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ASBAREZ Online [08-25-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [08-25-2004]


    1) Armenian-Americans Deliver United Message to US House Leadership
    2) Territorial Integrity Should Be Respected, Stresses Saakashvili
    3) Aliyev Holds Private Meeting With German President

    1) Armenian-Americans Deliver United Message to US House Leadership

    Grassroots Organizations Protest Congressional Opposition to Genocide

    WASHINGTON, DCMore than a dozen national grassroots Armenian-American
    organizations came together this week to communicate the "extraordinary
    disappointment" of the Armenian-American community over the Congressional
    leadership's opposition to legislation recognizing the Armenian genocide,
    reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).
    "We have seen, in recent weeks, a tremendous groundswell of opposition from
    across the Armenian-American community to the Congressional leadership's
    on the Schiff Amendment, and their stubborn refusaldespite the strong,
    bipartisan support enjoyed by the Genocide Resolutionto schedule a vote on
    human rights initiative," said ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian.
    The letter, written on behalf of the collective leadership of the
    Armenian-American community to House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, gives voice to
    the community's unequivocal opposition to the House leadership's efforts to
    reverse the Schiff Amendment to the fiscal year 2005 Foreign Operations bill,
    H.R. 4818, and expresses the community's "great dismay with your public
    statement against holding a vote on the Genocide Resolution, H.Res.193."
    The letter comes in the wake of the adoption by the US House, last month, of
    the Schiff Amendment, which seeks to block the use by Turkey of US foreign aid
    to lobby against the Genocide Resolution. It was adopted by voice vote,
    any opposition, on July 15. Within hours of its passage, the Schiff Amendment
    came under intense attack by the Congressional leadership, with the Speaker of
    the House and his top deputies issuing a statementposted prominently on the
    first page of the Speaker of the House's websitethat they would use their
    influence to block its adoption as part of the final foreign aid bill.
    The organizations that signed the community-wide letter were the ANCA, the
    Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic ChurchEastern and Western US, the Prelacy of
    the Armenian Apostolic ChurchEastern and Western US, the Armenian Missionary
    Association of America, and the Apostolic Exarchate for Armenian Catholics, as
    well as the Armenian General Benevolent Union, Armenian Democratic Liberal
    (Ramgavar) Party, United Armenian Fund, Armenian Relief Society, Armenian Bar
    Association, National Organization of Republican Armenians, Armenian Youth
    Federation, HomenetmenArmenian General Athletic Union, and Hamazkayin Armenian
    Cultural and Educational Association.
    The signatories to the letter stressed that the Schiff Amendment, which was
    adopted by the US House on July 15, "simply underscores the importance of
    protecting American people from having their tax dollars used by the
    of Turkey for a purpose they find patently offensivethe denial of the Armenian
    Genocide." They also noted that the adoption of the Amendment "reflected the
    breadth of the bipartisan opposition to Turkey's shameful campaign against
    H.Res.193, and, just as importantly, demonstrated the clear and overwhelming
    support of a majority of Members enjoyed by the underlying legislation."
    The Genocide Resolution, H.Res.193, was introduced last year by Congressmen
    George Radanovich (R-CA) and Adam Schiff (D-CA), and Congressional Caucus on
    Armenian Issues Co-Chairmen Joe Knollenberg and Frank Pallone. It has been
    cosponsored by 110 US Representatives and was approved, without opposition, in
    May of last year, by the Judiciary Committee. This genocide prevention measure
    is supported by a diverse coalition of over one hundred religious, civic,
    ethnic and human rights organizations, including American Values, Union of
    Orthodox Rabbis, NAACP, Sons of Italy, and the National Council of La Raza.

    The full text of the Armenian American community letter to the Speaker of the
    House is provided below.

    Text of Community Letter to Speaker Dennis Hastert

    Dear Speaker Hastert:

    We are writing, as the collective leadership of the Armenian-American
    community, to voice our extraordinary disappointment with your opposition to
    the Schiff Amendment to the fiscal year 2005 Foreign Operations bill,
    and to express our great dismay with your public statement against holding a
    vote on the Genocide Resolution, H.Res.193.
    The Schiff Amendment simply underscores the importance of protecting American
    people from having their tax dollars used by the government of Turkey for a
    purpose they find patently offensivethe denial of the Armenian Genocide. The
    adoption of this measure on July 15th by the full US House of Representatives
    reflected the breadth of the bipartisan opposition to Turkey's shameful
    campaign against H.Res.193, and, just as importantly, demonstrated the clear
    and overwhelming support of a majority of Members enjoyed by the underlying
    As you know, H.Res.193, which was introduced by Congressmen George Radanovich
    and Adam Schiff, and Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues Co-Chairmen Joe
    Knollenberg and Frank Pallone, has been cosponsored by 110 of your colleagues
    and was approved, without opposition, in May of last year, by the Judiciary
    Committee. This genocide-prevention measure is supported by a diverse
    of over one hundred religious, civic, ethnic and human rights organizations,
    including American Values, Union of Orthodox Rabbis, NAACP, Sons of Italy, and
    the National Council of La Raza.
    We respectfully call upon you to reconsider your opposition to the Schiff
    Amendment and to immediately schedule a vote of the full US House of
    Representatives on the Genocide Resolution, H.Res.193. We make this request on
    several levels. First is that the adoption of such a resolution represents a
    moral imperative that we, as Americans, must take to defend human rights and
    protect human lives against the crime of genocide. Secondly, we should not
    allow a foreign nation, particularly one that so brazenly flaunts basic
    American values and which blocked the US-led coalition from opening a northern
    front in the Iraq War, to impose its dictates on the US Congress. Thirdly, the
    clear majority of Members who support this resolution should not be denied the
    opportunity to take part in an up-or-down vote on this human rights measure.
    Finally, by bringing this measure to the floor, you would be honoring your
    public pledge to our community on this subject made in October of 2000.
    Thank you for your consideration of our concerns. We would be pleased to meet
    with you personally to discuss this matter further.


    2) Territorial Integrity Should Be Respected, Stresses Saakashvili

    TBILISI (Combined Sources)--Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili said that
    relations between Georgia and Russia should be based on mutual respect for
    country's territorial integrity.
    "I demand that officials of the Georgian government compare Georgia with
    Chechnya, as we respect Russia's territorial integrity and want Russia to
    respect our territorial integrity," Saakashvili told a briefing on Tuesday.
    Saakashvili said that Russia is in fact a participant in the conflict in
    Tskhinvali region. "The fact that Russia is taking part in the conflict has
    been known to us for a long time," he said.
    Russian troops are gathering near South Ossetia, he said. "Our special
    services have had information about Russian troops and military vehicles
    gathering near the entrance to the Roki tunnel for a long time," Saakashvili
    Thanks to measures taken by the Georgian authorities, "large-scale military
    activity" was avoided, Saakashvili said.
    "The country has to be ready to defend itself at any moment," the president
    said. "We would like to negotiate with Russia, but it is not making any steps
    to help this," he said.
    The Russian Defense Ministry on Tuesday dismissed as "inventions" and
    "unfounded statements" allegations by Georgian politicians that Russia has
    moved more troops to the vicinity of the Georgian border.
    A current Russian army exercise, which has been interpreted in Georgia as
    preparations for an invasion of the country's breakaway region of South
    Ossetia, is a routine operation that was planned in 2003 and "has nothing
    to do
    with current events around Tskhinvali," ministry spokesman Col. Vyacheslav
    Sedov told Interfax.
    The exercise is being held at a training ground in North Ossetia, a Russian
    region bordering South Ossetia, he said.
    "Maybe it is seen in Georgia as a large-scale exercise, but for Russia it is
    part of daily routine," he said.
    Meanwhile, the chairman of the Defense and National Security Committee of the
    Georgian parliament, Givi Targamadze, urged his country to prepare for a
    Russian attack.
    "It appears that we cannot avoid Russian aggression, and so we must stop it,
    which is by no means an unfeasible task if one takes into account the Chechen
    experience," Targamadze told a news conference in Tbilisi.
    Three hours before Georgia withdrew its forces from the Georgian-South
    Ossetian conflict zone last week, "Russian troops in North Ossetia were
    for march and were to enter the territory of South Ossetia via the Roki
    Tunnel," he said.
    "Airborne troops and up to 40 combat helicopters were moved to a military
    airfield near the village of Upper Gizel, in the immediate vicinity of the
    Tunnel," he said.
    There were still up to 80 armored vehicles at a Russian military base near
    Oktyabrskoye village that "are intended to be moved into South Ossetia," he
    Peacekeepers monitoring South Ossetia have located trip wires and US-made
    mines in the area, Irina Gagloyeva, head of the South Ossetian press and
    information committee, told Interfax by telephone on Tuesday.
    "More than ten trip wires were discovered in the area of the Tskhinvali
    road, from where Georgian servicemen were withdrawn. Twenty-five US-made mines
    were found in Georgian villages.
    Apart from peacekeeping units, the monitoring operation in the area involves
    representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe,
    The situation in the region is generally calm. No shelling has been reported
    so far. But people are waiting for what might happen with concern," she said.
    Referring to South Ossetian security agencies, Gagloyeva said that Georgian
    servicemen are continuing to dig trenches and to build other fortification
    facilities near the villages of Tamarasheni, Kekhli and Kheit.

    3) Aliyev Holds Private Meeting With German President

    GERMANY (Azertag)--Following an official welcoming ceremony, a private meeting
    was held between Azeri President Ilham Aliyev and President of Germany Horst
    Koehler on August 25, AzerTag personal correspondent reports.
    During the conversation, President Koehler highly valued the Azeri leader's
    first official visit to Germany, stressing it would have a positive impact on
    the development of bilateral relations and promote economic cooperation
    the two countries.
    Expressing satisfaction with the hospitality shown to him during the visit,
    Aliyev pointed out the importance of expanding cooperation between Azerbaijan
    and Germany, particularly in regards to international organizations and
    integration of Azerbaijan into European structures.
    Regarding the Karabagh conflict, Koehler stated that Germany completely
    supports the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and will adhere to this
    position in the future. Germany as an OSCE member will intensify its efforts
    concerning the problem, he said.

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