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On this day - 12/07 - Earthquake in Armenia

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  • On this day - 12/07 - Earthquake in Armenia

    Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia
    Advertiser, Australia
    The Mercury, Australia
    Dec 7 2004

    On this day: 07dec04

    1988 – Huge earthquake in Soviet Armenia claims at least 25,000

    1815 – France's Marshal Ney is shot after a treason trial for aiding
    Napoleon Bonaparte at Waterloo.
    1841 – Edward John Eyre arrives in Albany, Western Australia, after
    first crossing of the Nullarbor Plain.
    1858 – French and Spanish announce blockade of Cochin, China.
    1889 – Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera The Gondoliers premieres in
    1895 – Ethiopians defeat Italians at Ambia Alagi, Abyssinia.
    1901 – England and Italy agree on settling Sudan frontier.
    1907 – Commonwealth and South Australia agree on the transfer of
    Northern Territory to the Commonwealth.
    1921 – Austria and United States resume diplomatic relations.
    1922 – Northern Ireland votes for nonalignment in Irish Free State.
    1940 – The British attack larger Italian forces in Libya by surprise,
    capturing 40,000 prisoners in three days.
    1941 – Japanese planes attack the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor,
    Hawaii, destroying many aircraft and ships and precipitating the US
    declaration of war on Japan.
    1949 – Nationalist government of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek,
    fleeing the Communist takeover of mainland China, establishes its
    seat of government in Taiwan.
    1952 – Riots break out in French Morocco.
    1953 – David Ben-Gurion resigns as premier of Israel.
    1965 – Pope Paul VI and ecumenical patriarch Athenagoras I of
    Istanbul abolish the mutual excommunications of 1054 that split
    Christianity into Catholic and Orthodox.
    1970 – East Pakistan-based Awami League wins a majority government in
    Pakistan's general elections. In response, President Agha Mohammed
    Yahya Khan suspends the government, triggering widespread rioting in
    East Pakistan, now Bangladesh. Deep divisions between East and West
    Pakistan lead to civil war.
    1971 – Unmanned Soviet space capsule sends back radio and television
    signals from planet Mars.
    1972 – Imelda Marcos, wife of Philippines' President Ferdinand
    Marcos, is slashed during public ceremony in Manila by man who is
    killed at the scene.
    1974 – Archbishop Makarios returns to Cyprus after five months in
    exile, and says he will pardon those who plotted his overthrow.
    1975 – Indonesia invades East Timor.
    1988 – Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, at United Nations,
    announces unilateral reduction of his country's troops, tanks, combat
    aircraft and artillery; Huge earthquake in Soviet Armenia claims at
    least 25,000 lives.
    1989 – Republic of Lithuania abolishes constitutional guarantee of
    communist supremacy and legalises multiparty system.
    1990 – GATT talks among 107 nations are suspended after failure to
    end impasse between US and EC over reductions in farm subsidies.
    1992 – The Indian Government announces a ban on fundamentalist groups
    after more than 200 Muslim and Hindus are killed and a Muslim shrine
    in Ayodhya is demolished.
    1993 – Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet-Boigny, Africa's
    longest-serving ruler, dies.
    1994 – PLO chairman Yasser Arafat pledges to protect Israelis from
    militant Islamic terrorists and insists that all Palestinians on the
    West Bank and in Gaza respect his authority as "the law."
    1994 – President Sam Nujoma's ruling South-West Africa People's
    Organisation wins more than two-thirds of the vote in Namibian
    national elections.
    1995 – Australian Federal Court finds Aboriginal Affairs Minister
    Robert Tickner failed to follow due process in placing a 25-year ban
    on the Hindmarsh Island Bridge.
    1995 – A probe from the Galileo spacecraft enters the gases of
    Jupiter's atmosphere and sends back 75 minutes of data before it
    1996 – After nearly 18 days aloft, Columbia and its astronauts return
    to Earth, ending the longest space shuttle flight ever.
    1997 – One Austrian and two American skydivers are killed when their
    parachutes fail to open over the South Pole.
    1998 – President Boris Yeltsin rouses himself from his sickbed for
    three hours, fires several of his top aides and then returns to a
    Kremlin hospital where he is recuperating from pneumonia.
    1999 – A teenage student apparently bent on revenge opens fire inside
    a high school in the Netherlands, wounding a teacher and four
    students in the first school shooting in Dutch history.
    2000 – Activists protesting near a European Union summit in Nice,
    France, set fire to a bank and attack fire services when they arrive
    to put out the blaze. Many arriving leaders wipe tears from their
    eyes after officials sprayed tear gas at protesters.
    2001 – A consortium of philanthropic foundations announces an
    initiative to provide treatment for an estimated 2.5 million pregnant
    women infected with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa.
    2001 – Americans hold services on the 60th anniversary of the Pearl
    Harbor attack.
    2002 – Iraq turns over to United Nations weapons inspectors a
    document detailing its weapons of mass destruction programs and
    industries with military applications, as required by a November UN
    Security Council resolution.
    2002 – Miss Turkey, Azra Akin, wins the Miss World competition
    relocated to London from Nigeria. This followed the death of more
    than 200 people in violence between Nigerian Christians and Muslims,
    sparked by a newspaper article viewed by many Muslims as blasphemous.

    2003 – Commonwealth leaders uphold their 18-month suspension of
    Zimbabwe after tense debate that threatens to split Western and
    developing-world members – and Zimbabwe, snubbed, withdraws from the
    bloc of Britain and its former colonies. Commonwealth heads of state
    declare Mugabe's outcast status would stand until he made demanded
    human rights and democratic reforms in his increasingly troubled
    southern African nation.
