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Progressive Party Worried About an "Elite Revolution" in Armenia

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  • Progressive Party Worried About an "Elite Revolution" in Armenia


    YEREVAN, December 4 (Noyan Tapan). "It is quite obvious that the arrow
    of the "elite revolution" is aimed at Armenia," chairman of the
    Progressive Party of Armenia Tigran Urikhanian stated at the December
    4 meeting with reporters at the Azdak club. According to his
    definition, "elite revolutions" based on the support from outside have
    very dangerous consequences for the people masses, although he did not
    specify what consequences. Tigran Urikhanian noted that during the
    last decade many such revolutions have happened in the world, of which
    the most recent one is that in Ukraine. He said all these revolutions
    have the same scenario writer and film director. Immediately before
    these events some statements about "homosexuals" among those in power
    appear, sects like "Jehova's Witnesses" become active, fight with
    corruption at higher education institutions is highlighted, etc:
    "After all this the people is presented either with roses or with
    oranges." Tigran Urikhanian expressed concern about the possibility of
    implementing in Armenia a scenario similar to those in Georgia and
    Ukraine. According to him, it is necessary to be prepared for
    artificial tendencies capable of bringing the masses to the streets.

    In this connection he appreciated the amendments in the Law on
    Parties, which envisage enlargement of the parties. In addition,
    according to Urikhanian, political forces blocs in principle being
    formed now may also play a great role. "The time for national
    consolidation has come, so work must be done in the marzes. Some
    50-100 thousand people, who can explain the true nature of the
    developments related to the elite revolution, must be on call," the
    PPA leader stated. Asked by NT correspondent how Armenia can
    counteract such a "elite revolution" when much more powerful countries
    failed to do so, Tigran Yrikhanian said: "Armenia is the center of the
    intersection of many geopolitical interests and if the existing
    contradictions are cleverly used, it will be possible to avoid these
    artificial tendencies."