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Coup suspects proclaim innocence

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  • Coup suspects proclaim innocence

    Agence France Presse
    Aug 25 2004

    Coup suspects proclaim innocence

    Two South Africans, who are on trial in Equatorial Guinea with 16
    other people, on Tuesday denied playing any part in an alleged coup
    plot against President Teodoro Obiang Nguema, who has ruled the
    central African country wth an iron fist for 25 years.

    One of the alleged masterminds of the putsch, South African Nick du
    Toit, told the court earlier on Tuesday that four citizens of
    Equatorial Guinea, who are among the accused, were all innocent.

    South Africans Marius Boonzaaier and Sergio Patricio Cardoso told the
    court they had been employed by Triple Option, a company in
    Equatorial Guinea set up by Du Toit.

    But they said they had never been aware of a scheme to oust Obiang
    Nguema, who had himself seized power in a military coup on August 3,

    Boonzaaier (48) and Cardoso (44), were both members of the South
    African military before they were recruited by Du Toit, who admitted
    to the court on Monday to playing a limited role in a coup bid.

    The three South Africans have been on trial in Malabo since Monday,
    along with five other South Africans, six Armenians and four
    Equatorial Guineans, all accused of involvement in the alleged coup

    South Africans arrested in early March

    The South African and Armenian suspects were arrested in early March,
    after Obiang Nguema declared on national television and radio that a
    bid to oust him had been thwarted.

    The four Equatorial Guineans now on trial in Malabo with Du Toit and
    the other suspects include former deputy economic planning minister
    Antonio Javier Nguema Nchama, who was also chairman of Triple Option.

    Du Toit, who runs several businesses in the small oil-rich country,
    told the court earlier on Tuesday he had only ever had strictly
    professional ties with the four, who he said were all innocent.

    Du Toit told the court he had been in charge of logistics for an
    attempted putsch and had accepted the job at the request of one Simon
    Mann, founder of the mercenary firm Executive Outcomes.

    Du Toit accepted job at request of Simon Mann

    Mann is alleged to have headed a group of 70 suspected mercenaries,
    who were arrested in Zimbabwe on March 7 and accused by Obiang Nguema
    of intending to join Du Toit and the other defendants in Equatorial
    Guinea to take part in the coup.

    Equatorial Guinea's state prosecutor said on Monday he was seeking
    the death penalty for Du Toit and prison terms ranging from 26 years
    to 86 years for the other defendants.

    That prompted South Africa to say on Tuesday that it would intervene
    if Du Toit was sentenced to death.

    "Our constitution outlaws the death penalty and therefore our
    government will seek diplomatic intervention if the death penalty is
    handed down," foreign ministry spokesperson Ronnie Mamoepa told AFP.

    Boonzaaier and Cardoso told the court Du Toit had asked them to pick
    up a group of people from Malabo airport on March 7 but insisted they
    had not known why.

    Boonzaaier said he had only heard about the alleged coup after he had
    been arrested and Cardoso told the prosecutor he did not know why he
    was on trial.