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Edinburgh Film Festival 2004 - Day Two

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  • Edinburgh Film Festival 2004 - Day Two

    iofilm, UK
    Aug 20 2004

    Edinburgh Film Festival 2004 - Day Two
    EIFF 2004 Diary: Day Two

    Super Size Me proves to be an extra large hit and the director, super

    By Douglas Bell

    Edinburgh venues have a tendency to be far too hot during August.
    Whether it's a local joke to provoke tourists or just a problem with
    the old venues, today seemed a welcome exception as the cruel heat
    stayed at bay. The enormous UGC at Fountainbridge seems best equipped
    with air conditioning, so at least you may sit in comfort whilst you
    watch the abysmal Hungarian murder movie After The Day Before. This
    time it's Hungarian inbreds who are all cross-wired, rather than the
    more dangerous Belgian kind.

    A jigsaw of non-linear events have been thrown together and you have
    to pick up the pieces. It makes you suspicious of everyone from the
    start, and unfortunately, suspicious that nothing is ever going to
    happen in the movie.

    The film festival offers an abundance of foreign productions this
    year and they are not all of this standard. The Filmhouse is hosting
    the Armenian black and white Documantarist which drew oohs and aahs
    from the audience with its emotional observations of a damaged
    nation. The caesarean births may put you off your Deuchars at the
    Filmhouse bar afterwards, but there's plenty mind broadening stuff
    out there for all to see.

    If you thought that the World's Weirdoes all perform on The Royal
    Mile, you should see some of the ones caught on film. It seems that
    nothing has escaped the camera as even butt-naked coal-covered Dutch
    diggers adorn the screens with their coal black buttocks and communal
    shower scenes.

    Today's big show was undoubtedly Super Size Me, which had its UK
    premiere at the UGC, introduced by the director/victim himself, the
    spellbinding Morgan Spurlock. The anticipation surrounding this movie
    is like no other and it leaves no-one in any doubt whatsoever about
    how they feel about McDonald's. I was sneaky enough to get into the
    packed theatre to witness Spurlock's witty intro. With the same
    humour he uses to get his powerful message across on film, the man
    had everyone at ease and craving for more.

    Having seen the movie, he took his wife to the bar whilst Edinburgh
    sat through his gastric study. He was delighted to chat with your
    diarist and had no pretence about his work and the film's incredible
    success. Spurlock is very smart and modest. His ability to be
    perfectly normal is one of his most endearing qualities and it's a
    powerfully authoritative way to get people to listen to something
    that should be obvious - McDonalds will not make you happy, nor

    His next piece may well end up being called `Would you like salt and
    sauce with that?' as I suggested he try the Rose Street Fry whilst in
    town. He was amused by the recent closure of McDonald's at the UGC
    too, although he refused to take any credit for it. This man made the
    fast food giant take the supersize option away from an addicted
    America, and yet he boasts of nothing.

    We joked about the weight that he's lost over the last few months
    eating little more than aeroplane food as he follows his success
    wherever it calls him. We were very lucky to have him here in
    Edinburgh and he felt lucky to be here. We should all watch his movie
    as he went through Hell to do us all a favour. It's also a great
    documentary and amongst my favourites. Somehow, I think that it will
    have a profound effect on the way we think about food. Even those who
    already hate junk food should go and see it. It'll be good for you.