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Chechen journalist says "little" changes in Azerbaijan under Ilham

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  • Chechen journalist says "little" changes in Azerbaijan under Ilham

    Chechen journalist says "little" changes in Azerbaijan under new leader

    BBC Monitoring Caucasus
    25 August 2004

    Source: Kavkazskiy Vestnik web site, in Russian 22 Aug 04

    A leading Chechen journalist Mayrbek Taramov says "little" has changed
    in Azerbaijan since Ilham Aliyev became president; the West and
    especially the US demands stability whereas Russia is hoping for
    another conflict in Karabakh. Neither the Azerbaijani nor the Georgian
    authorities has paid much heed to the problems of the Chechen refugees
    in the country, which number up to 7,000, as they do not want to
    offend Russia, he says, although he praises the work of international
    human-rights organizations and Georgian NGOs in this respect. Taramov
    is not optimistic about the Caucasians ever owning their own national
    wealth and it would be "naive" to suggest that an "elder brother" will
    come along to protect their interests.

    The following is the text of the interview with journalist Mekka
    Khangoshvili of the Kavkazskiy Aktsent newspaper entitled: "Mayrbek
    Taramov: Building a Caucasian Home is the sacred goal of any
    Caucasian!", posted on the Kavkazskiy Vestnik web site on 22 August;
    subheadings have been inserted editorially:

    [Kavkazskiy Vestnik correspondent Mekka Khangoshvili] Describe the
    socio-political situation in Azerbaijan under [President] Ilham

    West looking to strengthen position in Azerbaijan

    [Mayrbek Taramov] Since Ilham Aliyev arrived at the top post the
    socio-political situation in Azerbaijan has not substantially
    altered. The opposition very much hoped that with the help of the west
    positive changes would happen in Azerbaijan. Their hopes have not been
    justified, and there was little chance of this happening. I will
    explain why. I don't think that the ruling power, the high level of
    corruption and the absence of democracy and human rights were to the
    west's liking, but they did not and will not try to change
    anything. Why? Mainly because the west has invested in the Azerbaijani
    economy, especially in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. And we know
    that no financial infusions are possible to a country with an unstable
    socio-political situation. The west knows how to count its money and
    it values every cent. Therefore, stability in Azerbaijan is very
    important to today's bourgeoisie.

    I am also certain that the west will make every effort to ensure that
    another conflict does not flare up in Karabakh, although it is not so
    much Armenia as Russia who will be hoping for this conflict to explode
    again. Thus, the west will be trying to preserve stability to get the
    pipeline up and running, whereas Russia will be trying to destabilize
    the situation so that the project fails. But however strong Russian
    influence might be in Azerbaijan, "Mr dollar", and now the euro are
    squeezing out the Russian rouble. I believe that the west, especially
    the US, will be strengthening their position still more in Azerbaijan
    and in the Caucasus as a whole.

    Chechen refugee situation

    [Khangoshvili] What is the situation of the Chechen refugees in

    [Taramov] As far as the Chechen refugees are concerned, in the great
    Caucasian game of the world's "sharks", this problem is not so evident
    or important. Nor was it under Heydar Aliyev. Every one has been
    giving the impression that there is no problem of Chechen refugees in
    Azerbaijan, especially Russia. The Russian embassy in Azerbaijan
    literally gets up on its hind legs at the very mention of the Chechen
    refugees. Its pained reaction can be easily explained, because Moscow
    is shouting for all to hear that there is no war in Chechnya, and that
    the fighting ended a long time ago. If this is the case, then what are
    the Chechen refugees doing here in Azerbaijan? That's the problem. The
    very fact that there are Chechen refugees in Azerbaijan speaks for
    itself, and makes it apparent that there is a full-scale war going on
    in the Chechen Republic. Unfortunately, Azerbaijan is yielding to
    Russian pressure. There is no mention of Chechen refugees on the local
    television or in the press, except the opposition press, and this is
    very rare.

    The authorities in Azerbaijan are being oversensitive regarding the
    press-conferences which are being given by the Chechen Human Rights
    Centre (CHRC) and the Council of Non-governmental Organizations (CNGO)
    in Azerbaijan, at which the problems of our refugees are raised. That
    is why those of us who are working closely with the CNGO, are trying
    to solve the problem of our refugees. It would seem that the
    Azerbaijani authorities should be welcoming our initiatives, after all
    we are not asking them for anything, but, alas, the reverse is

    Positive changes in relation to the Chechen refugees were only
    observed after Bohdan Nahaylo, [head of the UN High Commissioner for
    Refugees' office in Baku] from Great Britain took up the office of
    High Commissar for Refugees and brought with him a number of
    colleagues who began to show concern for the Chechen problem. Whereas
    the financial and humanitarian problems showed little change, a
    greater number of Chechen refugees given international status have
    been on the move to third countries. Meanwhile, the overall number of
    our refugees has not reduced of late and varies from 6,000 to
    7,000. Whilst more and more Chechens have been leaving Azerbaijan for
    Europe "by their own steam", practically the same number has arrived
    in Azerbaijan from Chechnya and Ingushetia. The reason for this is
    that the wave of refugees from these regions is growing rapidly as the
    fighting and the reparations intensify. People are fleeing, trying to
    save themselves, although they know how difficult life is in Baku. In
    other words, only those refugees who have at least some money can
    survive here. But where can those refugees who have been living in a
    state of war in a ravaged country for five years hope to get any

    No help from Azeri authorities

    The Azerbaijani authorities are giving no help whatsoever to the
    Chechen refugees. They say this is because there are almost one
    million of their own refugees from Karabakh and Armenia, but I am sure
    that even if this wasn't a problem, the present Azerbaijani
    authorities would still not respond to the Chechens for the simple
    reason that they do not want a conflict with Russia. And therefore the
    oversensitive reaction of the Azerbaijani authorities to the work of
    the Chechen NGOs is understandable.

    The director of the Azerbaijani human rights centre, Eldar Zeynalov,
    made a typical remark on this subject at a seminar on the rights of
    ethnic minorities in Azerbaijan: "Yes, to some extent the rights of
    ethnic minorities in Azerbaijan are being infringed, but there are
    minorities in Azerbaijan deprived of any kind of human rights, and
    these are the Chechen refugees. How can one speak about the rights of
    Chechen refugees if marriages between them are nor registered, and
    Chechen children, born in Azerbaijan, are refused birth certificates?"
    We would point out that this lawlessness is in violation of article 52
    of the Azerbaijani constitution, where it says in black and white that
    a person born on the territory of Azerbaijan is a citizen of
    Azerbaijan. And the terrible thing is that the first to violate the
    fundamental law of Azerbaijan are those officials who drew up this
    constitution, i.e. the Ministry of Justice, of whose structural units
    the boards of the registries of births, marriages and deaths are

    UNHCR giving some help to refugees

    [Khangoshvili] Tell us about the relations between the Chechen
    refugees and the board of the UNHCR [UN High Commission for Refugees]
    and the Norwegian Council for Refugees and the extent of their help.

    [Taramov] We have already touched upon this question earlier, so I
    will continue with it. There has been a certain positive trend in
    relation to the education of the children of Chechen refugees. The
    situation of the Chechen refugees deteriorated a great deal following
    the tragedy in America on 11 September 2001. They stopped taking
    Chechen children into Azerbaijani schools and higher educational
    establishments, and they started to take down those students who were
    being taught before, despite the fact that their education had been
    paid for. In September 2002 there was one scandalous instance in one
    of Baku schools when a school director said when entering a year-one
    class: "Are there any Chechen children here? Stand up! Leave the
    class!" What kind of heart can a person have, never mind a woman or a
    teacher, to say such cruel words to young children who by a miracle
    had escaped the hell of war in the hope of finding peace, shelter and
    human compassion?

    The situation has improved a little now, thanks to the joint efforts
    of the Chechen non-governmental organizations and international
    humanitarian organizations. Probably, many people in the west have
    begun to understand that uneducated children turn to crime quicker
    than anyone, and that this is needed by Russia which goes on and on
    about "Chechen banditry and terrorism". It has long become clear to
    the ideologists in the Kremlin and the Lubyanka that a lack of
    education feeds terrorism and extremism. The Norwegian Committee for
    Refugees and the board of the UNHCR have played a big part in
    rendering aid in setting up schools in Chechnya. There are also a
    number of private individuals who have been and are still helping
    Chechen schools. At the same time, it has to be emphasized that senior
    classes are still not functioning, because there are no conditions for
    them, not to mention higher education. Here, the director of the
    Chechen training centre, Ruslan Zelimkhanov, who still intends to
    carry out a higher education programme for the children of Chechen
    refugees, is doing a great deal. He will, of course, need great
    support and financial help in this undertaking.

    The Red Cross has cut itself off altogether from the Chechen refugees,
    and it seems to me that all it is doing is looking after itself. It is
    a similar situation with the UN Human Rights mission. Evidently, the
    human rights situation, or rather the lack of it, among the Chechen
    refugees suits them.

    Refugees meet PACE officials

    [Khangoshvili] How would you comment on the meeting between the PACE
    [Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe] corapporteurs
    Andreas Gross and Andres Herkel and the representatives of the Chechen
    refugees? What was behind the invitation to the Georgian delegation to
    this meeting?

    [Taramov] The fact is that the problem of the Chechen refugees in
    Azerbaijan has been raised more than once in the media. The situation
    in Azerbaijan is unique inasmuch as, side by side with the well-known
    problems of the Chechen refugees in Ingushetia and Georgia, to whom
    various international organizations have access because they live
    closely together, the living conditions of the Chechen refugees in
    Azerbaijan are quite different. Here they are scattered in different
    apartments, especially in Baku. This suits the Azerbaijani and Russian
    authorities very well. Therefore, the problem of the Chechen refugees
    here is less evident, and one gets the impression that there aren't
    any Chechen refugees here at all. It was only thanks to the Chechen
    NGOs that this problem has been raised time and again. When the
    Chechen human rights centre more than once sent worried letters and
    appeals to Strasbourg, Geneva, the UN and other international
    organizations, and especially to the media, calling for attention to
    be drawn to the plight of the Chechen refugees, it was only then that
    people started talking about our problem. There was a powerful
    response to our statements that because of the lack of funds for their
    well-being, young Chechen returning to Chechnya instantly fall victim
    to targeted "cleansing operations" and then disappear without trace.

    I would like to take this opportunity to issue a warning that those
    who are in greatest danger are those young Chechens returning to
    Chechnya from Azerbaijan and Georgia, whom the Russian special
    services single out and are first to be wiped out. Therefore, when
    the Chechen refugees are returning home it is best not to point out
    that they have come from Azerbaijan and Georgia, but to say they have
    arrived from Ingushetia. One of the first to draw attention to the
    problem of the Chechen refugees in Azerbaijan was Olivier Dupuy, a
    member of the European Parliament and the Transnational Radical Party,
    who started raising our problem in the European Parliament and other
    international forums. He also tabled a special request to the European
    Parliament on the lack of education of the children of Chechen
    refugees and birth certificates for new-born babies.

    It should be added that despite the fact that the problem of documents
    for new-born babies was raised at such a high level, at the PACE, and
    that top officials of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Justice promised
    PACE and the Chechen human rights centre two years ago that they would
    settle this problem, it remains unresolved. It is strange, but it is
    a fact. The situation is unique because Azerbaijan remains the only
    country in the world which refuses to accept citizens born on its
    territory as their own. Incidentally, the Chechens are of absolutely
    no use to Russia, which is worse than a stepmother - they are only
    needed in a document for their children whereby they would be able to
    leave Azerbaijan without hindrance. At times, the Chechens are accused
    not only of banditry and terrorism, but even of abducting
    children. This is what this bureaucratic tyranny leads to. This is
    probably also the cherished dream of the wise men of the Kremlin,
    whose orders are being carried out by Azerbaijani officials with
    particular satisfaction.

    All these issues were raised at the meeting with Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Council of Europe [PACE] rapporteurs on Azerbaijan
    [Andreas] Gross and [Andres] Herkel who listened to what the
    representatives of the Chechen refugees had to say with particular
    attention. The absolutely hopeless situation of the disabled Chechen
    people and tuberculosis sufferers was raised by representatives of
    these organizations. Andreas Gross's reaction to the speech by Raisa
    Khamzayeva, chairman of the Chechen disabled society, was
    remarkable. Gross said that he was an artist by profession, and an
    exhibition of his work was due to be held soon. He promised to
    allocate the money obtained from the sale of his pictures to the
    account of the Chechen disabled society. Of course, all the
    representatives of the Chechen refugees who were at the meeting highly
    praised this noble gesture on the part of the PACE member.

    As far as the second part of your question is concerned, I would like
    to point out that it does not pay to separate the Chechen refugees in
    Azerbaijan and Georgia, because we have virtually one and the same
    problem. It has to be said with regret that our contacts are very
    rare. Probably, some of our "well-wishers" have an interest in such a
    state of affairs. We always have to remember that our strength is in
    unity, and many problems are solved jointly. That is why I have
    become convinced of the need for a delegation of Chechen refugees from
    Georgia to be here. Both they and we understood the great benefit of
    such contacts. Your report was a very full one and the PACE lecturers
    learnt a great deal from it.

    Even if there had not been a meeting with the PACE corapporteurs, we
    would have had to arrange mutual meetings. After all, many problems
    can only be solved at the level of personal contact. But if you take
    into consideration the fact that your delegation included the
    well-known Kavkaz-Tsentr journalist, Data Tutashkhiya, then one needs
    to think that they will not ignore this meeting and will cover it in
    their agency. I personally have received a whole amount of useful
    information from Umar, who is a member of the OSCE. I believe that if
    we, Chechen refugees, will work more closely with the OSCE, an
    organization which is geared towards resolving the conflict in
    Chechnya, then we shall achieve a great deal.

    Future of Caucasus region

    [Khangoshvili] How do you see events developing in the Caucasus as a
    whole in the near future, and what is your view from Azerbaijan of the
    events in Georgia?

    [Taramov] I would like to say again that the Caucasus is an extremely
    important region for the destiny of the world. It is a crossroads of
    the world, but the significance of the region was strengthened even
    more when oil was discovered here. As a strategic raw material, it
    has, on the one hand, become a curse for the people of the
    Caucasus. The point is the Caucasians themselves have never
    exclusively owned their natural resources which have been plundered by
    the world imperialist powers, the palm of which belongs to Russia. I
    very much doubt that the Caucasians will at any time in the future be
    given the opportunity to own their own national wealth. If one
    carefully studies the situation, one of the reasons that the war
    flared up in Chechnya was the presence of oil there, and it cannot be
    ruled out that the war in Karabakh, too, has the whiff of oil about
    it. Everyone knows that it was thanks to the oil of Baku and Groznyy
    that the USSR won the war against fascism.

    What is the situation today? It is not difficult to see that the
    interests of the world's "sharks" are focused on the Caucasus
    region. The US, the European Union, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and even far
    off China and Japan are making their presence felt here. Thank God
    that the Russian bear has finally been squeezed out of here. But then
    the struggle for the vacant place of "elder brother" is becoming more
    acute. Who will occupy this place, who will be the next "elder
    brother"? It would be naive to suggest that some other "elder brother"
    - American or European - would protect the common interests of the
    Caucasians apart from the Caucasians themselves. And, incidentally,
    no-one can be worse than Russia, and I am sure no-one ever will be. It
    seems to me that all these "sharks" have agreed between themselves not
    to solve any issues here by force, including the Karabakh problem. I
    say again, a resumption of combat operations from any of the sides in
    Karabakh would jeopardize the "project of the century" - the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline - which none of the "sharks"
    wants. The only ones who are interested in solving the Karabakh
    problem are Azerbaijan itself, which has lost 20 per cent of its land,
    and the Chechen Republic, which has always supported and will continue
    to support the fraternal Azerbaijani people.

