reverends Enable Church Bombers in Iraq

    By Charles E. Carlson

    On Sunday, August 1st, five Christian churches in Iraq were bombed,
    killing eleven worshipers and wounding and terrifying many more. They
    were traditional churches--Armenian, Chaldean, Coptic, and Catholic-
    some had been there for hundreds of years. We believe no Iraqi could
    benefit from this act, especially not Muslim Iraqis. We will probably
    never learn who did it, and we will hear accusations condemning Islam
    for years to come. This writer does not think the facts justify this,
    or that it is healthy for us to accept it.

    Some benefit from bombing churches and they are the best suspects.

    One group is positively implicated in the acts. By its own words it
    convicts itself, regardless of who set the explosives or who made the
    plan. Its proponents call themselves `Christian-Zionists' or
    `Judeo-Christians.' You will find these accomplices behind the
    pulpits of many American churches on Sunday. This writer has in past
    papers named them Enablers of war.

    The obvious material beneficiaries of the church bombings include the
    so-called Neo-Cons, whom we prefer to call Warmakers, and who arrange
    carnage to maintain political power through continued wars. Blood
    seems of no concern to them; deaths are only statistics. Companies
    like Halliburton and others feed on serial wars and would no doubt
    enjoy permanent contracts to police Iraqis and operate their oil
    fields. Israel gains the most from the destruction of the Arab states
    because it is a source of resources from the Euphrates to the Nile.
    But, regardless of who planted the explosives at the five churches,
    we know who facilitated the act. It was `Christian-Zionist enablers
    of war, as we will see.

    We are being told little about the five churches that were hit; as
    best as we can tell, they were attacked by booby traps and timed
    explosive devices. Obviously they were well organized, with modern
    munitions and security; the perpetrators got away clean, safe, and
    unharmed and remain unidentified a week later. This was a
    professional job. If five coordinated teams of criminals robbed five
    banks at the same time with all getting away without leaving behind
    even one clue as to who they were or why they did it, they would be
    professionals. The laws of probability dictate that events like this
    do not happen without evidence. Criminals leave behind clues that are
    found, that is, unless someone on the inside ignores the clues, or
    does not look very hard. Someone tells when this many people are

    On August 5th a different kind of bombing occurred. It was low tech
    and required little planning and no sophisticated equipment
    whatsoever. A lone Iraqi driver steered his automobile-powered human
    bomb into a police station where Iraqi policemen and their US
    military bosses would be killed. Five or more died tragically,
    including the bomber. One might call him a sacrifice bomber, and his
    purpose can be clearly understood from his acts. He saw the occupiers
    and those who cooperated with them as the enemies of Iraqi's
    desperate and prolonged struggle for independence. This is a crime
    and a human tragedy, but he is no less heroic than any other martyr
    honored by any people in history. Not so with the church bombers,
    whose targets, unlike the well-guarded and armed police stations, are
    undefended. No one sacrificed his life to do it; it was premeditated,
    cowardly murder.

    Christians and Moslems manage to get along in the Mid-East. This
    writer observed them in Gaza. Baptists go to church next to the
    Mosque, and when they are not in church, members seem to work
    together as best as they can. Churches are not a historic enemy to
    Islam in Iraq. Coptic, Catholic, and Orthodox churches often date
    back to Roman times, still standing with Christian cemeteries around
    them, undefiled through the ages of Islamic domination. Christians in
    Iraq say they do not hate Muslims, but many Evangelicals in America
    practice hatred of Islam that is now manifested in destruction and
    death. Jesus' words object.

    The Southern Baptist Convention has had no explanation for this
    peaceful co-existence with Islam; its publications play it down or
    ignore it. The evangelicals' views of the Mideast demand both racial
    and religious hatred. The Baptist Mission Board even ignores its own
    church in Gaza, housed in a dome roofed ancient mosque. This writer
    documented the story of its members in a previous article.

    Evangelicals tell us Islam detests Baptists and would kill them on
    sight. Christians in the land of Islam live their lives out
    otherwise, and any serious observation supports their version.

    In Gaza the wall in front of the Baptist church has the same
    anti-Israeli graffiti as does the wall in front of the Mosque nearby.
    Their members suffer Israeli occupation side by side. If they do not
    love each other, they certainly coexist in peace. We Hold These
    Truths receives reports from Christians and Muslims from Damascus to
    Ammon. There is an uneasy peace made worse by anti-Islamic statements
    spewed forth from evangelical Enabler churches and celebrities in

    How would Islam benefit from bombing churches? If Christians stay
    home from church or emigrate out of fear, how does this make Iraq
    more independent? It does not.

