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Karabakh ex-defence chief offers Azerbaijan dialogue

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  • Karabakh ex-defence chief offers Azerbaijan dialogue

    Karabakh ex-defence chief offers Azerbaijan dialogue

    3 Dec 04


    The former commander of the defence army of [Azerbaijan's breakaway]
    Nagornyy Karabakh Republic, Lt-Gen Samvel Babayan, who has been
    released from custody before the expiry of his prison term, does not
    link his premature release to the process of a peaceful solution to
    the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict.

    In an interview with Iravunk newspaper, he said that his release has
    nothing to do either with the settlement or with any other political
    issue. Nobody negotiated with him in this regard and no agreement was

    "Nevertheless, I don't think that the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict will
    be resolved soon," Babayan said. He did not agree with the term
    "Nagornyy Karabakh conflict", calling it an all-Armenian problem. The
    resolution of the problem is being dealt with through negotiations,
    "on which I would not elaborate".

    It is necessary to search for new ways of solving the conflict. The
    general said the dialogue between Baku and Stepanakert is
    appropriate. The obstacle to the negotiations is the very fact that
    official Stepanakert is not involved in them, Babayan stressed.