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BAKU: Azeri Minister to Discuss Russia's Karabakh Efforts in Moscow

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  • BAKU: Azeri Minister to Discuss Russia's Karabakh Efforts in Moscow


    Zerkalo, Baku
    14 Aug 04

    Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov will pay an official
    visit to Moscow on 17 August at the invitation of his Russian
    counterpart. It is noteworthy that Mammadyarov will go to Moscow
    immediately after visits to Azerbaijan by Iranian President Mohammad
    Khatami and US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld. That is why one
    can be 100-per-cent sure that the Russian capital is looking forward
    to Mammadyarov's visit because the Kremlin is hardly indifferent to
    the results of these visits to Azerbaijan, especially their
    confidential aspects. For example, in Baku Rumsfeld did not hide that
    he had an interest in the talks between Azerbaijani President Ilham
    Aliyev and Khatami.

    In an interview with our Zerkalo correspondent, Mammadyarov said that
    this is his first official visit to Moscow after his appointment to
    the post (of foreign minister). "I was appointed foreign minister on 2
    April this year. But Mr (Russian Foreign Minister Sergey) Lavrov was
    appointed several months after that.

    "The main issue that will be raised by the Azerbaijani side during
    this visit is Russia's role as a mediator and co-chairman of the OSCE
    Minsk Group in settling the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagornyy Karabakh
    conflict. This is a fundamental issue for us. That is why there is no
    doubt that we will hold detailed discussions of this issue. The second
    package of issues which will definitely be discussed during the visit
    are related to economic relations between the two countries."

    (Passage omitted: The intergovernment commission is working actively;
    ties between the two ministries and international issues will be
    discussed as well)

    Although the current world is different from the world of the early
    1990s, Mammadyarov believes that "along with the other co-chairmen of
    the OSCE Minsk Group, Russia is playing a major and even a key role in
    settling the conflict". He said Azerbaijan's position was that it
    would be impossible to achieve stability in the region without
    resolving this conflict: "That is why we believe that a politically
    stable and economically strong Caucasus is of benefit to all the
    countries that have their interests in our region."

    Mammadyarov said that Russia has "deeper relations with Armenia" and
    strong interests in Azerbaijan, at least from an economical
    viewpoint. "As for Russia's position on this issue, growing numbers of
    people believe that if Russia is interested in settling the conflict,
    peace will be established in our region very quickly," Mammadyarov

    Generally speaking, there is a strange situation in the talks
    process. The declared positions of the sides, at least their official
    positions, are absolutely different. In these conditions, frequent
    statements are made in society, especially among the military, that
    the continuation of the talks has no prospects and it is necessary to
    liberate the occupied territories by force. Commenting on the
    aforesaid situation, Mammadyarov said: "You and I are talking at the
    Foreign Ministry, not at the Defence Ministry. As the foreign
    minister, I will back the peaceful option for settling the conflict to
    the bitter end. Although, if you are aware of the Foreign Ministry's
    latest statement, you know that Azerbaijan is more and more
    disappointed in the destructive position of the Armenian side.

    "Armenia's actions run counter to the purposes and spirit of the talks
    held with the OSCE Minsk Group's mediation. Some staff exercises and
    illegal local government elections have been held on the occupied
    territories. In addition, resettlement is under way on the occupied
    territories. Such actions can hardly have a positive impact on the
    talks, during which, as the sides maintain, they are reportedly trying
    to achieve peace. It is difficult to hold peace talks in these

    But Mammadyarov added that the co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group, at
    least the USA, have already reacted to the Azerbaijani Foreign
    Ministry's statement. "The USA has already voiced its position on
    both the military exercises and illegal elections. It said that the
    USA recognizes Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. The OSCE
    chairman-in-office issued a similar statement. The Council of Europe
    secretary-general expressed his negative attitude to the events that
    have occurred in recent weeks. We, however, believe that if our
    attitude to the peace talks is serious and Azerbaijan actually wants
    to achieve a breakthrough during the talks, we expect the same
    attitude from the opposite side as well," he said.