    It is sad that Iraqis would bomb other Iraqis who are hungry and
    desperate for work and who hate the occupation, but who take
    Army-funded jobs at a police station. But this can be understood in
    war, the Iraqis do not want a compromised, 56-year occupation as the
    Palestinians have.

    Who benefits?

    We don't know who planted the bombs but we do know that American
    evangelical celebrities facilitated and enabled the act. Without the
    Enablers constant condemnation of Islam, there would have been no
    reason for the propaganda bombing of five churches, because there
    would be no market for the propaganda that is being distributed
    through the evangelicals in the USA.

    We have read all the accounts of the bombings. As expected, they are
    being blamed on an unknown Islamic group. Consider what is likely:

    * If an Islamic militant group bombed the churches and wanted to
    terrorize Christians, they would have taken credit for it the first
    hour, as they have with kidnappings, and they would have promised
    more bombings, or asked for something. No one did.

    * The `group' that belatedly did claim the blame for the bombings was
    anonymous and unknown and did not have a formal name or spokesman. It
    offered no plausible reason for this significant act. It could have
    been created on a cell phone after the bombing or in an office in
    London, and it probably was. The US-appointed Iraqi `government' did
    not point this out, nor did our press.

    * Most Muslims who we know fear God, they do not hate Him, and would
    be correctly afraid to bomb a church--afraid of God, not of men. And
    Muslims, unlike the Israelis, believe Jesus was on very good terms
    with the one God, whom they call Allah. They do not challenge Allah;
    they fear Him as righteous.

    * If secularists did the bombing, there would be Muslims who would
    know about It, and would tell. It was too big a scheme to keep it
    quiet this long.

    * The churches in Iraq are traditional, not evangelical; they do not
    hold to the neo-evangelical interpretations that hold Israel to be a
    God image that must be worshiped. They do not share the `chosen
    people' theology that enables the war on Islam.

    * Islam is not anti-Christian, as we Christians are told. The Qur'an
    says much about Jesus and Mary, and is more than respectful. One
    passage, (S.5.78-84) seems to be all about trust and coexistence with
    followers of Christ. Verse 82 reads:

    Strongest among men in enmity to the Believer wilt thou find the Jews
    and Pagans; Nearest among them in love to the Believers wilt thou
    find those who say `we are Christians' because amongst there are men
    devoted to learning. And men who have renounced the world and they
    are not arrogant.

    Clearly this was not written about evangelical-Zionist (Enablers)
    who, to the contrary, openly call for genocide against Islam, even
    its total liquidation, and some are boldly arrogant about it.

    Many untrue yarns are spun on the Internet depicting a hate filled
    Qur'an. We Hold These Truths has investigated several and found that
    most are not there, or seem to be intentionally distorted. Our paper
    called Internet Tales about Islam details some of these. We find some
    statements we have been given by evangelical Enablers to be outright
    untrue on their face. Even the most popular story among evangelicals
    about the prize of `72 virgins' for martyrs in Paradise (like the car

    bomber) may be a hoax. As best this writer can tell, it is not in the
    Qur'an; we are still waiting for someone to show us otherwise.

    One of the worst we have heard, Dr. Robert Morey, who calls himself a
    `Christian' and who has written several books about Islam, openly
    preaches for the incineration of Mecca, Medina and The Dome of the

    Leading Muslim clerics have condemned the bombing as cowardly and
    unbecoming of Islam, but christian-Zionists take denial as a sign of
    guilt. And prominent Christian leaders in Iraq have not suggested
    Muslims were responsible, and have spoken out in solidarity with

    Who Could Have Done It?

    The State of Israel and what is currently being called the US
    `Neo-Con' establishment, which really controls Israel and holds
    absolute control over the present Bush administration and past
    Clinton administration as well, are the beneficiaries of wars.

    Israelis would not think twice of bombing churches because they have
    already done it. They have also attacked mosques and killed Muslim
    leaders in front of at least one mosque. Israelis have even been
    known to damage their own synagogues to get sympathy. The State of
    Israel shelled two or more Christian churches in Palestine. Israel's
    agents are known to be operating in Iraq and are probably more likely
    to have bombed the churches than the CIA or Halliburton's paid
    mercenaries. They are used to this kind of assassination, and they
    know how to keep quiet. If this is true, you can bet the incident
    will just die down and disappear from the press.

