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Georgians call for Europeans as mediators to drive out Russia

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  • Georgians call for Europeans as mediators to drive out Russia

    Agency WPS
    What the Papers Say. Part B (Russia)
    August 24, 2004, Tuesday


    SOURCE: Vremya Novostei, August 24, 2004, p. 5
    by Vladimir Kazimirov

    Why would the Georgian government insist on international involvement
    in resolving the Georgian-Ossetian conflict? The Revolution of Roses
    doesn't stand a chance in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Knowing this,
    the president of Georgia intersperses peace-loving rhetoric with
    aggressive threats.

    Georgia wants the OSCE involved in resolving the South Ossetia
    conflictGeorgia is striving to internationalize the Georgian-Ossetian
    conflict settlement by involving the OSCE. Among other arguments used
    by official Tbilisi, there are hints that the OSCE gained the
    necessary experience in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over

    The latest propaganda move of Georgian diplomacy is not surprising.
    President Mikhail Saakashvili of Georgia is euphoric over his success
    in Adzharia. His recent statements to the effect that South Ossetia
    and Abkhazia are about to be reclaimed by Georgia only aggravated
    tension in the region. The Revolution of Roses doesn't stand a chance
    in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Knowing this, the president of Georgia
    intersperses peace-loving rhetoric with aggressive threats. In fact,
    he is actually making a threat to settle the conflict by force and
    concentrates units of the regular army in the conflict area. All this
    regardless of decisions of the Joint Control Commission and despite
    old and new accords reached with Russia's assistance.

    Since the pressure fails to solve the problem for Saakashvili, he
    questions efficiency of the existing mechanisms of the truce (the
    mechanisms that have maintained peace in the conflict area for over a
    decade), urges new peacekeepers to enter the conflict area and plays
    on the international community's reluctance to see a new war break
    out in the region. Forget Saakashvili's previous flowery speeches
    full of friendship with Russia. This is not Tbilisi's last move.
    There will be others.State Minister Georgy Khaindrava said in an
    interview once that Georgia doesn't have to get anyone's permission
    for actions on its own territory. But this is a conflict zone we are
    talking about! These is where special procedures are needed, the
    procedures of consultations with the other side within the framework
    of peacekeeping structures. If preventing another war is the true
    goal, that is.In a similar manner, replacement of the settlement
    mechanism requires the consent of the other side, even when that
    other side is an unrecognized state formation. Has Tbilisi discussed
    everything with Tskhinvali yet?

    Neither shall we harbor any illusions with regard to the OSCE
    peacekeeping potential or its successes in Karabakh. The organization
    cannot boast of any outstanding successes in this sphere. The
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict it has handled for over 12 years is far
    from being solved yet. The OSCE peacekeeping operation there exists
    only on paper. Its contribution is restricted to monitoring of the
    cease-fire regime established a decade ago with Russia's help, not
    the OSCE's. Minsk Conference for Nagorno-Karabakh has never been
    convened. The issue was addressed by the so-called OSCE Minsk Group,
    with an unclear status, then by its chairmen, and eventually by the
    warring sides themselves. (The group was formed in 1992, its chairmen
    currently are Russia, the United States, and France - Vremya
    Novostei.) What the OSCE Minsk Group is remembered for is the
    obstacles it put in front of Russia bent on settlement of the
    conflict. Restriction of Russia's influence with the region seems to
    be its only aim.For reasons too clear to dwell on, no one in the OSCE
    needs the conflict between Georgians and Ossetian settled more than
    Russia does.

    These days, Tbilisi is trying to scuttle the existing mechanism of
    settlement in South Ossetia, even though the chances of building
    anything more effective are negligible. Why? In order make an attempt
    to solve the problem by force all the easier?Vladimir Kazimirov:
    Ambassador of the Russian Federation, head of the Russian negotiating
    team from 1992 to 1996, presidential envoy for Nagorno-Karabakh,
    member and chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group.

    Translated by A. Ignatkin