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Kurd relations require deft touch

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  • Kurd relations require deft touch

    Taipei Times, Taiwan
    Aug 28 2004

    Kurd relations require deft touch

    By Fang Tien-sze ¤è¤Ñ½ç

    `Taiwan should carefully assess both international and internal
    Kurdish factors before offering unequivocal support for a Kurdish

    During his recent visit to Taiwan, Prime Minister Nechervan Idris
    Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government was received by high
    government officials. Because they were the first officials from Iraq
    to visit Taiwan since the establishment of the Iraqi interim
    government, the delegation was the focus of much attention.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Mark Chen (³¯ - ð¤s) revealed that Barzani
    during his visit exchanged ideas with Taiwanese officials regarding
    the founding of a state belonging to the Kurdish people, and he also
    wanted to exchange representative offices. Based on the principle of
    creating a wide range of friendly relationships, we should seize on
    this opportunity for exchange and further strengthen the relationship
    between Taiwan and Kurdistan.

    Due to the complexity of the question of independence for the Kurdish
    people, however, Taiwan should carefully assess both international
    and internal Kurdish factors before offering unequivocal support for
    a Kurdish state and deciding whether or not to exchange
    representative offices.

    The Kurdish people have long hoped to be able to establish their own
    state, but opposition from various countries together with Kurdish
    disunity have made the road toward nationhood an arduous one. Armed
    intervention by the US and UK was the main reason why Iraqi Kurds
    could enjoy autonomy following the 1991 Gulf War.

    In order to protect the Kurds and weaken the power of Saddam Hussein,
    the US, UK and France in April 1991 created a no-fly zone in Iraq
    above the 36th parallel, forbidding Iraqi aircraft to enter the zone.
    A US-led multinational force patrolled the area and enforced the
    regulations so Saddam could not take military action against Kurds in
    the northern part of the country. Thus they could establish an
    autonomous regional government, of which Barzani is the incumbent
    prime minister.

    It should be noticed that the Kurdish area in Iraq remains split. The
    Kurd Democratic Party led by Massoud Barzani and the Patriotic Union
    of Kurdistan (PUK) led by Jalal Talabani are the two main forces
    among Iraq's Kurds. The two parties formed a joint government in
    1992, but the power distribution issue gradually led to a dispute
    that exploded into a full-blown civil war in 1994. In an attempt to
    defeat the PUK, the Kurd Democratic Party requested the help of
    Saddam's troops in 1996. The two parties set up separate governments,
    both claiming control over the whole Kurdish area in northern Iraq.
    British and US mediation resulted in the two parties signing a
    cease-fire agreement, but to this day the two parts of the Kurdish
    area remain separately ruled.

    The internal Kurdish split has always been one of the factors
    impeding the formation of a Kurdish state. Kurds in different areas
    often rule themselves, and some of the leaders of important
    organizations do not get along with each other. Some countries are
    using these weak points to further weaken the Kurdish people. During
    the Iran-Iraq war, both countries made use of Kurds in the opponent's
    country, and Turkey has used Iraqi Kurds to fight Kurds in Turkey.
    The Iraqi general elections planned for March next year will be key
    to answering the question of whether a peaceful solution to the split
    in the Kurdish area will be possible.

    Nechervan Idris Barzani, the prime minister of the Kurdistan Regional
    Government, is a member of the Kurd Democratic Party. But because the
    Kurd Democratic Party and the PUK are equally strong, it is difficult
    to predict the outcome of the elections. When expressing its support
    for the Kurdish people, Taiwan should avoid giving the impression
    that we as outsiders are choosing sides.

    In addition to the unpredictability of internal factors, we must also
    consider the attitudes of other countries concerning the Kurdish
    issue. Apart from Iraq, the Kurdish people are distributed over
    Turkey, Iran, Syria and Armenia. None of these countries want
    independence for Iraq's Kurds lest Kurds in their own country emulate
    them, creating an independence domino effect. During the war between
    the US and Iraq, Turkey was concerned that the Kurds in Iraq would
    declare independence, and therefore threatened military intervention.
    Unless these countries change their policies, they will continue to
    block the formation of an independent Kurdish state in Iraq.

    Although the US has assisted the Kurds in obtaining autonomy, its
    main goal has been to restrain Saddam, not to support the formation
    of an independent Kurdish state. The CIA has intervened in the
    Kurdish civil war by supporting attacks by the PUK on the Kurd
    Democratic Party. With Saddam now gone, the Kurdish people's
    strategic importance to the US is dwindling, and the US is unwilling
    to offend main Iraqi ethnic groups or Turkey over the Kurdistan

    These internal and international factors make it unlikely that Iraq's
    Kurds will be able to establish an independent state in the short
    term. Iraq's Kurdish leaders also recognize these limitations. If
    Iraq establishes a federal system of government offering the Kurds
    some autonomous powers, the Kurds would be willing to compromise and
    refrain from seeking independence from Iraq.

    Given this situation, there is no need for Taiwan to take a position
    on the question of an independent Kurdish state. The Kurdistan
    Regional Government's suggestion that Taiwan and Kurdistan exchange
    permanent representative offices would strengthen mutual exchanges
    between Kurdistan and Taiwan. Taiwan must, however, give cautious
    consideration to the reaction of Turkey and other concerned states.
    If such an exchange does not win the understanding of these states,
    Taiwan's losses would outweigh its gains. The visit by the delegation
    from the Kurdistan Regional Government is encouraging from a
    diplomatic perspective, but we shouldn't be too eager, and should
    instead cautiously assess the situation in order to maximize gains.

    Fang Tien-sze is an assistant research fellow at the Cross-Strait
    Interflow Prospect Foundation.

    Translated by Perry Svensson