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History takes center stage at 2004 Olympics

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  • History takes center stage at 2004 Olympics

    Deutsche Presse-Agentur
    August 17, 2004, Tuesday

    FEATURE: History takes centre stage at 2004 Olympics


    More than 116 centuries after a Roman emperor abolished the Olympics
    because of its pagan roots, ancient Olympia will once again take
    centre stage with the shot put competition on Wednesday.

    The same day the Panathinaiko stadium in Athens will see the medal
    round in the women's archery competition - the first Olympic final
    there since the start of the modern era Games in 1896.

    Nestled in a valley covered in pine trees and laurel, the venue at
    Olympia will play host to around 80 shot putters from at least 47
    countries. Up to 15,000 spectators will watch them, sitting on the
    grassy slopes around the stadium, rather than seats, as they did in
    ancient times.

    The plan to hold the men's and women's competition at the ancient
    stadium will mark the first time since the Games began in 776 BC that
    female athletes will be allowed to compete there. It will also be the
    first time women spectators are allowed in.

    In ancient times, any woman caught watching the event, where men
    competed in the nude, were punished by death.

    Spectators lucky enough to attend will pass through an impressive
    arch to their places around the arena of the remarkably preserved
    stadium, which dates to the 4th century BC.

    In its heyday, the stadium had a capacity of 40,000.

    Although the shot put was not part of the ancient games, organisers
    decided to hold the event at the ancient stadium because it requires
    little space and can be completed in a single day before dusk.

    "I believe it will be a fantastic spectacle. Just imagining that the
    first Olympics were staged there is an amazing feeling," said German
    shot putter Astrid Kumbernuss.

    "We will be very careful not to break anything," she added of the
    stadium, which is now a World Heritage Site.

    In their infancy, the games took place in just one day, expanding
    later to a five-day Olympic festival. In line with its ancient
    significance, organisers have decided to keep the event simple with
    no corporate banners and the bare minimum of electrical equipment.

    The stadium is located next to the ancient temple of Zeus, whose
    massive marble columns, crumbled in an earthquake, can still be seen
    as a testament to its former glory. The temple once featured a huge
    statue of the prominent Greek god, listed as one of the seven wonders
    of the ancient world.

    The Games were abolished in 393 AD by Roman Emperor Theodosius, who
    had adopted Christianity and considered the Olympics a pagan ritual.
    His decree ended an uninterrupted 1,169-year Olympic tradition.

    The women's shot put winner - likely Irina Korshanenko or Svetlana
    Krivljova of Russia - will be the first Olympic champion in Olympia
    since Varasdates, Prince of Armenia, in 369 AD.

    When the modern Olympics were revived in 1896 at the Panathinako
    stadium or "Kalimarmaro" in central Athens, more than 17,000
    spectators were on hand to witness the first Olympic victory by
    American James Connolley in the triple jump.

    On Wednesday, the famous stadium which is hosting an Olympic
    competition for the first time in 108 years will award the first
    medals in the archery event.

    The marble stadium, also the finish of the marathon races later in
    the 2004 Games, underwent a costly modernisation of its marble
    structure as Greece welcomed the Games back home. dpa cp jb ms