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A Definition Crisis: Terror Or Resistance

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  • A Definition Crisis: Terror Or Resistance

    A Definition Crisis: Terror Or Resistance

    By Ali Al-Hail

    December 3, 2004

    In their statements American officials and to some extent European
    Union representatives give the impression that they are fanatically
    preoccupied with the concept of `terrorists' when referring to
    Palestinians who get brutally massacred in Gaza almost every day by

    Though amongst them infants, adolescents and children in general,
    those governmental agents don't seem to make a distinction between an
    innocent child or an infant and an adult as long as they all are
    Palestinians, persisting on liberating their land and refusing to go

    This is sufficiently enough to make those agents lumping all sections
    of Palestinians together. How dare these people have the
    `luxury' of such a `wishful thinking'?!

    A week or even a day doesn't pass over without Israel firing missiles
    from American-made Apache helicopters on people in Gaza or without
    demolishing homes here or there in the Palestinian lands
    or... or... etc.

    >From the representatives' point of view that is `all acts of
    self defense' and `they (Israeli soldiers) have to react' as
    Fulbright used to say. Reacting against whom? A group of children
    throwing `not grenades' but stones on tanks and solidly-armed
    soldiers occupying their land since 1967, which is the oldest ever
    occupation on earth?

    And reacting how? By firing live ammunitions and intimidating children
    (with every right on earth to resist occupation) with tanks? Isn't
    that view of those politicians at least, sounds odd and incongruous?
    How on earth can some one defending herhis land be portrayed as

    And by whom? By people who are supposed to represent `constitutions'
    of `the civilized and modern world' in which `Resisting the occupying
    forces and Liberating the land' is embedded with triumph and
    jubilation. The view of those politicians is emphatically and
    definitely inconsistent and paradoxical. Ifthe Palestinians had not
    consistently, pursued their cause since the Israeli occupation of
    Palestine in 1947, The Palestinian cause would have been faced the
    same fate the Armenian cause had.

    By this understanding held by those politicians, Israel has the right
    to remain in Palestinian and other Arab lands.

    Neither is any body amongst the new allies against `terror'has
    the guts to categorize Israel's massacres as `acts of terror'
    (up to this minute, Israel killed approximately, 3000 Palestinian
    infants, adolescents and children asa whole, about 5000 children,
    adolescents and infants casualties, up to 400 children and adolescents
    in jail, plus 12,000 murdered adults including women and about 8000
    men and women in prison since September 28, 2000), nor are the
    Generals in Israel who give the orders with cold nerves to carry out
    the massacres described as `terrorists'. What a wonderful New
    World Order we have been subjected to?!!!

    Having said that however, I am still, (despite the definition crisis
    on what is terror and what is resistance) adamant that the USA in
    particular and the EU in general have the potential and the capability
    to become the impartialand fair leader of a free world--not the killer
    of other nations. Either directly as it is the case in Afghanistan and
    Iraq or indirectly as it is the daily case in Gaza and West Bank.

    Professor Ali Al-Hail

    Professor of Mass Communications

    Board Member of AUSACE, Member of ASC, IABD, IMDA, AEJMC, BEA, NEBAA

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress