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BAKU: Azeri prosecutor wants court to jail anti-Armenian protesters

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  • BAKU: Azeri prosecutor wants court to jail anti-Armenian protesters

    Azeri prosecutor wants court to jail anti-Armenian protesters

    Turan news agency
    20 Aug 04


    The trial of Karabakh Liberation Organization [KLO] members continued
    at Baku's Nasimi district court today.

    The deputy chief of the Yasamal district police department, Cingiz
    Mammadov, appeared in court as a witness. He testified on the events
    which happened on 21 June outside the Europe Hotel where the KLO
    members protested against the participation of Armenian officers in a
    NATO meeting.

    Mammadov said that he beat up KLO member Rovsan Xafiyev who took part
    in the protest. But he did it to pacify him as he had the right to do
    so, defence lawyer Vidadi Mahmudov told Turan.

    The state prosecutor delivered his speech and asked the court to
    sentence KLO chairman Akif Nagi to six years in prison, the rest of
    the KLO members to five years and KLO deputy chairman Firudin Mammadov
    to four years in prison as he is a first-grade veteran of the Karabakh

    The court will continue its work on 26 August when the defence will
    have its say.