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Sentence of Armenian pilots in Equatorial Guinea "absurd", envoy say

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  • Sentence of Armenian pilots in Equatorial Guinea "absurd", envoy say

    Sentence of Armenian pilots in Equatorial Guinea "absurd", envoy says

    Noyan Tapan news agency
    6 Dec 04

    Yerevan, 6 December: The written verdict of a court in Equatorial
    Guinea as regards Armenian pilots is absurd, Ambassador Sergey
    Minasaryan [who headed the Armenian delegation during visits to
    Malabo], who has returned from this country, has told journalists. The
    court verdict said the Armenian pilots had performed unauthorized
    flights, while the ambassador believes that every flight even in an
    African country is registered by the computer.

    Ambassador Minasaryan said everything had been done to reach "common
    ground" with the authorities in Equatorial Guinea, including a request
    by the Armenian president to his counterpart to hand over the Armenian
    pilots. Another address was made by Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin
    II, but no reply followed. The Armenian president has recently sent
    his second appeal, together with a draft agreement on extradition.

    The ambassador believes that the verdict caught everyone off guard
    because while the prosecutor had asked for 86 years' imprisonment for
    one of the local residents, the court sentenced him only to 13 months
    in prison. At the same time, the sentences of the Armenian pilots
    are too harsh: the captain of the crew was sentenced to 24 years,
    while the rest of the crew got 14 years and different penalties.

    Sergey Minasaryan added that on the day following the verdict he
    was allowed to meet the Armenian pilots. He said they were in a
    bad psychological condition because they were still in handcuffs
    and shackles.

    The diplomat assured journalists that more efforts would be taken,
    that work was progressing in all directions, "but we have to keep in
    mind the specificity of the country in question".

    The Armenian side has already appealed to the Supreme Court of
    Equatorial Guinea, but if its verdict is also negative, Armenia will
    apply to international institutions.

    [Six Armenian pilots have been convicted for attempting to stage a
    coup d'etat in Equatorial Guinea.]