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From the heartlands/Will it be as it was?

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  • From the heartlands/Will it be as it was?

    Opinion Editorials, VA
    Aug 18 2004

    FROM THE HEARTLAND/Will it be as it was?
    Alan Thederahn

    `There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not
    know'(Harry S. Truman). The current armed uprising in Iraq is not a
    surprise to anyone familiar with the Iraqi revolt against the British
    military occupation in 1920. Resentment of the occupation led to the
    formation of a secret society, Haras al-Istiqlal (Independence Guard)
    led by Muhammad al-Sadr, (Grandfather of Moqtada Sadr, the leader of
    the current Iraqi uprising) a son of the prominent Shi'a mujtahid
    Ayatollah Hasan al-Sadr. Haras al-Istiqlal also had a close liaison
    with esteemed cleric Ayatollah Muhammad Tami al-Shirazi who in April
    1920 issued a fatwa pronouncing that service in the British
    occupation administration was unlawful. By May there was active
    cooperation between Sunnis' and Shi'a against the British occupation.
    The armed uprising broke out in June, set off in part by the arrest
    of the son of Ayatollah al-Shirazi by British authorities. The
    response of Ayatollah al-Shirazi, the premier Shi'a cleric in Iraq,
    was to send out another fatwa appearing to encourage armed
    insurrection. British measures to pre-empt an uprising only resulted
    in the revolt breaking out and acquiring momentum. Inadequate British
    forces were compelled to regroup and the uprising was not suppressed
    until the end of October 1920 at a cost of lives of approximately 500
    British and Indian soldiers and 6000 Iraqis.

    If viewed from a time outlook of years rather than months the current
    American military invasion and occupation of Iraq shares conspicuous
    affinities with the campaign of the Roman emperor Trajan in the same
    geographic region between 113 and 117 A.D. In both instances
    political instability in the region jeopardized vital economic
    interests which motivated both America and Rome to attempt to impose
    a radical political solution upon the region by military conquest and
    de facto annexation. It is a noteworthy fact that in both cases this
    fundamental and far-reaching revision of previous established foreign
    policy was instigated by `War cliques' within the current American
    administration and the emperor's retinue. In both cases initial rapid
    and complete military success was followed by an occupation
    characterized by chaos, growing resentment, and ever more pervasive
    violence which served only to generate even more political
    instability in the region. Finally in both instances the military
    invasion and occupation produced enormous strains upon both the
    military capacity and financial solvency of both America and Rome.
    These costs could not be recouped from the economic exploitation of
    the occupied territory. A brief review of the main factorsand
    sequence of events comprising Trajan's campaign and its aftermath
    clarify these four defining similarities with the present American
    position in Iraq.

    The prudent moderation of Emperor the Augustus fixed the geographic
    limits of the Roman Empire within the Empire's military capacity to
    protect Rome's vital economic
    interests. These economic interests were essentially coterminous with
    the Commerce of the Mediterranean world. On its eastern frontier Rome
    had come to an arrangement in 66 A.D. with the Parthian Empire (the
    regions of present day Iran and Iraq) over the disputed buffer
    Kingdom of Armenia to the satisfaction of both Rome and Parthia. This
    modus vivendi produced conditions that fostered regular caravan trade
    which was a source of income for both powers. Such commerce yielded
    large customs duties to both empires Treasury's and brought
    prosperity both to Roman Syria and Parthian Mesopotamia. The
    arrangement permitted Rome to continue consolidation of its eastern
    frontier to promote the affluence of the Empire's urban and upper

    The diplomatic and commercial understandings between Rome and Parthia
    were ruptured in the reign of Emperor Trajan (98-117 A.D.). An
    irregular succession inthe buffer Kingdom of Armenia and attendant
    disorders in that realm provided Rome with a pretext to place matters
    in the East on an entirely new footing. The death of Trajan's
    confidante L. Licinius Sura about 110 A.D. was an evil day for the
    Empire because it strengthened the influence of the military element
    in the emperor's entourage. From his experiences in the Dacian wars
    (105-108 A.D.) Trajan had acquired distaste for compromise which
    played into the hands of those who advocated an aggressive policy in
    place of the established traditional policy of Augustus.

    The end result was that Trajan determined to annex Armenia as a Roman
    province and end the threat posed by Parthia by occupying portions of
    its territory by military garrisons and appointing a Roman nominee as
    king of Parthia. This radical military solution would also entail a
    tremendous commercial coup for the conquest to of Iraq would
    eliminate Parthia from its middleman roll in the lucrative India
    trade leaving the caravan routes to Syria completely in Roman hands.
    Initial and complete military success attended Trajan's plans from
    114-116 A.D. With the fall of the Parthian capital, near present-day
    Baghdad, and the emperor's advance to the Persian Gulf the war seemed
    over. Revolt quickly broke out to in the occupied areas of Iraq and
    Rome regain control only after extensive heavy fighting. However, the
    resources of Rome had been severely strained and it became a serious
    question of how much effort would be required from the Roman Army to
    preserve the bulk of Trajan's conquests with Parthian military forces
    still very much present and active. With the memorable failure of the
    Roman Army before the key caravan city of Hatra in Iraq in 116
    A.D.and the death of Trajan in 117 A.D., his successor Hadrian was
    left to wrestle with the formidable legacy Trajan's radical policy
    had bequeathed to him. The new emperor, who had served on the Army
    staff in the recent campaigns, was deeply impressed that Trajan's
    conquests were a severe political miscalculation and that it was
    unsafe to attempt any extension of the Empire's eastern frontiers
    beyond the boundaries Augustus established 100 years previously. The
    discretion of Hadrian recognized that in the East there were alien
    and indissoluble cultural structures that might well exhaust the
    energies of the Empire to provide the institutions and laws which
    characterized the pax Romana. He also fully appreciated the extent to
    which the Roman army had been stretched in the recent fighting and
    for the preservation of the Army it was necessary to disengage the
    troops from Iraq. The first acts of Hadrian were to evacuate the new
    conquests in Iraq, to reestablish the former arrangement with Partha
    over Armenia, and to withdraw the legions within the traditional line
    of the Euphrates. The wisdom of these measures was quickly
    demonstrated when the withdrawal of the legions made available extra
    military forces for the suppression of an extensive insurrection
    which had broken out among the Jewish Diaspora in the possessions of
    the Empire itself while Trajan had been campaigning in Iraq. In his
    actions on becoming emperor demonstrated a political courage that
    enabled him to reject a failed radical policy, and in doing so save
    the Army and restore peace within the Empire. The present American
    position in the occupied Iraq leaves unanswered the critical
    historical question: Will it be as it was?

    Comments may be sent to: [email protected]

    Alan W. Thederahn Director
    Robert W. Meyer Deputy Director & Senior Analysts
    The Old Virginia Military District Institute