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Armenians of Egypt Book Presentation at Glendale Public Library

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  • Armenians of Egypt Book Presentation at Glendale Public Library

    AGBU Hye Geen Organization
    2048 Erin Way
    Glendale , CA 91206
    Contact: Sona Yacoubian
    Tel: (818)790-3023
    E-mail: [email protected]

    The launching of Sona Zeitlian's newest publication "Contribution of
    Armenians to the History of Medieval and Modern Egypt" took place on 1
    December 2004 at the Glendale Central Public Library. The event was
    sponsored by Tekeyan Cultural Association and AGBU "Hye Geen".

    The presentation of this unique study was made by Parsegh Kartalian, a
    well known community leader. To begin with, he stressed that in the
    history of the widespread Armenian diasporas, Egypt maintained a
    prominent place until the middle of 20th century. In the medieval
    period, he dwelt on the Armenian Veziers of 11th and 12th centuries
    and their contribution to Egypt's military, political and cultural
    evolution. Summing up the legacy of this period, he mentioned the
    establishment of the Armenian see that still functions today and the
    contributions of Armenian architects and artisans whose works have
    left an indelible mark on the evolution of muslim architecture.

    He then focused on Modern Egypt, where Armenian statesmen have
    contributed to the country's politico-economic, legal and educational
    evolution. In an atmosphere of religious tolerance and national
    cohesion, such prominent figures as Boghos Bey Yusufian, Nubar Pasha
    Nubarian, Dikran Pasha D'Abro, Ya'cub Artin Pasha Tcherakian, Boghos
    Nubar Pasha Nubarian and many others have laid the foundations of the
    state apparatus, public education, public transportation and the legal
    framework based on secular principles. The speaker made an in depth
    analysis of the contributions of these leading Armenian statesmen who
    have also been pillars of their own community.

    Then Sona Yacubian, president of AGBU "Hye Geen" introduced the
    author, Sona Zeitlian. In her address, the author focused on the
    pan-Armenian conception of Egypt's Armenian community and the key role
    it played in cementing diasporan relations and constant exchanges with
    the Homeland. In fact, the community used its economic and
    organizational clout as well as church unity to serve fellow Armenians
    at a time of national crisis. The pan-Armenian conception was at the
    heart of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) established in
    Egypt in 1906. For almost a century this world wide organization has
    adapted to serve the nation's changing needs.

    Sona Zeitlian's work was highly appreciated by an enthusiastic
    audience, mindful of the fact that the diasporan narrative was linked
    with the enfolding Armenian history.

    Sona Zeitlian's book is available from HSZ Publications at
    [email protected]

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress