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Amazing Charla: Small in stature but big in spirit...

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  • Amazing Charla: Small in stature but big in spirit...

    The Straits Times (Singapore)
    August 25, 2004 Wednesday

    Amazing Charla;
    Small in stature but big in spirit, the tiny half of the racing
    cousins shows that size really doesn't matter

    Hong Xinyi

    YOU may have seen her running desperately to keep up with the other
    contestants on The Amazing Race 5, but Charla Faddoul will have you
    know that her dwarfism has seldom kept her from accomplishing her

    The 28-year-old, who is 1.2m tall, said she endured tremendous pain
    during surgery to straighten her legs when she was 13.

    Why? 'So I would be able to walk and run like everyone else. That was
    the toughest time I've had to face as a little person,' she said in a
    phone interview yesterday from Baltimore in the United States.

    'It was excruciatingly painful, and no kid wants to spend the entire
    summer in casts. After that I had to use a wheelchair for a while,
    but it made me a stronger person,' she said.

    'When I was in high school, kids were not very nice about my dwarfism
    as well. But when I got older, I started showing my personality.'

    Faddoul sounded slightly more tired than her usual upbeat self on
    television - which was understandable as she had been fielding
    interviews from the press all day.

    Along with her cousin Mirna Hindoyian, 28, Faddoul was eliminated in
    last week's episode of the reality show.

    Her sunny but determined disposition was abundantly apparent during
    her TV stint, and viewers certainly took notice.

    Websites and blogs run by fans of the show have been discussing
    Faddoul and her cousin more than any other team.

    In a CBS online poll held last month, the feisty twosome were voted
    most likely to win the show's US$1 million (S$1.71 million) prize.

    One Faddoul fan said: 'She can carry a side of beef on her back, eat
    2 pounds of caviar and keep a legion of loyal Charla fans entertained
    through the dog days of summer. This woman deserves a medal.'

    Dan Okenfuss, spokesman for the interest group Little People Of
    America, considers her a role model.

    'What Charla is doing on the show is great, introducing little people
    to the mainstream world, doing an activity average-sized people are
    doing,' he was quoted in an article posted on the website last month.

    Even host Phil Keoghan got noticeably misty-eyed when he told the
    cousins of their elimination last week.

    'Charla may be a little person, but she has a heart the size of a
    whale,' he was quoted as saying in an article on last

    Before their elimination, entertainment magazines like People and TV
    shows like Entertainment Tonight had already been clamouring for
    interviews with Faddoul.

    Since their elimination, the pair have been making the talk show
    rounds in New York and Los Angeles.

    But the glitz and the glamour of their post-Race life is not as
    important to Faddoul as the acceptance she now feels.

    'Before, people would judge me before they got to know me. But when
    I'm walking on the streets now, people don't look at me like I'm
    different,' she said. 'They welcome me with open arms, and say that
    I'm an inspiration. It's such an honour.'

    And she is not self-conscious about being labelled a role model

    'I'm not perfect, but I hope I can encourage not just little people,
    but people who are different in other ways. It's tough out there, but
    don't give up.'

    Hindoyian, an attorney, is delighted by her fan mail.

    'I've received over 50 letters and e-mail. Of course some are men
    asking me out on dates, but there are also young girls who say they
    want to be as strong and independent as us. It's so heartwarming.
    Thank you, everybody.'

    There are some brickbats among the bouquets, though. Some reality
    show pundits call Faddoul's tactic of using her dwarfism to inspire
    sympathy 'hypocritical'.

    Hindoyian's contentious relationship with other Racers (see other
    story) have also garnered choice adjectives like 'whiny',
    'self-dramatising' and 'bitch'.

    Besides endless run-ins with arch-nemesis Colin Guinn, she had once
    tried to prevent a ticket agent from selling other teams air tickets
    by saying they were violent.

    She could also barely contain her glee each time her team's
    bus/taxi/train/plane sped ahead of other teams.

    Nonetheless, the pair stand firm on their Race-running strategies.
    'If people can't see that I'm trying to break stereotypes, then
    there's nothing more I can do,' said Faddoul, sounding a tad

    'Certain things are harder for me. We had to buy tickets ahead of the
    other teams so that things wouldn't boil down to a running
    competition at the end. Their legs were double my size. I played the
    game the best way I could using what I had.'

    Hindoyian, likewise, mounted a spirited defence. 'We never intended
    to have rivalries with anyone. When we first arrived on the show, we
    hugged and greeted everyone, and we wanted to build alliances.'

    However, she said, 'the other teams didn't take us seriously at

    'They didn't realise that I was an attorney and a good strategist,
    and that Charla is a very successful manager of 10 sportswear

    But the Syrian-born Armenian cousins are no strangers to exceeding

    Born a month apart in the same Syrian hospital, their families
    emigrated to the US when they were children. Both women currently
    reside in Baltimore, Maryland.

    'I had to teach myself English when I was five years old,' said
    Hindoyian proudly.

    'And I was the youngest graduate in my class in law school.' She
    graduated from the University of Maryland School of Law at the age of

    'Some of the other teams commented on how we spoke in Armenian among
    ourselves. But that's the language we speak at home,' she explained.

    'I guess some people have no appreciation for other cultures.'

    Despite not winning, the pair are happy to have had the experience.
    Faddoul cited 'the sun setting over the pyramids in Egypt' as her
    favourite memory of the Race, while Hindoyian is grateful that 'I got
    to travel the world with my cousin'.

    Indeed, the two remain as close as ever. Said Hindoyian: 'Charla and
    I have known each other for 28 years, spent every holiday together,
    and we can read each other's minds.

    'We know each other's strengths, and any bickering during the Race
    was minimal.'

    Faddoul also credits her husband, David Faddoul, with giving her

    'He was worried at first because it seemed like a very physical show,
    but he knows I usually succeed in what I do.'

    She has been married for 3 1/2 years to the 34-year-old (and 1.75m
    tall) manager who runs one of her stores. They were introduced by
    mutual friends at a party.

    'He's a wonderful man who believes in me and makes me want to do

    With the new-found belief from her fans, there's no telling what the
    Amazing Faddoul will be able to accomplish next. RACE RELATIONS

    The name-calling, the intense glares, the hostile factions and the
    snide comments. Why didn't fan favourites Mirna Hindoyian and Charla
    Faddoul make any friends among their fellow Amazing Race contestants?
    Hindoyian (left) gives us her take:

    On being dubbed 'Mirna and Schmirna' by brothers Lance and Marshall

    'I don't have any feelings about them. They said that the Russians
    were miserable people, the Arabs were miserable people, and that
    Charla and I weren't their type of people. I'm happy that we are not.
    I just want to keep a positive attitude and not put everyone down.'

    On her soap-opera-worthy rivalry with arch-nemesis Colin Guinn

    'Colin actually called us Russian bitches, completely disrespecting
    our heritage. He said repeatedly that his goal was to beat Charla. I
    don't think his ego could stand being beaten by two girls.'

    On the bowling Mums Linda Ruiz and Karen Heins:

    'The Mums were not out to win a popularity contest, they were out to
    win. They made it very clear during the most recent episode that they
    thought we were a strong team, and we really respect people who give
    us a chance.'

    On how she kept gushing over host Phil Keoghan and hugging him every
    chance she could:

    'We come from a small town, and we're big fans of show, so Phil is
    like a big celebrity to me. I think he is so handsome and witty.'