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On this day - 08/27/2004

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  • On this day - 08/27/2004

    Advertiser, Australia
    Sunday Times, Australia
    Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia
    The Mercury, Australia
    Aug 27 2004

    On this day


    1982 - Turkish military diplomat Colonel Atilla Altikat is shot and
    killed in Ottawa. Justice Commandos against Armenian Genocide take
    responsibility, saying they were avenging the massacre of 1.5 million
    Armenians in 1915.

    1576 - Death of Titian, one of the great Venetian painters, aged
    about 90.
    1660 - Published books of poet John Milton are burned in London
    because of his attacks on King Charles II.
    1758 - Russian troops withdraw after indecisive battle with Prussians
    at Zorndorf, Poland.
    1789 - French National Assembly adopts Declaration of the Rights of
    Man and of the Citizen, proclaiming that "men are born and remain
    free and equal in rights".
    1813 - French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte wins his last great battle
    at Dresden, Germany, against a larger Austrian, Prussian and Russian
    1828 - Uruguay is formally proclaimed independent at preliminary
    peace talks between Brazil and Argentina.
    1859 - Colonel Edwin L Drake creates the first productive oil well in
    the United States, in the state of Pennsylvania.
    1883 - The most powerful volcanic eruption ever recorded continues to
    blow apart Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Straits, Indonesia. Shock
    waves travel around the earth and tidal waves kill an estimated
    36,000 people.
    1890 - Perth GPO is officially opened.
    1891 - The first Brisbane wool sales are held.
    1900 - A devastating hurricane hits Galveston in Texas, killing more
    than 6000 people.
    1902 - Women are granted the vote in NSW.
    1916 - Romania declares war against Austria-Hungary, thus entering
    World War I. The country is soon occupied by German and Bulgarian
    1919 - Death of Louis Botha, South African Boer general, statesman
    and first prime minister of the Union, aged 56.
    1921 - British install Faisal, son of Sherif Hussein who led Arab
    revolt against Turks, as king of Iraq.
    1927 - American Bill Brock flies the Pride of Detroit over London on
    his way to completing the first-ever flight around the world.
    1928 - The Kellogg-Briand Pact or Pact of Paris is established by
    which countries vow to solve conflicts by peaceful means. It is
    eventually signed by most of the world's nations.
    1939 - Nazi Germany demands Danzig and the Polish corridor; German
    pilot Erich Warshitz flies the first jet plane, the Heinkel HE-178.
    1941 - In World War II, the Iranian government resigns just two days
    after British and Russian troops enter the country.
    1943 - Japanese forces evacuate New Georgia Island in the Pacific in
    World War II.
    1945 - US troops begin landing in Japan at end of World War II.
    1946 - France and Laos conclude an agreement establishing a kingdom
    under French domination.
    1948 - In a trial of alleged wartime Ustashi (pro-Axis) agents, 43
    persons are sentenced to death in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, for war crimes
    and violence against the Tito regime.
    1954 - The first men cross the Arctic Circle's Northwest Passage from
    the Atlantic to the Pacific.
    1958 - A nine-year state of siege in Colombia is lifted by decree of
    President Alberto Lleras Camargo.
    1962 - The United States launches the Mariner 2 space probe, which
    flies past Venus the following December.
    1966 - French President Charles de Gaulle arrives in Ethiopia from
    Somaliland, where his visit is marred by bloody rioting.
    1967 - Death of Brian Epstein, manager of the Beatles, in his London
    flat from an overdose of sleeping pills.
    1969 - Israeli commando force penetrates deep into Egyptian territory
    to stage mortar attack on regional army headquarters in Nile Valley
    of Upper Egypt.
    1971 - A coup attempt fails in African nation of Chad. The government
    accuses Egypt of playing role in the attempt and breaks diplomatic
    1972 - US jets bomb Haiphong, North Vietnam's major port.
    1975 - The governor of Portuguese Timor abandons the capital of Dili
    and flees to Atauro Island, leaving the control of Timor to rebel
    group FRETILIN; Haile Selassie, deposed emperor of Ethiopia, dies in
    exile aged 83.
    1979 - British war hero Lord Louis Mountbatten is killed off the
    coast of Ireland in a boat explosion; the Irish Republican Army
    claims responsibility.
    1982 - Turkish military diplomat Colonel Atilla Altikat is shot and
    killed in Ottawa. Justice Commandos against Armenian Genocide take
    responsibility, saying they were avenging the massacre of 1.5 million
    Armenians in 1915.
    1985 - Nigerian officers announce military coup, and say army chief
    of staff is asked to form new government.
    1986 - Twelve blacks are shot dead by police in Soweto township, and
    town councillor is hacked to death in worst riots in more than a year
    in South Africa.
    1987 - Hundreds of strikers battle riot police in at least two South
    Korean cities.
    1988 - Muslim guerrillas hold two Afghan provincial capitals and
    battle the regular communist army for two others.
    1990 - The five permanent members of the UN Security Council agree to
    a plan to end the 11-year-old Cambodian civil war. The plan would
    take effect only with the approval of the four warring factions;
    nearly 200 miners die in an explosion near Dobrnja in Yugoslavia's
    worst mine accident; US expels 36 out of 55 staff at Iraq's
    Washington embassy.
    1991 - During session of national legislature, Soviet President
    Mikhail Gorbachev appeals to 15 Soviet republics to at least preserve
    military and economic union; Moldova declares independence from the
    Soviet Union.
    1992 - US and British warplanes impose allied flight ban over
    southern Iraq.
    1993 - A dam at the Gouhou reservoir in the western Chinese province
    of Qinghai bursts, releasing torrents of water that kill hundreds of
    people and destroy several villages.
    1994 - Algeria closes its border with Morocco in an escalating
    dispute over the arrest of two Algerians accused of plotting to
    attack Moroccan banks, security forces and civilians.
    1995 - Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation sign an
    agreement turning over eight more governmental duties in the West
    Bank to Palestinians, ranging from delivering the mail to regulating
    1996 - Seven armed Iraqi hijackers surrender aboard a Sudanese
    airliner at London's Stansted Airport, ending a 16-hour drama that
    began on a flight from Sudan to Jordan.
    1997 - Israel lifts a 28-day blockade of Bethlehem imposed after
    suicide bombings by Islamic militants in Jerusalem; the first Iraqi
    minister to visit Syria in 17 years enters through the newly-opened
    border crossing at Tanef.
    1998 - Two suspects in the August 7 US Embassy bombing in Kenya are
    flown to New York City for arraignment on US charges; a bomb explodes
    in the heart of Tel Aviv wounding at least 18 people near the city's
    main synagogue in an apparent Arab militant attack.
    1999 - Venezuelan lawmakers break through crowds around the capitol
    building in Caracas trying to retake their chambers after a
    constitutional assembly order virtually shuts the institution down.
    2000 - Fire in Moscow spreads for 26 hours through a television tower
    that is the world's second-tallest freestanding structure, killing
    three people.
    2001 - Peru's Congress votes to lift the constitutional immunity of
    former President Alberto Fujimori, clearing the way for prosecutors
    to charge him with crimes against humanity; Israel kills Abu Ali
    Mustafa, the leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of
    Palestine, in a missile attack in the West Bank.
    2002 - A judge in Tokyo District Court issues a ruling acknowledging
    Japan engaged in biological warfare in China in World War II and
    conducted experiments on Chinese prisoners of war.
    2003 - A 2,400-kg granite monument engraved with the biblical Ten
    Commandments is removed from the rotunda of the Alabama Supreme Court
    building in Montgomery, one week after a federal judge's deadline for
    its removal had expired.
    2003 - Mars passes just 55.76 million km from Earth, making it the
    closest such encounter since the Stone Age.