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BAKU: Azeri Daily Says Us Troops May Be Stationed in Karabakh

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  • BAKU: Azeri Daily Says Us Troops May Be Stationed in Karabakh


    Yeni Musavat, Baku
    23 Aug 04

    The USA might help Azerbaijan gain back its Armenian-occupied lands in
    return for stationing its troops in Nagornyy Karabakh, Azerbaijani
    daily Yeni Musavat has said. This could provide excellent chances to
    Washington, which aims to reduce Russia's role in the region and is
    about to launch its plans vis-a-vis Iran, since Nagornyy Karabakh
    borders both on Iran and on Armenia which hosts Russian military
    bases, the report said. I do not believe that US troops will come here
    only to protect the Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline, the deputy chairman of
    the opposition Musavat Party told Yeni Musavat. The US forces to be
    deployed in the country will be "multipurpose", the party official
    said. For his part, the spokesman of the Azerbaijani Defence Ministry
    denied that deployment of US troop had been discussed during the
    latest visit by the US defence secretary to Baku. However, the
    spokesman said, military units of countries involved in the
    construction of Baku-Ceyhan might take part in the protection of the
    pipeline. The following is an excerpt from Elsad Pasasoy's report by
    Yeni Musavat on 23 August headlined "US bases in Karabakh" and
    subheaded "Can Baku make such an appeal to the USA?" and "Sulhaddin
    Akbar: Personal and power interests should be set aside"; subheadings
    have been inserted editorially:

    Reports that US troops will be stationed in Azerbaijan have caused
    serious concern in Russia. In its comments on Pentagon chief Donald
    Rumsfeld's unexpected visit to Azerbaijan, Russia's Nezavisimaya
    Gazeta reported that the issue of military bases had been discussed
    and agreement in principle had been reached.

    There have been discussions for a long time about the possibility of
    setting up NATO or US military bases in Azerbaijan. Although
    Washington officials have so far firmly denied the existence of this
    plan, this intention is being more openly expressed now. The deputy
    commander of US European Command, Charles Wald, has also unveiled
    Washington's intention to deploy mobile forces in the region to ensure
    the security of the (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan) oil pipeline.

    US troops in Azerbaijan to be multipurpose

    Commenting on the issue, the deputy chairman of the Musavat Party,
    Sulhaddin Akbar, said that the discussions of this issue had started
    long before and negotiations were under way. "But the discussions have
    not finished yet. Some technical preparations are being made. However,
    the resolution of the issue on an official legal level is being
    delayed because Azerbaijan has not given its official consent."

    Akbar says that the factor that keeps the Azerbaijani authorities in
    hesitation is Russia's and Iran's positions. He thinks that the bases
    that will be set up in Azerbaijan might not be conventional military
    bases. "As is known, the notion of military bases implies the
    long-term deployment of armed forces of one foreign country in another
    country based on a legal document. It might be envisaged that some
    mobile forces will be temporarily deployed. In the first place I mean
    air bases."

    (Passage omitted: known details)

    Akbar says that if US troops are deployed temporarily, they will be
    multipurpose. "In other words, they will be used both within the
    framework of the Caspian security programme, to ensure the security of
    oil reserves and oil transportation to international markets and for
    the Iranian issue. A new function might appear in the future. In other
    words, I do not believe that they will be here only to protect the oil

    Undoubtedly, this plan will be implemented in accordance with the US
    interests. The deployment of troops in Azerbaijan could be an event of
    serious significance to Washington from the viewpoint of minimizing
    Russia's role in the region and implementing the Iranian plan. Since
    the USA explains the deployment of troops by the fight against terror,
    the interests of Azerbaijan, which has been subjected to terror,
    should also be satisfied.

    US troops may be stationed in Karabakh

    One may wonder if the Azerbaijani side can dare to propose that our
    occupied lands be liberated and in return US military forces be
    stationed in Karabakh. By the way, in the occupied lands Azerbaijan
    borders Iran and Armenia, which hosts Russia's military bases. So, it
    would promise a more beneficial prospect for the USA to set up
    military bases in Nagornyy Karabakh. But can the Azerbaijani
    authorities raise this issue with Washington?

