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The Communist Party will not allow antiRussian sentiments to develop

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  • The Communist Party will not allow antiRussian sentiments to develop

    The Communist Party will not allow anti-Russian sentiments to develop

    Hayots Ashkharh, Yerevan
    20 Aug 04

    by Vahan Vardanyan

    The Communist Party of Armenia [CPA] yesterday made a statement saying
    that it intends to deal a final counterblow to any possible
    anti-Russian sentiments. To find out the motives for such a
    statement, the newspaper interviews the first secretary of the CPA
    Central Committee, Ruben Tovmasyan.

    [Hayots Ashkharh correspondent] Mr. Tovmasyan, how should one
    understand such an unexpected statement by the CPA? What kind of
    anti-Russian sentiments do you see as a subject of counteraction by
    the party?

    [Ruben Tovmasyan] Recently, various parties and politicians started
    making statements concerning Armenian-Russian relations, calling them
    exhausted. It means that the country's foreign policy must be changed
    towards the West and that only Western states, specifically the USA,
    will help us build a prosperous country. Others point out the need for
    Armenia's integration into European structures and NATO.

    However, the CPA is categorically against this position. We are sure
    that only the deepening of relations with Russia can keep Armenia away
    from disastrous developments in the future. The Communist Party of
    Armenia believes that attempts to deepen anti-Russian sentiments will
    affect only our country. Our relations with Russia over the last 300
    years have stood a serious test and have done the Armenian people only

    [Correspondent] Who and which parties do you think support
    anti-Russian sentiments?

    [Tovmasyan] Unfortunately, their number has considerably increased of
    late. Everyone who is allowed to speak on TV or in the press seems to
    feel obliged to make anti-Russian statements, even saying that they
    [the Russians] have prejudice against our people. Various parties, the
    "remainder" of the [former ruling] Armenian Pan-National Movement,
    initiators of various round table discussions and clubs have become
    demonstrators of the "damage" caused by Armenian-Russian relations.

    [Correspondent] Do you admit that such forces exist within the
    Armenian opposition as well?

    [Tovmasyan] Why not? But it is also unacceptable to us. A big question
    mark is hanging over Russian-Armenian relations and the country's
    military orientation today, not over those who oppose the
    authorities. Although the CPA is in radical opposition to the current
    regime, it will not allow anti-Russian sentiments to develop,
    irrespective of whether their initiators are in opposition or

    [Correspondent] However, the policy of the Armenian authorities is not
    anti-Russian. In this context, your concern is exaggerated.

    [Tovmasyan] No, it is not. As regards the authorities, I would mention
    the circumstance that they do not make any radical statements and do
    not declare pro-Russian orientation Armenia's only and decisive
    choice. There are some signs of it, but it does not mean that the
    country's orientation is pro-Russian, and it is mentioned in our
    statement as well.

    [Correspondent] Does the CPA still think that the only prospect is in
    a union with Russia?

    [Tovmasyan] Yes, we must ally ourselves with Russia on all
    issues. Only this union will allow Armenia to solve its problems and

    [Correspondent] But which status should Armenia have in such a union?

    [Tovmasyan] In my opinion, Armenia must maintain its statehood. But
    we, the communists, consider it to be a key issue not to allow our
    country to be sidelined from the developments in the former Soviet
    Union. There is the Union of Russia and Belarus which is developing in
    spite of minor obstacles. Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
    are stressing more and more the idea of restoring the common economic
    area. These are the signs of Russia's serious influence. Armenia must
    actively participate in these processes.

    [Correspondent] There are many predictions that Western influence will
    gradually prevail in our region. How can we ally ourselves only with
    Russia if we have no common border?

    [Tovmasyan] This does not mean that Armenia must follow the example of
    Azerbaijan and Georgia which have really pro-Western orientation. Our
    country's role in Western programmes is too modest and nominal. The
    CPA will never agree with this.

    We must have a pro-Russian orientation, and maybe only this will
    influence Georgia and Azerbaijan and make them change their
    orientation, and it is not we who must follow them. The West will take
    into account our opinion when it sees us in a union with Russia, not
    when we accept all their demands.