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ANC-FL: ANC Florida Activists Meet with Key Republican Legislators

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  • ANC-FL: ANC Florida Activists Meet with Key Republican Legislators

    Armenian National Committee of Florida
    PO Box 741364
    Boynton Beach, FL 33474
    [email protected]

    August 18, 2004

    Contact: Bedo Der-Bedrossian
    [email protected]


    -- Strengthen ties with Cuban American Community

    Ft. Lauderdale, FL - ANC Florida activists continued their meetings
    with South Florida Congressional offices today, discussing
    community concerns with six-term Republican House Member Lincoln
    Diaz-Balart and senior representatives from the offices of Rep.
    Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and Rep. E. Clay Shaw (R-FL).

    During the first meeting, participants discussed the status of the
    Genocide Resolution (H.Res.193) and asked Rep. Diaz-Balart for his
    support in encouraging the House Leadership to schedule a vote on
    the measure. The group also urged the Representative to
    participate in upcoming commemorative events marking the 90th
    anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, both in Washington, DC and in
    his local district. ANC South Florida Chairman Bedo Der-Bedrossian
    thanked the Congressman for joining with the South Florida Armenian
    American community this past April 24th to mark this solemn
    occasion. In turn, Rep. Diaz-Balart expressed appreciation to the
    Armenian community for their solidarity on several issues of
    concern to the Cuban American community. Specifically, the
    Representative made reference to Armenian participation at a
    protest against Communist repression in Cuba held during an
    international summit in Geneva, Switzerland last year. The ANC
    delegation pledged to work even more closely with the Cuban
    American community on issues of mutual concern.

    Participants at the meeting included ANCA Eastern Region Director
    Doug Geogerian, ANCA Government Affairs Director Abraham Niziblian,
    ANC South Florida Chairman Bedo Der-Bedrossian, Naomi Davityan,
    ANCA intern and Florida activist Michael Toumayan, and Tony
    Yaghjian as well as Armenian Assembly Grassroots Director Nancy
    Hiteshue and recent Armenian Assembly intern Daniel Koushagjian.

    Following this meeting, Geogerian, Niziblian, Der-Bedrossian and
    Toumayan went on to discuss Armenian Genocide legislation and U.S.-
    Armenia trade relations with Deborah Zimmerman, District Chief of
    Staff for Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. The ANCA delegation expressed
    appreciation for a key Committee vote Rep. Ros-Lehtinen had cast in
    September 2000 in support of the Armenian Genocide Resolution
    (H.Res.596). They went on to discuss a number of U.S. - Armenia
    economic issues including continuing high levels of U.S. assistance
    to Armenia, the importance of maintaining U.S. military assistance
    parity to Armenia and Azerbaijan and providing U.S. assistance to
    Nagorno Karabagh

    During the meeting with Rep. E. Clay Shaw's District Director Joel
    Gustafson, the ANCA delegation again focused on proper U.S.
    reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide as well as efforts to
    strengthen U.S. - Armenia economic and political relations. The
    delegation included Geogerian, Niziblian, Der-Bedrossian, Toumayan
    as well as local activists Siran Der-Bedrossian and Allen

    At each of the meetings, ANCA activists encouraged Members of
    Congress to co-sign a letter, initiated by Representatives George
    Radanovich (R-CA), Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank
    Pallone (D-NJ) and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) urging the House
    Leadership to support inclusion of the Schiff Amendment in the FY
    2005 Foreign Aid Bill and to schedule a vote on the Genocide
    Resolution (H.Res.193). The Schiff Amendment, adopted unanimously
    by the House by a voice vote, would bar Turkey from utilizing U.S.
    foreign assistance to lobby against the Genocide resolution

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress