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Ethiopian Culture Revisited

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  • Ethiopian Culture Revisited

    Addis Tribune (Addis Ababa)
    Aug 13 2004

    Ethiopian Culture Revisited

    Richard Pankhurst

    The History of Writing in Ethiopia

    Papyrus Writing and Stone Inscriptions

    The history of writing in Ethiopia dates back to extremely early
    times. Some scholars believe that use may have been made in Ethiopia,
    as in ancient Egypt, of papyrus, which, then as now, grew abundantly
    around Lake Tana. No examples of Ethiopian writing on papyrus,
    however, have thus far been found.

    Many royal inscriptions on stone were nevertheless later produced by
    Aksumite rulers, in the early centuries of the present era. Some of
    the most important, written in Ge'ez, South Arabian, and Greek, were
    erected by the early fourth century King Ezana. He used them to
    describe, and glorify, his victorious expeditions in various parts of
    the country, as well as to Nubia and South Arabia.


    Parchment, made from the skins of sheep, goats, cattle, and even
    horses, later came into extensive use, particularly after Ethiopia's
    conversion to Christianity in the early fourth century. This period
    witnessed the translation into Ge'ez, as well as the writing on
    parchment, of the Bible and other religious texts, mainly translated
    from Arabic and Greek.

    Letter Writing

    Parchment, in the medieval period, was also used in Ethiopia for the
    writing of letters. One such epistle was a famous communication from
    Emperor Zar'a Ya'qob (1434-1468) to the Ethiopian community in
    Jerusalem. The text was written in Ge'ez on four sheets of parchment.

    The continued writing of letters on parchment was noted a century or
    so later the Portuguese traveller Francisco Alvares. After visiting
    Shawa in the 1520s, he reported that Ethiopian letters were written
    on parchment, and to avoid the risk of loss in transit, were often
    despatched in duplicate.

    The strength of tradition was such that Ethiopian Christian
    manuscripts continued, on the other hand, to be written on parchment.

    On parchment-making see the impressive exhibition in the Institute of
    Ethiopian Studies organised by two decicated and committed British
    scholars: Anne Parsons and John Mellors.


    We cannot tell exactly when paper first made its appearance in
    Ethiopia. The first reference to its import into the country is by
    the French traveller Charles Poncet, who visited Ethiopia at the
    close of the seventeenth century. He mentions paper, in 1699, as one
    of a number of commodities imported into the country, as well as
    Sennar, in what is now Sudan. The imports he describes all came by
    way of the western route to Gondar, the then capital of the Ethiopian
    Empire, There is, however, is no reason to suppose that imports did
    not entered the area by way of the Red Sea port of Massawa, and, the
    Gulf of Aden ports of Tajura, Zayla and Berbera.


    The great Muslim walled city of Harar, because of its relatively easy
    access to the sea, was able to import paper much more easily than was
    the highlands of the interior. The result was that while Ethiopian
    Christians made use of Bibles and other religious works written, in
    Ge'ez, on parchment, the Muslims of Harar, as well as their
    co-religionaries in the lowlands to the East, had Qorans and other
    Islamic texts written, in Arabic, on paper.

    Magic Scroll

    One exception to the above statement deserves mention: a century
    Ethiopian magical scroll, now housed in the Institute of Ethiopian
    Studies Library. Unlike all other scrolls with which we are familiar
    it is written on paper.

    Continued Letter-writing on Paper in the Highlands

    The use of paper for letter writing in the Christian highlands seems
    to have gained currency in the eighteenth century. The Armenian
    jeweller Yohannes Tovmachean, who visited Gondar in 1764, for example
    reports that, when he left two years later, Empress Mentewwab, the
    Regent for her grandson Emperor Iyo'as, gave him "ten sheets of
    paper". These were printed only with the seal of the King and Queen,
    so that "whoever sees our seals will receive you graciously, and
    whatever you write beneath them will be performed".

    Ethiopian royal letters of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
    were likewise invariably written on paper. The latter had thus
    replaced parchment - except for the writing of religious manuscripts,
    which latter continued to be written on parchment, right down to the
    twentieth century - and to this very day.

    The relationship between parchment and paper in the highlands can
    vividly be illustrated by the tax records of Emperor Tewodros II
    (1855-1868). These were looted from Maqdala by the Napier expedition
    of 1867-8, deposited in the British Museum (later the British
    Library), and more recently published two by Richard Pankhurst and
    Germa-Sellassie Asfaw. One part of this material was written in on
    spare pages of a parchment manuscript; the other part on loose sheets
    of paper.


    The travels of Ethiopians abroad, and most noticeably to Rome,
    created considerable European interest in Ethiopic, or Ge'ez,
    writing. This resulted in the setting up in Rome of the first
    printing press with a font of Ge'ez letters. This pioneer press
    printed a Ge'ez Psalter (on paper) as early as 1513.

    Presses for the printing of religious texts in Ethiopian languages
    were later established, in the early nineteenth century, by the
    British and Foreign Bible Society, and other missionary organisations
    in Europe. The first printing press in the Ethiopian region was,
    however, founded by an Italian Lazarist Father, Lorenzo Bianchieri,
    at the port of Massawa, in 1863, during Emperor Tewodros's time.

    The increasing use of paper was further symbolised by the
    introduction, by Emperor Menilek II in 1894, of postage-stamps,
    printed of course on paper, as well as by the establishment at his
    palace at about the same time of a small printing-press.

    The first Amharic newspaper, if such it can be called, was a
    hand-written news-sheet, produced in Addis Ababa at the end of the
    last century by an Ethiopian enthusiast and scholar, Blatta Gabre
    Egziabher, from Hamasen (now Eritrea). The tragedy is that no copy of
    this work survives: if any reader knows to the contrary plese contact

    THE first duplicated publication, the Bulletin de la Léprosie de
    Harar, was started shortly afterwards, in Harar in 1900. It was
    replaced, in 1905, by Le Semeur d'Ethiopie, a small missionary
    publication in French, which occasionally included special items in

    The first real Amharic newspaper, Aimro, had meanwhile been founded,
    in Addis Ababa in 1902, by Mr A.E. Kavadia, a Greek.

    The coming of these and later printing-presses, and the founding of
    these and other newspapers meant, very simply, that paper in Ethiopia
    had come of age.

    Parchment, however, has by no means beem dethroned - it may well be
    that there are currently a third of a million, if not half a million,
    such manuscripts in the country today, as well as perhaps five
    thousand in foreign libraries, in London, Paris, Rome, Princeton, and

    These manuscripts, wherever they are, represent an important part of
    Ethiopia's historic culture - which must be preserved, through
    microfilming, as well as preservation in the Institute of Ethiopian
    Studies Library.

    It is Imperative that the microfilming of Ethiopian manuscripts,
    began many years ago by the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library,
    EMML, in Collegeville. Minnesota, be continued; also that microfilm
    copies be made of the Ethiopian Manuscripts in foreign libraries.
    Several countries, including Sweden, Switzerland, and the former
    Soviet Union gave copies of Ethiopian manuscripts in their respective
    countries to the Institute of Ethiopian Studies - as did the British
    Council (though there are still further manuscripts in Britain to be

    International Co-operation

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    But more such copying is needed, if the Institute is to be really a
    centre of Ethiopian Studies.

    Here is an important field for international cooperation, in which
    foreign Embassies and Cultural Institutes can collaborate, so that
    Copies of Ethiopian Mmanuscripts in their respective countries can be
    studied in Ethiopia, and thus contribute to the expansion of