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BAKU: Azerbaijan may put Karabakh leaders on Interpol wanted list

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan may put Karabakh leaders on Interpol wanted list

    Azerbaijan may put Karabakh separatists on Interpol wanted list

    Ekho, Baku
    17 Aug 04

    The National Central Bureau of Interpol (NCBI) in Azerbaijan is ready
    to announce an international search for the president of the
    self-styled Nagornyy Karabakh Republic ("NKR" - placed in inverted
    commas hereafter), Arkadiy Gukasyan. An informed source at the
    law-enforcement bodies told Ekho that the Azerbaijani Prosecutor
    General's Office should initiate criminal proceedings [against him]
    for this purpose.

    In the meantime, it is difficult to find a better time than it is now
    if the National Central Bureau of Azerbaijan announces an
    international manhunt for the leader of the Karabakh
    separatists. Gukasyan has announced that he is going on holiday. And
    "the president" will relax outside Karabakh. "The main information
    department" under "the president" of the "NKR" does not report which
    country Gukasyan headed for.

    Gukasyan remains faithful to his tradition of going on holidays in
    August or September. In the past, the leader of the Karabakh
    separatists also spent his holidays outside Karabakh, but in Xankandi
    they have always avoided reporting where he is going, probably, so
    that nobody can spoil his holiday.

    Gukasyan is known to travel abroad quite often. He more often visits
    France and the USA where he takes part in a variety of telethons
    organized by the All-Armenian Foundation Hayastan. The separatist
    leader has repeatedly travelled to Moscow. Armenia's opposition press
    reports that Gukasyan is suffering from a certain serious disease
    which requires treatment.

    [Passage omitted]

    It is interesting that representatives of the "NKR" and Yerevan are
    hiding Gukasyan's holiday destination. Thus, "the representation" of
    "the NKR" in Moscow refused to tell Ekho anything concerning the
    holiday of their "boss". The same position was shown by the "NKR
    representation" in France: "We do not know where our president is

    The separatists found it difficult to answer Ekho's question about how
    often Gukasyan relaxes in France, advising to address this question
    to... [ellipsis as given] the Armenian authorities. Armenia's
    diplomatic representation in Moscow said they had no information as to
    where the leader of the Karabakh separatists could be relaxing.

    Even if the leader of the Karabakh separatists manages to relax
    without problems this year, Azerbaijani parliamentarians intend to get
    Gukasyan not to leave Karabakh or Armenia in the future. A member of
    the parliamentary commission on national security and defence,
    Alimammad Nuriyev, told Ekho that he was planning to raise the issue
    of restricting the movement of the Karabakh separatists, including
    Gukasyan, during the parliament's autumn session.

    Under the MP's proposal, it is necessary to compile a list of
    separatist leaders, which will be later sent to CIS countries and
    other friendly nations. Official Baku will have to request that the
    governments of these countries impose sanctions on the entry of the
    people mentioned on the list. Nuriyev is confident that Baku's
    initiative will be supported, since some CIS countries have problems
    with separatism.

    The parliamentarian also intends to raise the issue of a similar
    address to the European Union. "There is a precedent. The European
    Union has banned [unrecognized] Dniester leaders [in Moldova] from
    entering EU countries. We have to make use of it."

    In turn, another MP Zahid Oruc suggests introducing tougher sanctions
    against the Karabakh separatists. The deputy is in favour of declaring
    Gukasyan a war criminal and putting him on the international wanted
    list. "I intend to raise this issue at the autumn session of the Milli
    Maclis [Azerbaijani parliament]. We have to act on the example of
    Russia which has announced Chechen militants war criminals and
    demanded their extradition from neighbouring countries. We can in no
    way allow Gukasyan to smoothly tour the world."

    Oruc acknowledged that Baku has to compile a list of the Karabakh
    separatists headed by Gukasyan and request that CIS countries impose
    sanctions against these people. "Time is ripe for moving from official
    statements to fruitful actions." The deputy is sure that constructive
    cooperation between the [Azerbaijani] Foreign Ministry and the Milli
    Maclis on this issue will yield positive results soon.