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"Feast For Kerry"

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  • "Feast For Kerry"


    25 Aug 04

    A Musical Festival on August 28

    An unprecedented musical festival called "Feast for Kerry" is going to
    burst out in Franklin, Massachusetts, in a campsite "Armenia" on
    August 28.

    The festival is aimed to do honour to the Democratic candidate John
    Kerry who is respected by the Armenian community of the US for the 20
    years of pro-Armenian policy in the Senate. Now Armenians hope that
    John Kerry would be kind of Woodrow Wilson, American president
    sensitive to the problems of the Armenians.

    Armenians all over America will gather at the campsite to express
    their support to the senator Kerry. The festival includes music of all
    types, from folklore to jazz. A desk named "Kebab for Kerry" will be
    open all day long.

    Harut Sassounian of the California Courier was present at the
    Democratic convention in Boston and writes that the Hye Dat National
    Committee of America, that usually makes its decision public by the
    end of the polls, this time was certain about the choice. The choice
    was easy to take as "Bush administration has nothing to offer the
    Armenian community" whereas Kerry has voted for the Armenian Genocide
    acknowledgment and now is one of the supporters of the new
    acknowledgment formula.

    On the convention days in Boston Mr. Sassounian met many Armenians
    even from Republicans who had come to unanimously support John
    Kerry. "This is a good opportunity enabling Kerry to cooperate with
    different representatives of the Armenian community in case of taking
    the office", writes Mr. Sassounian.

    By Hakob Tsulikian