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Antelias: Assumption of the Mother of God

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  • Antelias: Assumption of the Mother of God

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
    Communication and Information Department
    Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
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    E- mail: [email protected]

    PO Box 70 317


    Antelias, Lebanon - On August 15 all the Armenian Churches in the world
    celebrate the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God (Verapokhoum). Although
    in modern Armenian Verapokhoum means change again, in Classical Armenian it
    means transport up. For fifteen years after the Crucifixion Mary remained in
    Jerusalem under the watchful eyes of the apostles, especially John to whom
    she had been entrusted. When she died all of the apostles were present at
    her burial, except Bartholomew. When he returned to Jerusalem he went to her
    grave to pay his respects. The apostles gathered in the cemetery, but when
    the gravestone was lifted, they were surprised to find that her body was not
    there, instead there was an exceeding sweet fragrance. It was believed that
    Mary was physically taken into heaven. Based on this the church fathers
    established the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

    The Blessing of the Grapes, although not connected with the Assumption, is
    generally commemorated on the same day. First the special hymn of the day is
    sung, then passages from the Gospel are read, after which the prayer
    pertaining to the blessing of grapes, which was composed by Catholicos
    Nerses is read. In this prayer it is mentioned that on the third day of
    Creation, God created the fruit-yielding trees and vegetation on earth. The
    prayer seeks the blessing of God to be bestowed on those who give the first
    yield of their vineyards as gifts to the church, and asks the Lord to
    protect the crops and gardens from harm. After the prayers, the grapes are
    blessed and distributed to the congregation.

    On Saturday 14 August 2004, The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia celebrated
    the feast of the Holy Virgin Mary's Assumption. The Catholicosate also
    celebrated the pilgrimage day of St. Mary's Armenian Monastery in Bikfaya,
    Lebanon, site of the summer residence of the Catholicos, and also site of
    the Seminary. A celebration dating from 1952, when the Chapel was
    consecrated in the name of St. Mary.

    Since the first year of his Pontificate (1995), His Holiness Aram I has
    emphasized the importance of the feast as a special day of spiritual
    renewal, and especially the pilgrimage day as the day of the youth. This
    year, along with thousands of faithful, youths from many of the Armenian
    youth organizations walked from Antelias to Bikfaya as pilgrims of St.
    Mary's Monastery, where they joined His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of
    Cilicia, who presided over the ceremony.

    Thousands of people attended the Divine Liturgy which was celebrated in the
    courtyard of the monastery. His Holiness delivered his pontifical message to
    the faithful. This year His Holiness focused his message on the importance
    of family. "Family is the basis of society. I cannot imagine, spiritually
    and morally healthy society, without the family. I cannot imagine an
    organized and credible society without the family. Indeed the family remains
    an important point of reference, in any society. That is why we as
    Catholicos declared this year as the Year of Family. We consider the family,
    in a sense, the extension of the church, of the school, of our homeland. It
    is in and through the family that the foundation of Christian formation and
    Armenian education is laid down. Therefore a crucial role is given to the
    Armenian family. It is called to preserve and promote our Armenian Christian
    values and tradition in the context of a world which constantly question the
    credibility and relevance of spiritual and moral values. We must, therefore,
    preserve the integrity; the credibility of the Armenian Family" said His

    Following the Divine Liturgy, the ceremony of blessing of grapes and Madagh
    took place headed by His Holiness Aram I.


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    The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
    the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
    the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
    the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
    administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.