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American Jews and dual loyalty

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  • American Jews and dual loyalty

    Boston Globe, MA
    Aug 27 2004

    American Jews and dual loyalty
    By H.D.S. Greenway

    CONSERVATIVE WRITERS David Frum and Richard Perle, in their book "An
    End To Evil, How To Win The War On Terror," spend the better part of
    four pages confronting the charges that their agenda seems to many
    like a "Zionist cabal." They say that in interviews around the world
    this question always comes up -- "with beguiling directness" in the
    Far East, "with excruciating awkwardness among Germans," and with
    "elegant sinuosity" from the British. Is there among neoconservatives,
    many of whom are Jewish, a hidden motivation to make sure that
    American foreign policy is good for Israel? The authors find such
    suggestions insulting and anti-Semitic. But Tom Powers, in The New
    York Review of Books, suggested: Why not admit openly that of course
    the fate of Israel is much on their minds? "Anglophiles of yesteryear
    did not apologize for arguing that it was in America's best interest
    to come to the aid of Britain in 1940, and Polish Americans did not
    worry in silence about the fate of Lech Walesa. Complex loyalties are
    a big part of the American style."

    Powers has a point. "Bundles for Britain" drives were big in American
    East Coast cities in the early '40s, while some Irish-Americans --
    one remembers Colonel Robert McCormick's Chicago Tribune -- felt just
    as strongly that the British did not deserve our bundles. No one
    questions that Polish-Americans feel strongly about the old country,
    and none complain about Irish-Americans today involving themselves in
    the fate of Northern Ireland. Cuban-American passion for what happens
    on their island is legendary, and could dramatically affect yet
    another presidential election.

    Lawrence Lowenthal of the American Jewish Committee told me that for
    "decades and decades American Jews have been apprehensive about
    charges of dual loyalty. The Pollard case made us very nervous."
    Jonathan Pollard was an American Jew caught spying for Israel and is
    now serving a life sentence. "Pollard stepped over the line,"
    Lowenthal said, but then so did Americans who ran guns for Irish
    Republican Army.

    When his family first came to America from Europe, Lowenthal said,
    they wanted to put their past behind them. "Good riddance." But all
    that has changed; today's Americans are no longer ashamed of ethnic
    ties. Many Mexican-Americans are insisting on keeping their language
    and culture. French-Canadians in the United States who once turned
    their back on their French heritage are picking it up again.

    Greek-Americans have a strong political lobby, so do Armenians,
    although neither is as powerful as the pro-Israel lobby. The
    congressional black caucus made its influence felt in sending the
    Marines to Haiti in 1994, and black-Americans had a role in the
    anti-apartheid cause in South Africa.

    Duel citizenship is on the rise. Israel allows anyone Jewish to
    become an Israeli. Ireland allows anyone who can prove he has an
    Irish grandparent to apply for Irish citizenship, and "we certainly
    experienced an enormous increase in applications over the last 10
    years or so, " says Isolde Moylan, the Irish consul in Boston.

    In Perle's case, much has been made of a paper that he and others,
    including the Pentagon's Douglas Feith, wrote some years ago for
    Israel's right-wing politician, Benjamin Netanyahu, calling for a
    "New Strategy For Securing The Realm." Their advice included getting
    the United States to overthrow Saddam Hussein as well as other moves
    in the Middle East to increase Israel's strategic position. But
    Americans have written constitutions for foreign countries, soldiered
    in foreign armies, and even served in foreign governments. Americans
    who identify with a foreign country are not, and should not, be held
    suspect. There is nothing un-American about wanting to link this
    country's foreign policy to that of Israel. Nor is it anti-Semitic to

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress