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Bush's two-element strategy

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  • Bush's two-element strategy

    Agency WPS
    What the Papers Say. Part A (Russia)
    August 27, 2004, Friday


    SOURCE: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, August 26, 2004, p. 5

    by Alexei Bogaturov

    Four key circumstances define the international environment in which
    the United States is planning another round of reforms to the
    security structure of the Old World. Firstly, in light of Mideast
    events, American politicians have started tacitly acknowledging that
    there are some fundamental contradictions between the United States
    and the Arab-Muslim world, and they have become afraid of being
    dependent on the Arab-Muslim world. Secondly, US economic security
    priorities have required a partial shift in energy consumption
    towards deliveries from the depths of Eurasia: the Trans-Caspian
    region and Russia. Thirdly, Russia's influence over the global energy
    situation has increased; at the same time, Russia has moved to a more
    active foreign policy and defense policy. Fourthly, American views of
    real threats to US security are decreasing their focus on the
    possibility of conflicts in East-Central Europe.

    The Americans have realized the inadequacy of the "expanding
    democracy" strategy formulated back in 1993. That strategy is based
    on "new democracies" arising in place of the erstwhile socialist
    bloc: from Hungary and the Czech Republic in the west to Russia and
    Kazakhstan in the east. None of these "newly democratic" nations,
    save for Belarus, is opposing the West; almost all of them are saying
    they want a closer relationship with the West. All the same, the
    orientation towards the United States and the European Union is not
    absolute for all these countries - only for the Eastern European
    countries along the border of the former USSR, and the Baltic states.

    Ukraine is acting more cautiously. It periodically declares (as it
    recently did) that striving for friendship with the US and the EU is
    equally important for Kiev as the wish to cooperate with Russia.
    Although such avowals should not be believed without reservation,
    it's still good to see that Ukraine's leaders have enough common
    sense to moderate their pro-Western gestures to a reasonable level,
    given the importance of Ukraine's proximity to Russia and its degree
    of economic dependence on Russia. Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan
    are maneuvering in a similar way (though not as successfully as
    Ukraine). The nations of Central Asia are even more inclined to
    emphasize the diversity of their foreign policy orientations; they
    say that China is important for them, as well as Russia. Moscow
    itself also speaks of a multilateral foreign policy. Although
    relations with the US (and the EU) essentially play a determining
    role for Russia, there is no reason to underestimate the "China

    In theory, the countries of Central Asia have always had multilateral
    foreign policies. But while Russia was mired in its economic crisis
    and shaken by the threat of separatism everywhere (in the Yeltsin
    era), no one took the "Russia factor" seriously. Although everyone
    expected a "Russian revival," in principle, no one thought it would
    happen soon, nor that it would be due to oil - it's the oil factor
    that enables Russia to act on the advantages of its unique position
    as a "nuclear oil state."

    These shifts are taking place at an unfavorable time for the US
    administration: the war in Iraq isn't going well for the Americans,
    and in domestic politics the Democrats are trying to paint the Bush
    administration's actions in the murkiest possible tones. It would
    seem that this is no time for the American president to ponder global
    strategy prospects. That makes it all the more remarkable that he is
    thinking about them.

    The redeployment of American bases and troops abroad is the second
    stage (after the democratization of Eastern Europe, and NATO's
    eastward expansion) of a great reconstruction of the system of
    America's political-strategic presence in Eurasia.

    Moreover, an important new element has appeared in America's
    strategy. The strategy is ceasing to be anti-Russian in the
    traditional sense; it is losing its overt orientation against Russian
    interests. Over the past 15 years - despite all the confrontations,
    reciprocal grievances, and irritations - Russia and the United States
    have made so much progress towards building the foundations of
    partnership that the American elite has started to view relations
    with Moscow in in a context that's not so much about renewed
    confrontation as it's about opportunities for cooperation with Russia
    - even if this is on terms primarily favorable for Washington. The
    intention of the United States to firmly establish itself along the
    Ukraine-Georgia-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan belt does not seem
    like a simple act of squeezing Russia out of its traditional
    influence zone, but the first element in a sophisticated two-element
    strategy, with the second element being the conflict-free (though not
    problem-free) integration of Russia into the developing system of US
    interests in this part of the world.

    Both major parts of the American elite are inclined to pursue
    partnership with Moscow. This attitude is based on the intention to
    use the positional and other advantages of Russia to serve American
    interests in the region of Central Eurasia - which the United States
    has started to view as a key region for itself. Washington's actions
    combine pressure with invitations to cooperate: Anglo-Saxon
    "bargaining ethics." So we need to maintain our composure and be
    persistent in this bargaining process. And it seems to me that this
    is what Russian diplomats are preparing to do, regardless of who wins
    this November's election in the United States.

    Translated by Sergey Kolosov

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress