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The Next Films For Mel Gibson

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  • The Next Films For Mel Gibson

    American Daily, OH
    Aug 16 2004

    The Next Films For Mel Gibson
    By Bruce Walker (03/05/2004)

    'The Passion of Christ' is well on its way to becoming the greatest
    film in history, and this victory is despite all the agitprop of the
    Left. Mel Gibson, like Rush Limbaugh and like President Bush, is
    carrying a battle flag for all conservatives and other normal people.
    Now - finally! - that Silent Majority seems to have grasped the
    importance of those point men.

    The defeat of the Left began when the various barbarian hordes who
    constitute Leftism discovered that all their threats, all their
    mocking, all their venom, and all their enticements could not sway
    Rush Limbaugh or separate him from his tens of millions of listeners.
    Although others will doubtless move into foxholes he has held, his
    steely determination not to yield was critical.

    The full weight of Leftism against President Bush will lead either to
    the destruction of a great president or to the complete
    demoralization of these hungry, rapacious barbarians. If the Left
    cannot defeat President Bush in 2004, then it will never be able to
    win an American presidential election.

    Now, in the very heart of Leftism, Hollywood, Mel Gibson is proving
    that he is stronger and braver than they are. Perhaps `Braveheart,'
    which described a Scotsman who stood against all odds for his right
    and the right of others to live free was the turning point. Although
    a critically acclaimed film, the message was subtly anti-Leftist.

    Certainly `The Patriot' also had the same theme. These two films,
    however, could also be explained away as defiance against colonial
    oppressors, one of the mythical monsters of Leftism fantasy. The next
    film, however, left less ambiguity.

    Signs is profoundly religious and profoundly terrifying. It is also
    profoundly Christian. Viewers and critics may have missed the symbols
    - water, small communities in the Middle East, denial and then
    acceptance - but astute Christians should not doubt that this was a
    film very much in the tradition of `Out of the Silent Planet.'

    What films should Mel Gibson make next? Here are some suggestions.
    The only advice I would deign to offer beyond these suggestions is
    this: Be bold! Be bold! Be bold! The staid, dull, dreary plots and
    dialogue of Leftist culture is both craven and empty. Gibson can do
    much more than that with films like these:

    'Venona and Hollywood.' America now knows what Ronald Reagan knew
    when he was in Hollywood. Communist infiltration was very real and
    very dangerous. Mel Gibson should make a film - erring on the side of
    caution in his conclusions - which historically describes the role of
    communists in American culture.

    We no longer have to speculate about whether or not the Soviet Union
    actively manipulated the film industry. We have names, code names,
    directions, actions - some through decryption, some through the
    actual archives of the KGB and GRU, some through reports of agents
    like Morris Childs (the second highest ranking member of the
    Communist Party USA, who was an FBI agent) and some from the
    intelligence services of other communist countries.

    An honest telling of this tale would also show why a Hollywood which
    once was largely run by patriotic Jewish Americans produced films
    both gentle and sympathetic toward Christianity and why a Hollywood
    with a much smaller Jewish involvement is so hysterical about `The
    Passion of Christ.' Jewishness and Judaism are not the villains;
    communism is the villain.

    `Tibet.' The genocide of the Tibetan people was a direct consequence
    of the triumphant of communism in China. The Tibetan Holocaust was
    not discovered by Leftist prima donnas like Richard Gere; it was
    first exposed by anti-communists in America during the 1950s and
    1960s. I first recall eyewitness, horrific accounts in Dr. Schwartz's
    Christian Anti-Communist Crusade.

    Why were people like Gere carrying about copies of Mao's Little Red
    Book (aka `Mein Kampf') by the Tibetan people were being tortured,
    imprisoned and exterminated? It was not chic to be anti-communist in
    1965, and much more important than trifles like holocausts and
    `cultural revolutions' Leftists were concerned about always being

    `Armenia.' The first holocaust. The forgotten holocaust. The
    un-holocaust. While the world watched - even worse, after the
    Himmler, the Heydrich, the Hitler of Turkey had lost the war - at
    least one million Armenians were exterminated for their Christian
    faith and their misfortune of being a nation conquered by the Moslem

    This was the laboratory for what was later used in the Gulag by the
    Soviets, then used in eastern Poland by the Soviets, then used
    against Jews by the Nazis. Moreover, this was a war on Christianity
    itself. Churches, priests, crosses all were the first objects of
    Turkish atrocities. Nothing ever happened after this holocaust. No
    Nuremberg Trials. No `Schindler's List.' No `Diary of Anne Frank.'

    There cannot be too many descriptions of the very genuine moral and
    physical horror of the Holocaust, but each dead soul murdered in the
    Killing Fields or the barren fields of the Ukraine or in cattle cars
    leaving Poland and crammed with Polish families deserve equal memory
    to mankind and to God.

    Why not start with the first holocaust? Why not begin with that
    calculated sadism which was the First Holocaust, the extermination in
    the Twentieth Century of millions of Christians - primarily
    Armenians, but also Greeks and others - while the world watched, then
    forgot, then pretended never happened? That, Mr. Gibson, would be my
    next film, if I were you.

    Bruce Walker has been a dyed in the wool conservative since, as a
    sixth grader, he campaigned door to door for Barry Goldwater. Bruce
    has had almost two hundred published articles have appeared several
    professional and political periodicals.