    The tale of the church bombings will never disappear from the
    preaching of the evangelical-Zionist, who will blame the Arabs
    everywhere, with or without proof.

    Who Is Responsible?

    Though we will probably never know for certain who bombed the five
    churches, we can be sure the blood is on the hands of the Enabler
    reverends, evangelical celebrities, and on their willing followers.
    The deaths of every one of the eleven church-going Christians is
    their responsibility because without them there would be no reason
    for the bombing. Whoever did it simply obliged these evangelical
    Enablers by creating more grist for Israeli promoted
    Christian-Zionist hate mills. Hate enabled the war and the
    occupation; hate keeps the occupation going. Only love will end it.

    An Israeli `BUS19', in which 11 Israeli civilians died, was imported
    to the US from Israel in May. `Eleven' happens to be the same number
    of civilian Iraqis killed in the five Church bombings. A team or
    speakers associated with The Unity Coalition for Israel is touring
    evangelical Enabler churches with the bus, giving the misleading
    message that Palestinians are murderers, and Islam is a religion of
    violence. Our account of this is called Israeli Hate-Bus Tours

    The five damaged churches are the Iraqi equivalent of BUS19, another
    trophy to be displayed at churches in America. Without the insatiable
    desire of christian-Zionist celebrities for more `proof of Arab
    violence' there would have been no church bombings in Iraq because no
    other purpose was served. This writer is no longer alone among
    Followers of Christ in blaming evangelical Enablers for war.

    As reported in the `New York Times,' in a speech on March 9, 2003,
    former President James Earl Carter criticized his own Southern
    Baptist Convention for supporting the `unilateral attack on Iraq.'
    Carter did not dignify the attack by calling it a war. He went on to
    implicate Israel in the occupation of Iraq, saying,

    `a few Southern Baptist leaders (favor war) who were greatly
    influenced by their commitment to Israel based on eschatological, or
    final days theology.'

    Mr. Carter also stated some of the most profound and truthful words
    ever heard at a Democratic convention in an interview after his
    speech where he stated: `The State of Israel is at the center of the
    problems in the Middle East.'

    Christian pastor and writer Tony Campolo, speaking to United
    Methodist leaders in Birmingham, Alabama, on June 3, 2004, warned
    that too many Christians have become `evangelical Zionists' who favor
    ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the Middle East. This
    surprisingly candid statement was covered in the Birmingham News
    quoting Campolo:

    "Some evangelicals have gotten caught up in the theology that before
    Christ can return, the Holy Land must belong to the Jews," and,

    "They're really advocating ethnic cleansing. There's no justification
    for that in Scripture."

    We note: Ethnic cleansing means systematic murder! The Birmingham
    News further quoted Campolo:

    "Christian leaders such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, as well
    as Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins, authors of the best-selling `Left
    Behind' end-times prophecy novels, have spread the `evangelical
    Zionist' theme. `They're a very powerful group,'... The evangelical
    community has gotten so pro-Israel that they've forgotten how to love

    The Presbyterian Church in America's leaders recently condemned The
    Wall being built around the Palestinians, and voted by a wide margin
    to divest itself of all Israeli assets from its multi-billion dollar
    retirement fund. This is the first major church denomination to do

    Evangelical leaders must be challenged publicly by their own members.
    To accomplish this Project Strait Gate was started 18 months ago, and
    over 35 major evangelical churches, as well as conventions, have been
    picketed for peace during their worship hours.

    Five ladies and two men led a Strait Gate Project demonstration at
    two churches last weekend in Southern California, with signs reading
    was a 2004 Israel and Bible Prophesy Conference at the giant Calvary
    Chapel in Chino, California. Several participants reported they were
    pleasantly surprised with the response, not so much from the churches
    as from the passersby. Many responded positively to the message of
    the demonstration.

    Strait Gate Ministries urges Followers of Christ to have their names
    removed from membership rolls at any churches that fail to oppose the
    continued war and occupation in the Mideast. We suggest you tell the
    Reverend you might return once the Church regains Christ's admonition
    to love one's brothers as yourselves. Until then, you might better
    serve the Lord by supporting an Armenian or Coptic Church in Iraq.

    We Hold These Truths/Strait Gate Ministries plans to distribute this
    letter to about 100,000 Presbyterian Pastors and laymen leaders as an
    encouragement to them. We wish to expand this number by tenfold to
    other reverends in other denominations.

    The challenge is overwhelming, the time short and the burden is