    Akbar (says): "For this condition to be put forward, private and power
    interests should be set aside and the national interests should come
    to the fore. Of course, this is possible if the national interests
    come first. This issue was touched upon in a meeting between
    (Azerbaijani Defence Minister) Safar Abiyev and Donald Rumsfeld. It is
    desirable to have these issues raised. They include restoration of
    Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty, increased border
    security, Caspian security and assistance in the resolution of
    Azerbaijan's numerous problems and army building. If Azerbaijan is
    interested, it may raise many issues as part of bilateral cooperation
    and within the framework of NATO."

    Akbar said he did not expect the presence of US military forces in
    Azerbaijan to directly influence the resolution of the Nagornyy
    Karabakh dispute. "It may simply have a certain effect in terms of
    preventing the conflict from expanding. Namely, if US armed forces are
    deployed in Azerbaijan, this will naturally play a role in
    strengthening stability in the region from the geopolitical and
    geostrategic viewpoint. Or the reverse could be true. Say, if the
    Iranian issue comes to the agenda, it could play an opposite
    role. This should also be taken into account." (Asked if) this will
    nullify Azerbaijan's chance to start military operations, Akbar (said
    that) "Azerbaijan does not have such an intention, desire and power."

    Tension to grow between Russia and USA

    What will be Russia's reaction to Washington's military plans? Will
    Moscow pull back its military bases from Georgia and Azerbaijan, or
    will it continue showing more resistance?

    The expert says that strategic disagreement is already increasing. "It
    is hard to predict any understanding in this direction soon. The
    situations both in Ukraine and Georgia and in Azerbaijan show that the
    disagreement is growing. I think this tension will continue growing at
    least till the end of the year. If (US President George W.) Bush is
    re-elected and if perhaps understanding is reached with Russia from
    the geopolitical and geostrategic viewpoint, Moscow could withdraw
    from here. But this understanding is not expected to be reached at
    least this year."

    Azeri defence official denies talks on US troop deployment

    Expressing an attitude to press reports on the prospect of deployment
    of US military forces in Azerbaijan, the head of the press service of
    the (Azerbaijani) Defence Ministry, Col Ramiz Malikov, said that no
    discussion had been held at the ministry to this effect. Reminding
    that the Defence Ministry is not a political organization, the colonel
    thinks that it is up to politicians to discuss this issue. Also, he
    played down the reports that during his sudden visit to Azerbaijan
    last week (on 12 August) US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had had
    discussions with his Azerbaijani counterpart on the deployment of (US)
    troops. "I personally took part in the meeting that was held at Heydar
    Aliyev international airport. A broad exchange of views was held with
    our minister. However, the setting up of military bases was not the
    subject of the discussions."

    Besides refuting reports circulated in the Russian media, Malikov
    wanted the reality to be heeded, too. Judging by what he said, the
    disseminated information was not by far unsubstantiated. "Today, the
    eyes of the whole world are on Azerbaijan. A total of 60m dollars have
    been invested in the Baku-Tb ilisi-Ceyhan pipeline and the countries
    concerned want to have the security of this pipeline ensured. Certain
    circles, countries concerned and their military units might take part
    in the protection of this pipeline. A unit from Azerbaijan might also
    join this process." Nevertheless, the Defence Ministry spokesman
    reiterated that the discussions of this type had not been held. "The
    Defence Ministry is just an executive body."

    Malikov's reaction to Russia's concerns at the setting up of US
    military bases in Azerbaijan on the pretext of protecting the oil
    pipeline was brief and clear-cut: "Has Russia ever been unconcerned?"
    (Asked if) the military forces that will be stationed in Azerbaijan
    may in any way contribute to the (resolution of) the Nagornyy Karabakh
    dispute, Malikov said: "How can they help? These units will just
    protect the pipeline. Now, you see (US Co-Chairman of the OSCE Minsk
    Group) Steven Mann, on the one hand, and the Russian foreign minister,
    on the other, shouting. We have to resolve the Nagornyy Karabakh
    dispute ourselves."