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The Armenian genocide: Face history's heartbreaking truth

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  • The Armenian genocide: Face history's heartbreaking truth

    The Armenian genocide

    Face history's heartbreaking truth

    The International Herald Tribune
    Thursday, August 19, 2004

    By Jay Bushinsky

    JERUSALEM -- When the writer Franz Werfl, visiting this majestic city in
    the early 1930s, sought a shoemaker, he was told that there was a very
    competent one on Jaffa Road. His wife, the former Alma Mahler, had lost
    one of her shoes aboard ship en route to Palestine and was desperate to
    have the missing one replaced.

    The shoemaker's name was Garabidian - an Armenian name. Werfl was
    surprised to discover Armenians in Jerusalem. When he found out that the
    Old City had an Armenian Quarter and that most of its inhabitants were
    survivors of the 20th century's first genocide, he was overwhelmed with
    emotion. That conversation inspired his internationally acclaimed novel,
    "The Forty Days of Musa Dagh."

    The carnage perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks 89 years ago, in which 1.5
    million ethnic Armenians were killed or deported, was a tragic prelude
    to the Nazi Holocaust of 1939-1945 in which six million Jews were

    Hitler's determination to destroy European Jewry was encouraged by the
    world's lack of interest in the Armenian tragedy. In a speech delivered
    to his troops on Aug. 22, 1939 - nine days before he invaded Poland - he
    was quoted as having said: "Who, after all, speaks today of the
    annihilation of the Armenians?"

    The fact that these words were not included in the official text has
    prompted skeptics to contend that they never were uttered. They may have
    been said off the cuff, since it is hard to believe that they could have
    been invented by others.

    Ironically, Hitler's rhetorical question is inscribed on one of the
    walls of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial in Washington, and rightly so. But
    there is a vast chasm between moral sentiment and political expediency.
    The latest attempt by Armenian-American activists to win Congressional
    recognition of the Armenian genocide was a failure. Other interest
    groups, including Jewish ones, misguided or opportunistic, convinced a
    vast majority of the American lawmakers that a resolution along those
    lines would offend the Turks at a time when the United States needs them
    as allies.

    Israeli diplomacy also puts contemporary priorities ahead of moral
    obligations. When a major documentary about the Armenian genocide was
    due to be screened here, the foreign ministry intervened out of
    consideration for Turkish sensibilities. It is hypocritical to expect
    compassion and sympathy from the peoples of the world for the lives lost
    in the Holocaust when 'raison d'état' prevents Israel and most Israelis
    from commiserating with the Armenians.

    Israel's government winced when Turkey's prime minister, Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan, assailed its policy and behavior in the West Bank and Gaza
    Strip as well as toward the Palestinians in general. But neither Israel
    nor the overseas Jewish organizations dared remind Erdogan that leaders
    of nations that had committed crimes against humanity had best refrain
    from preaching to others - a lesson learned and followed by Germany.

    Historical truth must be faced regardless of how heartbreaking it may
    be. It cannot be subordinated to the ebb and flow of modern
    international relations. Anyone who visited the Armenians' grim memorial
    to their martyred brothers and sisters south of Yerevan, Armenia's
    capital, in the shadow of biblical Mount Ararat, cannot but grieve with

    Israelis, Jews, Zionists and their supporters should comfort the
    Armenians in their national sorrow and the Turks should accept the
    photographs, documents and above all testimony, which commemorate the
    Armenian genocide, instead of insisting that it never happened.

    By Jay Bushinsky is a freelance writer based in Israel.