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Putin To Visit Armenia Early Next Year

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  • Putin To Visit Armenia Early Next Year

    Agence France Presse
    Aug 20 2004

    Putin To Visit Armenia Early Next Year

    MOSCOW, Aug 20 (AFP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said he will
    visit his Armenian counterpart, Robert Kocharian, in Armenia early
    next year and has renewed offers to mediate the decade-old conflict
    in Nagorny Karabakh, the Russian media reported Friday.

    Russia is ready to act as a "mediator and guarantor" of a negotiated
    settlement in Nagorny Karabakh, an ethnically Armenian enclave of
    Azerbaijan, Putin said according to Russian news service Interfax.

    A 1994 ceasefire after a bloody four-year conflict left Armenian
    forces in control of the enclave and surrounding Azeri regions.
    Azerbaijan has said it is determined to force Armenian troops out of
    the territory.

    Along with France and the United States, Russia is part of the
    so-called Minsk Group seeking a peaceful solution to the conflict.

    No specific date was set for Putin's trip.