    Situation in Georgia

    The Caucasians are no less disturbed by the situation in Georgia. It
    is alarming and explosive. But here again, it is the western
    countries, especially the US, who are playing the first
    fiddle. Tbilisi has always reckoned to be the geographical centre of
    the Caucasus, and the one who owns this centre is in an advantageous
    position. The extraordinarily impudent behaviour of [Georgian
    President] Mikhail Saakashvili makes me apprehensive. In one article I
    wrote I compared him to a young foal who is galloping at full speed to
    different sides, holding a stars and stripes rose in its jaws. I
    expect everyone understands this comparison. You cannot put the cart
    before the horse; in other words, the Georgian president should not
    give priority to the interests of the west, in particular the US, and
    push the interests of Georgia and the Caucasus into the
    background. And I find absolutely bewildering Saakashvili's almost
    hostile attitude to the Chechen refugees and his desire to use the
    Chechen "card" for his own interests. And I would like to warn my
    fellow countrymen that there has been a desire to use the Chechen
    people on the part of many countries, and so the Chechens should first
    and foremost act by proceeding from the interests of Chechen
    independence in coordination with the interests of the western
    countries. For example, recently support for the Chechens, albeit
    slight, can be sensed from the United States, whilst France, on the
    other hand, has moved towards rapprochement with our eternal enemy,
    Russia. Conclusions can be made from this. I believe that a
    confrontation between the US and Russia will intensify in the future,
    and this is linked, first and foremost, with [Russian President
    Vladimir] Putin's KGB-backed totalitarian regime.

    Russian-Chechen relations

    [Khangoshvili] What is your own personal view as to what needs to be
    done for Russia and Chechnya to depart from a state of war?

    [Taramov] This is a very broad question, and much has been said and
    written on this. I do not wish to be a pioneer in this respect, and I
    have no radical means of resolving this centuries-old problem. And,
    indeed, the problem lies not with us Chechens but with those who
    invade us with regularity. In other words, the aggressor is always
    Russia. And the world community, instead of keeping the aggressor in
    check, panders to it, saying that Chechnya is Russia's internal
    affair. Some people will say that the Chechens invaded Dagestan in
    the autumn of 1999, and so on. I would like to say to those people
    that the legitimate leaders of Chechnya have never declared war on
    anyone, neither Russia, nor Dagestan. And as for those volunteers who
    went to Dagestan to help their Dagestani brothers, it was their
    initiative and their own business. Meanwhile, the Russian leadership
    has taken advantage of this event, and what is more, according to
    unpublicised Russian sources, Russia had been planning a second
    Chechen campaign some time ago. "A new exacerbation of the Chechen
    problem was inevitable. At the same time, Russia has proved to have an
    object interest in going back to solving this issue as quickly as
    possible!" (Russian bulletin "Questions of Security" No 17, October

    One wonders how one can qualify the presence of mercenaries and
    volunteers from all the Cossacks, Cherkess, residents of Adygeya,
    Kabarda-Balkaria and other Russians on the side of the armed bandit
    formations of Abkhazia or South Ossetia? As aggression against Georgia
    on the part of Russia? But do you recall how many times the Soviet
    Union invaded various countries under various pretexts? But for some
    reason no-one in the west has been able to find the language to
    describe a Soviet invasion as the internal affair of the USSR. Why
    does the west now not condemn Russia when in essence it has been the
    same aggressor in Chechnya as the USSR was, if not worse? And it will
    continue to be so under the Russian fuehrer, Putin.

    From all that has been said, one draws the conclusion that the
    aggressor must leave its occupied territories; in other words, Russia
    must withdraw its bandit formations from the Chechen Republic and
    conclude a lasting peace. And the west must end its policy of support
    for the aggressor by such verbiage as "Russia's internal affair", and
    to exert pressure to force Russia towards peace. In this respect, I
    was impressed by the Chechen Foreign Ministry's plan entitled
    "Chechnya's conditional independence." Although it is true that the
    role of the Chechen resistance in this plan has been played down.

    Georgian NGOs work on Chechnya

    [Khangoshvili] What's your opinion of the work of the Georgian NGOs on
    the problems of Chechnya, and in particular, the Georgian centre for
    cultural relations "Caucasian Home" and Kavkazskiy Aktsent newspaper?

    [Taramov] There is a popular view that everyone acts according to the
    amount of information and opportunities at their disposal. I am aware
    of the work of the Georgian NGOs on the Chechen problem. It seems to
    me that their work is deserving of high appraisal. One could have
    described the work of the Georgian NGOs as excellent if they had been
    able to influence the Georgian government to achieve a positive
    result. Yes, of course, there have been some positives, but not
    enough, I think. The fact is the Chechen problem is like a litmus
    paper through which one can determine the work of the humanitarian
    human-rights organization in the sphere of protecting human rights, in
    particular the rights of the Chechen refugees. I have to say,
    regretfully, that in this sphere the situation in Azerbaijan is even
    worse. No-one, apart from the Azerbaijani human rights centre in the
    person of Eldar Zeynalov, is bothering with the problem of the Chechen
    refugees. I already spoke earlier about everything connected with this

    United Caucasus

    Not only in relation to your Caucasian Home organization, but on the
    question of a united Caucasus in general, I believe that the building
    of a Caucasian Home is the sacred goal of any Caucasian. And
    therefore, such Caucasian leaders as [former Georgian leader] Zviad
    Gamsakhurdia, [former Azerbaijani President] Abulfaz Elcibay and
    [former Chechen rebel leader] Dzhokhar Dudayev, whose lives were taken
    prematurely, and who cherished the dream of building a Caucasian Home,
    are worthy of being canonized. And if the Georgian cultural relations
    centre "Caucasian Home" and Kavkazskiy Aktsent are pursuing the goal
    of Caucasian unification, and I do not doubt that for one moment, then
    their work, too, is to some extent sacred.

    I would like "Caucasian Home" to work more actively for the
    unification of the Chechen human rights activists and
    journalists. Contacts are necessary between sensible people from all
    regions of the Caucasus, and "Caucasian Home" should be dealing with
    this, and the aim of these people should be the construction of our
    common home. I am confident that if a Caucasian Home is built, then we
    Caucasians would be rid of numerous conflicts in the Caucasus, and
    there would be no Karabakh, Abkhazian or South Ossetian problem. But
    it is our misfortune that not a single leading world state has shown
    any interest in our common home, and therefore I describe these states
    as "sharks" who are prepared to swallow the Caucasus. These "sharks"
    are waging a neo-colonialist policy here.

    And now, can you imagine what a powerful state a unified Caucasus
    would present? And what influence in the world the Caucasus would
    have, bearing in mind its geographical situation, its energy
    resources, its unique nature and the Caucasian mentality! Excuse me,
    but what can the contemporary Europeans and the Americans teach us,
    when we, Caucasians, are their distant forefathers, with our ancient
    culture and democracy? My words have been backed up by that eminent
    writer and thinker Alexander Dumas: "How can you not give the Caucasus
    the name of the birth of mankind? The first-born of the world walked
    upon its mountain ridges; its gorges swarmed with tribes who descended
    lower and lower down the mountains, and finally scattered across the
    virgin face of the earth, whereupon they gazed and conquered the land
    from nature."

    Nevertheless, now, after thousands of years, returning to the distant
    land of their forefathers from Europe and America, they are starting
    to teach us, their distant ancestors. But it is not about our culture
    triumphing over the ancient, - such is the way of life on earth -
    nevertheless something alien is being imposed on us. Moreover, one
    should bear in mind that this new, depraved western culture is not
    only harmful to the modern world, but it is dangerous, because it is
    capable of destroying modern civilization.