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On this day - 08/23/2004

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  • On this day - 08/23/2004

    The Advertiser, Australia
    Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia
    The Mercury, Australia
    Sunday Times, Australia
    Aug 23 2004

    On this day - 23aug04

    1990 - Soviet Republic of Armenia declares independence

    1305 - Scottish rebel leader William Wallace is hanged, drawn and
    quartered for treason in London.
    1514 - Selim I, Sultan of Turkey, defeats Shah Ismail of Persia at
    1628 - Duke of Buckingham, about to embark at Portsmouth, England,
    with further expedition to La Rochelle, France, is assassinated by
    John Felton.
    1775 - England's King George II proclaims existence of open rebellion
    in American colonies.
    1813 - French are defeated by German army under Friedrich von Bulow,
    preventing march on Berlin.
    1839 - Hong Kong is taken by British in war with China.
    1870 - Last British troops leave Australia.
    1908 - Abdul Aziz of Morocco is defeated at Marrakesh by Mulai Hafid,
    the new Sultan.
    1913 - Copenhagen's famous landmark, The Little Mermaid, is unveiled
    at the entrance of the harbour.
    1914 - Japan declares war on Germany in World War I.
    1926 - Film idol Rudolph Valentino dies suddenly in a New York
    hospital, aged 31.
    1927 - Two Italian-born anarchists, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo
    Vanzetti, are executed in Massachusetts despite worldwide protests
    they are innocent.
    1927 - Nahas Pasha becomes leader of the Wafd in Egypt.
    1937 - Japanese military forces land at Shanghai, China.
    1942 - Thirteen Japanese planes are shot down in the 24th raid on
    Darwin in World War II.
    1944 - Allied troops in France capture port of Marseilles in World
    War II.
    1944 - Romania joins the Allies and breaks its alliance with Hitler's
    Germany. King Michael I declares war on Germany, and orders the
    country's military pro-Nazi leader Marshal Ion Antonescu arrested.
    1948 - The World Council of Churches is founded.
    1952 - Arab League security pact goes into effect.
    1958 - China begins bombardment of island of Quemoy.
    1960 - Broadway librettist Oscar Hammerstein II dies in Doylestown,
    1962 - US Telstar satellite relays first live television program
    between United States and Europe.
    1964 - Footbridge collapses over river gorge in Venezuela, and 29
    people fall to their deaths in rapids below.
    1973 - Four people are taken hostage by a robber in a Stockholm bank.
    During the six-day drama the captor and captives develop a friendship
    later described and studied as "the Stockholm syndrome".
    1975 - Communists complete takeover of Laos.
    1979 - Bolshoi Ballet star Alexander Godunov is granted political
    asylum in the United States.
    1982 - Lebanon's parliament elects Christian militia leader Bashir
    Gemayel president; he was assassinated three weeks later.
    1986 - Leaders of nine southern African nations, meeting in Angola,
    express support for international economic sanctions against South
    1987 - Iraqi warplanes bomb key Iranian petrochemical complex of
    Bandar Khomeini.
    1990 - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein appears on television with
    British hostages held at "a vital Iraqi installation"; Soviet
    Republic of Armenia declares independence; East and West Germany
    announce they will unite on October 3.
    1991 - Following failed coup by hard-liners in the Soviet Union,
    Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin act to strip Communist Party of
    its power and take control of army and KGB.
    1992 - More than 500 survivors return to Singapore from the cruise
    ship Royal Pacific, which sank after a collision with a fishing boat;
    some 200 young right-wingers attack a hostel for foreign refugees in
    Rostock, eastern Germany.
    1993 - In Denmark, salvagers hoping for Nazi documents and treasure
    hoist a German U-boat out of a muddy seabed where it sank in an
    allied attack 48 years ago.
    1994 - A wave of refugees fleeing Cuba on inner tubes, planks and
    plastic foam blocks, head for the US naval base in Guantanamo.
    1996 - The FBI confirms that microscopic traces of an explosive were
    found on wreckage from TWA Flight 800, but says it still can't say
    whether the plane was brought down by a bomb or missile.
    1997 - Iran's new moderate president appoints a US-educated lecturer
    as vice-president, the first woman to serve in a top government post
    since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution.
    1997 - Sir Eric Gairy, prime minister of Grenada from 1974-79, dies.
    1998 - Russian President Boris Yeltsin replaces Prime Minister Sergei
    Kiriyenko with former Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin.
    1999 - Students opposing the strike at Mexico's main university try
    to enter the campus and scuffle with striking students protesting a
    tuition increase. The strike ends in February 2000.
    1999 - Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder starts work in Berlin, the first
    time Germany had been governed from its traditional capital since
    World War II.
    2000 - A plane crashes into shallow Persian Gulf waters after
    circling and trying to land in Bahrain, killing all 143 people
    2000 - In a reality TV record an estimated 51 million US viewers tune
    in for the finale of CBS's series Survivor, in which contestant
    Richard Hatch wins the $US1 million ($A1.91 million) prize.
    2001 - Democratic Rep Gary Condit of California denies any
    involvement in the disappearance of intern Chandra Levy; Thierry
    Devaux, a Frenchman using a motor-driven parachute, is arrested after
    becoming snagged on the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbour.
    2002 - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe unexpectedly dissolves his
    cabinet and ousts moderates in a move officials say is related to his
    controversial program to seize land from white farmers and
    redistribute it to landless blacks.
    2003 - John Geoghan, a former Roman Catholic priest whose January
    2002 sexual abuse conviction sparked a widespread abuse scandal in
    the Catholic church, is beaten and strangled to death in prison.